lossless PNG to video in Imagemagick


Solution 1

As you haven't given the command line you used we can only guess, but this ffmpeg command will generate a lossless video clip from files named frame00.png, frame01.png, frame02.png, etc.

ffmpeg -i frame%02d.png -codec png out.mov

The resulting video should work as input to at least ffmpeg, mplayer and VLC.

Adjust the framerate using an -r option before the -i.

Solution 2

I don't think Imagemagick has an appropriate tool, but this can be done with mencoder. You didn't specify how the encoded video should look, so I suggest lossless (crf=0) h.264, and will use that for this example.

mencoder -ovc x264 -x264encopts crf=0 -of rawvideo  mf://*.png -o video.h264

This will result in a raw h.264 stream with one frame for every *.png file in the current directory.

The stream can be muxed into a container or directly modified with some other software.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Drew
    Drew almost 2 years

    As an intermediate step in creating an animation, I need to put a bunch of sequential PNGs into a movie file. I tried ffmpeg but was getting compression and artifacting even when I set quality to maximum.

    Because this clip will be used in ANOTHER clip, I'd very much rather not compress it twice.

    So I'm looking at Imagemagick to get a lossless PNG to Video conversion but am having trouble finding an equivalent command line call.

    Any help?

    • slhck
      slhck over 12 years
      You could supply the original command you used and we can tell you what's wrong with it.
    • Psycogeek
      Psycogeek over 12 years
      did you use "-vcodec rawvideo" and not select a specific codec , nor shrunk the resolution in ffmpeg and still got compression?