jquery nested .each


Instead of using the value of this pass in the value from .each(index, value)

$(".globalTabs").each(function(index, value){
    var $globalTabs = $(value);
    var parent = $globalTabs.parent('form');

    //initiate jQuery UI tabs

    var ATBwidth = $globalTabs.parent().outerWidth();
    var tabsWidth = 0;

    //get total width of all li/tabs
    $(".globalTabs .ui-tabs-nav li").each(function(index, secondValue) {
     tabsWidth += $(secondValue).outerWidth();

    if(tabsWidth >= ATBwidth){
       //doing something here

Author by


Accessibility Engineer jQuery printThis author Tech giant, literally figurative

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Jason
    Jason almost 2 years
        var $globalTabs = $(this);
        var parent = $globalTabs.parent('form');
        //initiate jQuery UI tabs
        var ATBwidth = $globalTabs.parent().outerWidth();
        var tabsWidth = 0;
        //get total width of all li/tabs
        $(".globalTabs .ui-tabs-nav li").each(function() {
         tabsWidth += $(this).outerWidth();
        if(tabsWidth >= ATBwidth){
           //doing something here

    which is breaking due to the nested .each - is there a simple way around this issue?

    breaking = functionality after the second loop, which refers to $globalTabs is no longer triggering, because it is undefined.

    Stupid mistake:

    After the second loop, in this section I was referring to the selector twice.

    So, with $(".globalTabs").each(function(){ this of course won't work: $globalTabs.find(".globalTabs .ui-tabs-nav li").hide();

    Had nothing to do with the loops.

    Thanks everyone for your help.