jQuery: loading css on demand + callback if done


Solution 1

How to load multiple CSS files with callback as requested
Note: ithout xdomain permissions, $.get will only load local files

Note that the text "all css loaded" appears after loading but before the CSS is applied. Perhaps another workaround is required to overcome that.

    getManyCss: function(urls, callback, nocache){
        if (typeof nocache=='undefined') nocache=false; // default don't refresh
            $.map(urls, function(url){
                if (nocache) url += '?_ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // refresh? 
                return $.get(url, function(){                    
                    $('<link>', {rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url}).appendTo('head');                    
            if (typeof callback=='function') callback();


var cssfiles=['https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch/4.3.1/cerulean/bootstrap.min.css'];

$.getManyCss(cssfiles, function(){
    // do something, e.g.
    console.log('all css loaded');

to force refresh the css files add true

$.getManyCss(cssfiles, function(){
    // do something, e.g.
    console.log('all css loaded');
}, true);

Solution 2

The answer given by @Popnoodles is not correct because the callback is not executed after all items have been loaded, but rather when the $.each loop is finished. The reason is, that $.each operation does not return a Deferred object (which is expected by $.when).

Here is a corrected example:

    getCss: function(urls, callback, nocache){
        if (typeof nocache=='undefined') nocache=false; // default don't refresh
            $.map(urls, function(url){
                if (nocache) url += '?_ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // refresh? 
                return $.get(url, function(){                    
                    $('<link>', {rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url}).appendTo('head');                    
            if (typeof callback=='function') callback();

Solution 3

Here is how I would load it:

$(document).ready( function() {
    var css = jQuery("<link>");
      rel:  "stylesheet",
      type: "text/css",
      href: "path/to/file/style.css"

Solution 4

The solution can be improved a bit I think... First of all, when you use this lines of code:

$.get(url, function(){                    
    $('<link>', {rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url}).appendTo('head');

You're really making 2 calls to retrieve the css: first in the $.get itself and a second time when you append the <link> into the head. Removing the $.get will also retrieve the css, but just once:

$('<link>', {rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url}).appendTo('head');

But if you need to do more things (eg. loading a script file) while retrieving these css' before calling the callback function I think a better approach for this would be using promises instead of the when...then solution. You could do something like this:

var requests = []; //array which will contain every request we want to do before calling the callback function

$.map(urls, function(url) { //urls is the array of css files we want to load
    var defer = $.Deferred();

    //we add the deferred object to the requests array

    var cssEl = $('<link>', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', 'href': url });
    cssEl.appendTo('head').on("load", function() {

var anotherRequest = $.ajax({...}); //eg. a script file

$.when.apply($, requests).done(function() {
    // callback when all requests are done

This way, if some of the css takes some time to load, the callback function won't be executed until all of them are retrieved.

Solution 5

You are trying to achieve lazy loading of your resources. There are different plug ins to handle this kind of behavior.

I've can name this two:

Two snippets from the plugins page to show it's use:

Jquery Plugins

$.plugins({ path: '/scripts/', plugins: [        
    { id:'box', js:'box.js', css:'box/styles.css', sel:'a[rel*=box]', ext:'box', fn:'box' },        


Lazy with dependencies:


// And then you use you plugins as you always do
Author by


Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Fuxi
    Fuxi almost 2 years

    I want to load CSS files on demand (by eg. running an XML HTTP request which returns the CSS files to be loaded) for example style1.css, style2.css ..

    So is there a way in jQuery (or a plugin) to this?

    • bulk-loading several files + adding all those CSS-files into the dom
    • when finished loading: firing a callback (like alerting "all stylesheets are finished loaded!");

    the idea is: loading html via xmlhttp, loading +adding required css-files, then - after anything is finished, display that html.

    any idea?
