Kubernetes: Can't delete PersistentVolumeClaim (pvc)


Solution 1

This happens when persistent volume is protected. You should be able to cross verify this:


kubectl describe pvc PVC_NAME | grep Finalizers


Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pvc-protection]

You can fix this by setting finalizers to null using kubectl patch:

kubectl patch pvc PVC_NAME -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers": []}}' --type=merge

Ref; Storage Object in Use Protection

Solution 2

You can get rid of editing your pvc! Remove pvc protection.

  1. kubectl edit pvc YOUR_PVC -n NAME_SPACE
  2. Manually edit and put # before this line enter image description here
  3. All pv and pvc will be deleted

Solution 3

I'm not sure why this happened, but after deleting the finalizers of the pv and the pvc via the kubernetes dashboard, both were deleted. This happened again after repeating the steps I described in my question. Seems like a bug.

Solution 4

The PV is protected. Delete the PV before deleting the PVC. Also, delete any pods/ deployments which are claiming any of the referenced PVCs. For further information do check out Storage Object in Use Protection

Solution 5

For me pv was in retain state, hence doing the above steps did not work.

1st we need to change policy state as below :

kubectl patch pv PV_NAME -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}'

Then delete pvc as below.

kubectl get pvc

kubectl delete pvc PVC_NAME

finally, delete pv with

kubectl delete pv PV_NAME

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Yannic Bürgmann
Author by

Yannic Bürgmann

Updated on February 17, 2022


  • Yannic Bürgmann
    Yannic Bürgmann about 2 years

    I created the following persistent volume by calling

    kubectl create -f nameOfTheFileContainingTheFollowingContent.yaml

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: pv-monitoring-static-content
        storage: 100Mi
        - ReadWriteOnce
        path: "/some/path"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: pv-monitoring-static-content-claim
        - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: ""
          storage: 100Mi

    After this I tried to delete the pvc. But this command stuck. when calling kubectl describe pvc pv-monitoring-static-content-claim I get the following result

    Name:          pv-monitoring-static-content-claim
    Namespace:     default
    Status:        Terminating (lasts 5m)
    Volume:        pv-monitoring-static-content
    Labels:        <none>
    Annotations:   pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed=yes
    Finalizers:    [foregroundDeletion]
    Capacity:      100Mi
    Access Modes:  RWO
    Events:        <none>

    And for kubectl describe pv pv-monitoring-static-content

    Name:            pv-monitoring-static-content
    Labels:          <none>
    Annotations:     pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller=yes
    Finalizers:      [kubernetes.io/pv-protection foregroundDeletion]
    Status:          Terminating (lasts 16m)
    Claim:           default/pv-monitoring-static-content-claim
    Reclaim Policy:  Retain
    Access Modes:    RWO
    Capacity:        100Mi
    Node Affinity:   <none>
        Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
        Path:          /some/path
    Events:            <none>

    There is no pod running that uses the persistent volume. Could anybody give me a hint why the pvc and the pv are not deleted?

  • Yannic Bürgmann
    Yannic Bürgmann almost 6 years
    I tried to delete both. The pv and the pvc. As you can see in the describe output both are in terminating state
  • Vit
    Vit almost 6 years
    What platform are you using? Have you tried to delete using kubectl create -f nameOfTheFileContainingTheFollowingContent.yaml ?
  • Pavel Anni
    Pavel Anni over 5 years
    I had a similar problem: PVC didn't want to die and because of that the project was in "Terminating" state forever. I did oc edit pvc/protected-pvc -n myproject and deleted those two lines about finalizers. Both PVC and the projects were gone immediately. I agree it's probably a bug because it should not behave that way. I didn't have any pods running in that project, just that PVC.
  • Pentux
    Pentux about 5 years
    Recycle is deprecated now
  • Yannic Bürgmann
    Yannic Bürgmann about 5 years
    "There is no pod running that uses the persistent volume"
  • CryptoFool
    CryptoFool about 5 years
    I just came across this same problem, with this being the solution for me too...delete the constraints. This isn't a "thank you" comment. Rather, I'm adding this because it's 7+ months later and this problem still seems to exist in the wild, and thought new readers might benefit in knowing that. I'm running the latest 'minikube' (installed and built just a few days ago) behind an up to date "Docker for Mac".
  • CryptoFool
    CryptoFool about 5 years
    ...I'm following an online tutorial. I don't know if this is related to this bug, but the behavior I get is different than the instructor's. He creates a new PVC and its state is initially "Pending". Only when he manually creates a PV does the state of the PVC become "bound". In my case, it seems that creating the PVC using the same command he does immediately creates a PV to use the PVC allocated storage. Does anyone know why this is?
  • j3ffyang
    j3ffyang almost 5 years
    I met this issue again today. 2 PVs, without Pod and PVC associated, turned into terminating state forever, when being deleted. To fix it, I ran kubectl patch pv local-pv-324352d9 -n ops -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers": []}}' --type=merge Then the PV is gone. Thanks @Xiak hint
  • Rakesh Gupta
    Rakesh Gupta almost 5 years
    This comment has helped me with deleting a volume that was stuck in Terminating state. thanks.
  • Uliysess
    Uliysess almost 5 years
    As answer is not complete in my opinion (not explaining steps of a solution for laics) - You can remove Finalizers in dashboard in YAML of particular PV. Additionally you can do that in terminal by: kubectl patch pvc NAME -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}', kubectl patch pod NAME -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'. Source github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/…
  • Yannic Bürgmann
    Yannic Bürgmann almost 5 years
    Already mentioned in another answer: stackoverflow.com/a/56182934/2576531
  • jacktrade
    jacktrade over 4 years
    that solution works best than edit solution accross corporate firewalls
  • Yannic Bürgmann
    Yannic Bürgmann about 4 years
    @codersofthedark it does not explain the cause. Of course it is protected. That's what I already mentioned in my question. But the volume wasn't used by any Pod => protection shouldn't have any effect.
  • phydeauxman
    phydeauxman about 4 years
    I am having this issue and when I tried the command above to patch the pvc, kept getting the error unable to parse "'{metadata:{finalizers:": yaml: found unexpected end of stream
  • DiveInto
    DiveInto almost 4 years
    for my case, the PVCs are protected cuz I only deleted StatefulSet, not the underlying pods, so the PVCs are still being used by Pods, that's why it is in TERMINATING phase
  • weberc2
    weberc2 about 3 years
    I'm on GKE and something seems to be setting the finalizer back immediately. :/
  • Rajan Panneer Selvam
    Rajan Panneer Selvam almost 3 years
    Instead of two commands, it can be done as 'kubectl edit pvc pvc_name', then remove the section and save. BTW, as per the original question, the author removed the PVC - but that operation failed due to other reasons as specified in the above answers.
  • haruhi
    haruhi over 2 years
    Thank you! this works for me
  • Yannic Bürgmann
    Yannic Bürgmann about 2 years
    This is the expected behaviour for protected volumes. When the deployment still uses the volume it cant be deleted.