keytab auth against samba 4 DC: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials


Finally - I got it!


samba-tool spn add ...

does not (re)name the UPN as expected in the directory. I found it by comparing with MS ADS entries. So the work around is to change the value by hand before issuing the exportkeytab command:

  • Open the service user entry with a ldap-tool (I used Apache Directory Studio) and
  • find the just created user Edit "userPrincipalName" to reflect servicePrincipleName + REALM (in my case http/[email protected])
  • export keytab and everything works as expected

on the target machine

kinit -k -t http/

works without any complains! Hopefully this helps others trying to setup SSO with Samba4 ...


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Heiko Robert
Author by

Heiko Robert

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Heiko Robert
    Heiko Robert almost 2 years

    I set up a samba 4 active directory on ubuntu 14.04 following Samba AD DC HOWTO. In principle everything works well but I'm stuck in getting kerberos authentication running using SPNs for web applications. When I try to run

    kinit -k -t keytabfile http/ 

    I allways get a

    kinit: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials

    What I allready checked so far:

    • DNS is working on both sides forward and backwards returning FQNs
    • kinit works using username
    • is returned by nslookup on dc and the webserver
    • myserver allready joined the domain and is listed in
    • there are no dublicate SPNs

    I created the service account/SPNs/keytabs as follows:

    samba-tool user create $ADS_USER $ADS_PW --userou=$USER_OU
    samba-tool user setexpiry --noexpiry $ADS_USER
    samba-tool spn add ${SERVICE_TYPE}/${SERVICE_HOST}.${MY_DOMAIN} $ADS_USER
    samba-tool spn add ${SERVICE_TYPE}/${SERVICE_HOST} $ADS_USER
    samba-tool spn list $ADS_USER
    rm -f $MY_KEYTAB
    samba-tool domain exportkeytab $MY_KEYTAB --principal=${SERVICE_TYPE}/${SERVICE_HOST}.${MY_DOMAIN}
    samba-tool domain exportkeytab $MY_KEYTAB --principal=${SERVICE_TYPE}/${SERVICE_HOST}

    when running klist -k -e $MY_KEYTAB everything looks good:

    root@myhost:~# klist -ke ./test.keytab
    Keytab name: FILE:./test.keytab
    KVNO Principal
    ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1 http/[email protected] (des-cbc-crc)
       1 http/[email protected] (des-cbc-md5)
       1 http/[email protected] (arcfour-hmac)
       1 http/[email protected] (des-cbc-crc)
       1 http/[email protected] (des-cbc-md5)
       1 http/[email protected] (arcfour-hmac)

    I'm lost, researched several hours in google and have no idea how to work around/fix the 'Client not found in Kerberos database' error. Any hint is welcome!


    my "/etc/krb5.conf" on client

        debug = true
            default_realm = MYCOMPANY.COM
            dns_lookup_realm = false
            dns_lookup_kdc = false
            default_tkt_enctypes = rc4-hmac
            default_tgs_enctypes = rc4-hmac
            MYCOMPANY.COM = {
                    kdc =
                    admin_server =
                    kpasswd_server =
                    #ktpasswd_server =
                    #admin_server =

    on dc server /etc/samba/smb.conf

            debug level = 1
            syslog = 1
            max log size = 0
            workgroup = MYCOMPANY
            realm = MYCOMPANY.COM
            netbios name = DC01
            server role = active directory domain controller
            server string = MYCOMPANY domain controller
            server role check:inhibit = yes
            dns forwarder =
            idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes
  • Jan Xavier
    Jan Xavier almost 3 years
    Thank you very much, took some hours to find but has been life saver! I suppose this means there must be a single account for each service, while SPN is supposed to authenticate several services with a single account. I wonder how it behaves with CNAME hosts...
  • Heiko Robert
    Heiko Robert almost 3 years
    That's at least the way we configure kerberos authentication on MS AD to be used from java. I have never questioned creating a separate account for each service, so not sure if this would work on MS ...