overlay transparent animation over video with ffmpeg


Solution 1

The problem arises due to 64bit png.
Use this to solve the problem in method 1:

convert -size 1280x720 xc:transparent -background transparent \
    -channel RGBA -fill '#0FF8' \
    -draw 'polygon 200, 600, 200, 20, 600, 50, 600, 50' \
    -fill '#0008' -draw 'polygon 200, 660, 200, 40, 660, 70, 660, 70' \
    -fill '#fFF8' -draw 'polygon 200, 500, 200, 00, 500, 30, 500, 30' \
    -channel RGBA -depth 8 -blur '10x5' test.png

Here I added -depth 8 to restrict the png to 32 bits rather than 64.

If you check the pngs you created, size of test.png is 318.8kb and that of cyan.png is 17.3kb. Also, testing with ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i cyan.png
Input #0, png_pipe, from 'cyan.png':
  Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
    Stream #0:0: Video: png, rgba, 1280x720 [SAR 72:72 DAR 16:9], 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc

But for the multiple overlay png it is:

ffmpeg -i test.png
Input #0, png_pipe, from 'test.png':
  Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
    Stream #0:0: Video: png, rgba64be, 1280x720 [SAR 72:72 DAR 16:9], 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc

You see that the codecs are different- one is rgba64be and the other is rgba. The 64bit png may be a problem for ffmpeg for now.

So your flow becomes:

Step 1- create the overlay png.

convert -size 1280x720 xc:transparent -background transparent \
    -channel RGBA -fill '#0FF8' \
    -draw 'polygon 200, 600, 200, 20, 600, 50, 600, 50' -fill '#0008' \
    -draw 'polygon 200, 660, 200, 40, 660, 70, 660, 70' -fill '#fFF8' \
    -draw 'polygon 200, 500, 200, 00, 500, 30, 500, 30' -channel RGBA \
    -depth 8 -blur '10x5' test.png

Step 2- create the background image.

convert -size 1280x720 xc:yellow -background yellow -channel RGBA gnd.png

Step 3- create the overlay movie.

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i test.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle z.mov

Step 4- create the background movie.

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i gnd.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle gnd.mov

Step 5 - overlay the overlay movie.

ffmpeg -vcodec qtrle -i gnd.mov -vcodec qtrle -i z.mov \
    -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0]overlay=format=rgb[out]" -shortest \
    -map [out] -vcodec qtrle test.mov

The movie should be fine now.

However I would also suggest that it is possible to skip the creation of an overlay movie. Just use:

ffmpeg -i gnd.mov -i test.png \
    -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0]overlay=format=rgb[out]" \
    -map [out] -vcodec qtrle test.mov

Solution 2

Seems like ffmpeg can't very well handle overlay of blurred semi-transparent primitives of different color.

Workaround I've come up with:

  • Create several videos. One for each color you need.
  • Overlay them over background video sequentialy.

To illustrate this let's create image with 3 overlayed triangles of different color. And an image with solid red background.

convert -size 1280x720 xc:transparent -background transparent -channel RGBA -fill '#0FF8' -draw 'polygon 200, 600, 200, 20, 600, 50, 600, 50' -fill '#0008' -draw 'polygon 200, 660, 200, 40, 660, 70, 660, 70' -fill '#fFF8' -draw 'polygon 200, 500, 200, 00, 500, 30, 500, 30' -channel RGBA -blur '10x5' test.png
convert -size 1280x720 xc:yellow -background yellow -channel RGBA gnd.png

Now we create two 1 sec movies from each and overlay them

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i test.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle z.mov
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i gnd.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle gnd.mov
ffmpeg -vcodec qtrle -i gnd.mov -vcodec qtrle -i z.mov -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0]overlay[out]" -shortest -map [out] -vcodec qtrle -pix_fmt argb test.mov

here's a frame from poor quality overlay we've got: poor quality overlay frame

Lets create three different videos for each color

convert -size 1280x720 xc:transparent -background transparent -channel RGBA -fill '#0FF8' -draw 'polygon 200, 600, 200, 20, 600, 50, 600, 50' -channel RGBA -blur '10x5' cyan.png
convert -size 1280x720 xc:transparent -background transparent -channel RGBA -fill '#0008' -draw 'polygon 200, 660, 200, 40, 660, 70, 660, 70' -channel RGBA -blur '10x5' black.png
convert -size 1280x720 xc:transparent -background transparent -channel RGBA -fill '#fFF8' -draw 'polygon 200, 500, 200, 00, 500, 30, 500, 30' -channel RGBA -blur '10x5' white.png

convert -size 1280x720 xc:red gnd.png

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i cyan.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle cyan.mov
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i white.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle white.mov
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i black.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle black.mov

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i gnd.png -t 1 -pix_fmt argb -vcodec qtrle gnd.mov

And overlay them one by one over our background video

ffmpeg -i gnd.mov -i cyan.mov -i white.mov -i black.mov -filter_complex "[0:0][2:0]overlay[tmp1]; [tmp1][3:0]overlay[tmp2]; [tmp2][1:0]overlay[out]" -shortest -map [out] -vcodec qtrle -pix_fmt argb good.mov

What we've got is a way better picture. higher quality overlay frame

Important note is that overlay sequence matter a lot here!


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Adrian
    Adrian almost 2 years

    Overall task is to overlay animated infographics over video.

    What I would like as a result shown in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhMF3WD9pr0

    Nice animated semi-transparent cyan line on 00:08-00:11

    Figured out how to do it by overlaying images one by one with "convert" from ImageMagick. Works fine but it's slow.

