Local Schedule Notification in Flutter


Assuming you have already preset flutter_local_notification

you can go ahead and do it as follows

DateTime scheduledTime handles date time allocation

 import 'package:flutter_local_notifications/flutter_local_notifications.dart'as notifs;
    Future<void> scheduleNotification(
        {notifs.FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin notifsPlugin,
        String id,
        String title,
        String body,
        DateTime scheduledTime}) async {
      var androidSpecifics = notifs.AndroidNotificationDetails(
        id, // This specifies the ID of the Notification
        'Scheduled notification', // This specifies the name of the notification channel
        'A scheduled notification', //This specifies the description of the channel
        icon: 'icon',
      var iOSSpecifics = notifs.IOSNotificationDetails();
      var platformChannelSpecifics = notifs.NotificationDetails(
          androidSpecifics, iOSSpecifics);
      await notifsPlugin.schedule(0, title, "Scheduled notification",
          scheduledTime, platformChannelSpecifics); // This literally schedules the notification

How will user choose the date(for how many days local notification should be triggered daily on a specific time

you can use datetime picker to select date if its a one occurrence notification

if it has to occur on different days same time , you can use a workmanager and run every 24 hrs and end the services after no of frequencies are over

check this blog post

Hadi Khan
Author by

Hadi Khan

Updated on December 31, 2022


  • Hadi Khan
    Hadi Khan over 1 year

    I want to trigger a local Notification daily on a specific time(Chosen by user). Similar to alarm type. With the help of date picker. User must select the days and time, it should push a local Notification on that time daily.

  • griffins
    griffins over 2 years
    you can read more here medium.com/@fuzzymemory/…
  • Hadi Khan
    Hadi Khan over 2 years
    How will user choose the date(for how many days local notification should be triggered daily on a specific time)? I don't want it hardcoded. User must select the days with datepicker or something.