jquery ui resizable left-bottom handle to resize


Solution 1

You should use the handles

supported: { n, e, s, w, ne, se, sw, nw }. 

This will create the Handles on the side you specified. Default values are

'e, s, se'

Code examples

Initialize a resizable with the handles option specified.

$( ".selector" ).resizable({ handles: 'n, e, s, w' });

Get or set the handles option, after init.

var handles = $( ".selector" ).resizable( "option", "handles" );
$( ".selector" ).resizable( "option", "handles", 'n, e, s, w' );

Solution 2

Additional to Ahmed's answer: jQueryUI doesn't include a icon for the sw-handle and also doesn't apply a icon-class for the sw-handle. You may use some CSS to add an icon:

#resizable .ui-resizable-sw{background:url(path/to/custom_icon.gif) no-repeat;}

Solution 3

To do re-sizing from all sides following code can also be used

     var resizeOpts = { 
      handles: "all" ,autoHide:true
$( ".selector" ).resizable(resizeOpts);

and autoHide equal true means that grip icon will automatically hide when mouse pointer is taken away from dom object.

Solution 4

I was looking for this SW solution. What i had to do to make it work is add the ui-icon classes to the created div just after the call to resizable().

$( "#wproof" ).resizable({handles: "w, sw, s"});
$('.ui-resizable-sw').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-sw');

Then define the icon by taking it in images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png It is a small 9X9 area at the bottom. Make a .png file of it ( with a rotation ! ) and add the style to the given class :

.ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-sw { 
    background-image: url(your 9x9 icon.png); }
.ui-resizable-sw {
    bottom: 1px;
    left: 1px;

The bottom and left are set at -5px in jquery-ui css

Imran Naqvi
Author by

Imran Naqvi

SPA, Backbone.JS &amp; Angular.JS. Want to know inner workings of MVC Frameworks and Web Browsers. I realized after using jQuery that i need to learn JavaScript basics once and for all. Love Arduino and XBCDRC. Curious about Cosmic Holes (Black Holes, While Holes and Worm Holes). TED. Spartacus, Game of Thrones, Prison Break, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Vikings.

Updated on July 15, 2020


  • Imran Naqvi
    Imran Naqvi almost 4 years

    I am using jquery-ui-resizable plugin in my project.

    By default when you make a DOM Object jquery-ui-resizable the resizable handle will appear on right-bottom corner, I need the re-sizable handle on left-bottom corner.

    --- EDIT ---

    One more thing, it should not be re-sizable using right border but should be re-sizable using left border.

    enter image description here

  • Imran Naqvi
    Imran Naqvi almost 13 years
    +1, Thanks @Ahmed for your reply, i think it will work. Please let me try.
  • Dan Robinson
    Dan Robinson over 3 years
    Just a heads-up for future visitors: This answer is correct in terms of adding a FUNCTIONAL handle, but it will not create a VISIBLE handle like the one in the OP’s screenshot. See Dr.Molle's answer below for more details.
  • Dan Robinson
    Dan Robinson over 3 years
    Good find! In my version of jQuery UI, the image had a slightly different filename, but it was right there in the "images" folder. (It's too bad the jQuery UI icon set doesn't include a "grip" icon for all four corners. That would save us some trouble!)