jQuery - Set the selected option of a select box using value or text with options nested in optgroups


Solution 1

Solved. Since I already had my element passed to a function as a jQuery variable, $element, I couldn't just use the standard selector in the form of:

$("#state option").filter(
  // filter function
).prop('selected', true);

After a lot of trying, I got this and it works:

function functionIHadToChange($element, value) {
  // other code
      return ( ($(this).val() == value) || ($(this).text() == value) )
    }).prop('selected', true);

Solution 2

If you want to select by the option value, use the value selector:

var myText = "AZ";
$('#state option[value="' + myText + '"]').prop('selected', true);

If you want to search by the option's label, use a filter:

var myText = "Arizona";
$('#state option').filter(function () { return $(this).html() == myText; }).prop('selected', true)

Solution 3

I am not sure I understood completely your question but I am attempting to answer it in this fiddle

The trick being that you can select it by setting the value of the select box directly

$("#state").val( a_value );

Solution 4

You can set it by $("#select_id").prop("selectedIndex", 3); // Select index starts from zero.

Read here for example this.

Solution 5

$element = $('select#state');
$options = $element.find('option');
$wanted_element = $options.filter(function () {
  return $(this).val() == "Alabama" || $(this).text() == "Alabama"
$wanted_element.prop('selected', true);

Would be one way to do it.

But i would guess, without knowing the exact internas of the .find() method, in the end jQuery will use at least two loops itself to perform this...

Author by


Updated on November 16, 2020


  • climbak
    climbak over 3 years

    So I am writing an app that requires an address input and I have a select element for the user to select the state/province. It needs to support the US and Canada so it has nested optgroups to separate those out and a single, first level option as it's default value. Here is a basic example:

    <select name="state" id="state">
      <option class="co" value="" data-placeholder="true" disabled selected>Choose your state...</option>
      <optgroup label="United States">
        <option class="co" value="AL">Alabama</option>
        <option class="co" value="AK">Alaska</option>
        <option class="co" value="AZ">Arizona</option>
      <optgroup label="Canada">
        <option class="co" value="AB">Alberta</option>
        <option class="co" value="BC">British Columbia</option>
        <option class="co" value="MB">Manitoba</option>

    Now I need to programmatically select the option that matches input from an external source and I want to check for a match based on both the value of the option element or its text. Whichever option is a match would then be set as the selected option. I know you can set the selected option by value using


    and I know you can set an option based on text in this way

    var myText = "The state I want.";
    $("#state").children().filter(function() {
      return $(this).text() == myText;
    }).prop('selected', true);

    Is there a clean way to do this without having to run through each child and checking if it's an optgroup and then running through all its children to check for a match? Is there an easy way through jQuery to combine the value and text methods of setting the selected option?

    One other complication, I am going to be doing this within an external jQuery plugin. Within the function I need to modify I have the select element as a variable


    so I need a way to do it kind of like this if possible:

    $element.descendents(":option").filter(function() {
      //do the selecting here
    }).prop('selected', true);