Laravel Error 503 Service Unavailable Service


Solution 1

Looks like you ran the artisan down command, but not the up command. Just run:

php artisan up

and than you will get:

"Application is now live."

Solution 2

if have tried php artisan up command and your site still not up and gives 503 then ,

delete down file inside /storage/framework/

enter image description here

Solution 3

I had the same problem in Cpanel what i have did to fix this.

I just have fixed PHP version to the latest then I goes to "Shell option in panel" and entered this command and my app is live now. php artisan up

Solution 4

The cause of the error likely stems from Apache and PHP-FPM becoming overloaded with requests. PHP-FPM, and occasionally Apache, will need adjustments to their limitations to get around this.

To start, we recommend attempting to adjust the PHP-FPM pool limits from within the WHM "MultiPHP Manager." To do so globally:

[1] Access WHM >> MultiPHP Manager
[2] Select "System PHP-FPM Configuration"
[3] Adjust the "Max Children" and "Max Requests" fields. We recommend incrementing in values of 5 to 10 to ensure that PHP-FPM does not get overloaded.
[4] Save your configuration settings

To perform these changes by domain:

[1] Access WHM >> MultiPHP Manager
[2] Scroll down and locate a domain that experiences the problem.
[3] Select "Edit PHP-FPM" for the domain in question.
[4] Adjust the "Max Children" and "Max Requests" fields.
[5] Save your configuration settings

Solution 5

If you have run php artisan down previously then you may face this issue. You have to make this up using php artisan up command

Why this happened? as I did the same mistake php artisan down and then run

 php artisan serve

and CLI was showing me

[Thu Dec 31 00:25:23 2020] PHP 7.4.3 Development Server ( started

application started but it was showing 503 service Unavailable then run php artisan up and application started.

run this command to make this workable

php artisan up

Nasser Ali Karimi
Author by

Nasser Ali Karimi

PHP &amp; JavaScript Developer since 2016

Updated on July 31, 2022


  • Nasser Ali Karimi
    Nasser Ali Karimi almost 2 years

    Error 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable

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    I working on cpanel and subdomain but i got this error from laravel project. do you can help me to solve this? I using cpanel and laravel 5.5