Using .each() to loop through checked checkboxes and .append data


Solution 1

You are using $balance after the loop, that's why you are only getting the last value.

To use the value directly in the event handler, you would have to create a separate event handler for each checkbox inside the loop. Instead you can put the balance value in the data for the checkbox:

<input type='checkbox' name='' value='" .$x. "' data-balance='" .$balance. "' />

Then you can use it in the event handler:

value: $(this).data('balance')

Side note: Right now you only have code for adding inputs, so if someone checks something and then unchecks it, the input is still there.

Solution 2

To select all checked checkboxes you can do:

  $('#booking-list input:checkbox:checked').each(function(){
      $(this).doSomething();//this is the checked checkbox

Solution 3

I think maybe it's because you're reusing the id for the input. Have you tried putting the id of the input as the $cust_id?

syntax of each below:

$('selector').each(function (index, currentObject) {
   // index starts with 0
Chris J
Author by

Chris J

I work at helping charities, NGOs and third sector groups make their mark on the web. Having got the gist of PHP, I'm discovering the delights of MODX and Laravel as well as trying to branch out into other languages.

Updated on January 09, 2020


  • Chris J
    Chris J over 4 years

    I have a series of rows in a table each with different values (prices) and each row has a checkbox. This table is generated through a PHP loop.

    echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='10' id='booking-list'><tr>";
    echo "<th>Booking ID</th><th>Customer ID</th><th>Start Date</th><th>Course Name</th><th>Amount Due</th><th>Date Payment Due</th><th>Add to basket</th></tr>";
    $x = 0; 
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        $balance = $row['price'] - $row['deposit'];
        echo "<td>" .$row['booking_id']. "</td><td>" .$cust_id. "</td><td>" .$row['start_date']. "</td><td>" .$row['name']. "</td><td>" .$balance. "</td><td>" .$row['balance_due_date']. "</td><td><input type='checkbox' name='' value='" .$x. "' /></td></tr>";
    echo "</tr><table>";

    For every check box that is checked, I'd like to add (.append) the specific value ($balance) to a form input field. The appending part seems to be working but I'm not sure how to loop through each checked checkbox in jQuery to grab the value I need.

        $('#booking-list input:checkbox').change(
                if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
            $('<input />').attr({
                    type: 'text',
                id: 'foo',
                name: 'bar',
            value: '<?php echo $balance; ?>'
            }).appendTo('#paypal-form form').text($(this).val());              
                } else {
                    $('#paypal-form input:contains('+$(this).val()+')').remove();

    Right now, I can only get the last $balance value generated.