    Tried to create and overlay video with transparency according to answers in this thread stackoverflow.com/questions/644684/turn-image-sequence-into-video-with-transparency

    and some improvisations as well like:

    ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ./frames/0253.png -r 30 -t 3 -pix_fmt rgba -vcodec png frame.mov

    then create video with alpha channel from animated pics

    ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i 'angle/*.png' -r 30 -pix_fmt rgba -vcodec png z.mov

    And overlay videos

    ffmpeg -i frame.mov -i z.mov -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0]overlay[out]" -shortest -map [out] -pix_fmt rgba -vcodec png test.mov

    But it all results in rough pixelized picture enter image description here

    Would appreciate some hints on what am I missing here and what else could I do...

    Full ffmpeg output:

    alexandrov@ThinkPad-Edge:~/Documents/training 20150109/edit$ ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ./frames/0253.png -r 30 -t 3 -pix_fmt rgba -vcodec png frame.mov >> log.txt
    ffmpeg version 2.5.git Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
      built on Jan 11 2015 19:12:34 with gcc 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)
      configuration: --prefix=/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build --extra-cflags=-I/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build/include --extra-ldflags=-L/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build/lib --bindir=/home/alexandrov/bin --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-x11grab
      libavutil      54. 16.100 / 54. 16.100
      libavcodec     56. 20.100 / 56. 20.100
      libavformat    56. 18.100 / 56. 18.100
      libavdevice    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100
      libavfilter     5.  7.100 /  5.  7.100
      libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
      libswresample   1.  1.100 /  1.  1.100
      libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
    Input #0, png_pipe, from './frames/0253.png':
      Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
        Stream #0:0: Video: png, rgb24, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
    File 'frame.mov' already exists. Overwrite ? [y/N] y
    Output #0, mov, to 'frame.mov':
        encoder         : Lavf56.18.100
        Stream #0:0: Video: png (png  / 0x20676E70), rgba, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 30 fps, 15360 tbn, 30 tbc
          encoder         : Lavc56.20.100 png
    Stream mapping:
      Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (png (native) -> png (native))
    Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
    frame=    5 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size=    5321kB time=00:00:00.10 bitrate=435924
    frame=    7 fps=6.6 q=0.0 size=    8869kB time=00:00:00.16 bitrate=435922
    frame=   11 fps=5.9 q=0.0 size=   15964kB time=00:00:00.30 bitrate=435922
    frame=   13 fps=5.4 q=0.0 size=   19512kB time=00:00:00.36 bitrate=435922
    frame=   17 fps=5.5 q=0.0 size=   26607kB time=00:00:00.50 bitrate=435922
    frame=   19 fps=5.1 q=0.0 size=   30154kB time=00:00:00.56 bitrate=435921
    frame=   23 fps=5.3 q=0.0 size=   37249kB time=00:00:00.70 bitrate=435922
    frame=   25 fps=5.0 q=0.0 size=   40797kB time=00:00:00.76 bitrate=435921
    frame=   29 fps=5.1 q=0.0 size=   47892kB time=00:00:00.90 bitrate=435921
    frame=   31 fps=4.9 q=0.0 size=   51439kB time=00:00:00.96 bitrate=435921
    frame=   35 fps=4.9 q=0.0 size=   58534kB time=00:00:01.10 bitrate=435921
    frame=   37 fps=4.9 q=0.0 size=   62082kB time=00:00:01.16 bitrate=435921
    frame=   41 fps=4.9 q=0.0 size=   69177kB time=00:00:01.30 bitrate=435921
    frame=   43 fps=4.8 q=0.0 size=   72725kB time=00:00:01.36 bitrate=435921
    frame=   47 fps=4.9 q=0.0 size=   79820kB time=00:00:01.50 bitrate=435921
    frame=   49 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=   83367kB time=00:00:01.56 bitrate=435921
    frame=   53 fps=4.9 q=0.0 size=   90462kB time=00:00:01.70 bitrate=435921
    frame=   55 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=   94010kB time=00:00:01.76 bitrate=435921
    frame=   60 fps=4.8 q=0.0 size=  102879kB time=00:00:01.93 bitrate=435921
    frame=   63 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  108200kB time=00:00:02.03 bitrate=435921
    frame=   66 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  113521kB time=00:00:02.13 bitrate=435921
    frame=   69 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  118843kB time=00:00:02.23 bitrate=435921
    frame=   73 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  125938kB time=00:00:02.36 bitrate=435921
    frame=   78 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  134807kB time=00:00:02.53 bitrate=435921
    frame=   81 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  140128kB time=00:00:02.63 bitrate=435921
    frame=   84 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  145449kB time=00:00:02.73 bitrate=435921
    frame=   87 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  150770kB time=00:00:02.83 bitrate=435921
    frame=   90 fps=4.7 q=0.0 size=  156092kB time=00:00:02.93 bitrate=435921
    frame=   90 fps=4.6 q=0.0 Lsize=  159640kB time=00:00:03.00 bitrate=435924.5kbits/s dup=15 drop=0    
    video:159639kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.000662%
    alexandrov@ThinkPad-Edge:~/Documents/training 20150109/edit$ ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i 'angle/*.png' -r 30 -pix_fmt rgba -vcodec png z.mov >> log.txt
    ffmpeg version 2.5.git Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
      built on Jan 11 2015 19:12:34 with gcc 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)
      configuration: --prefix=/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build --extra-cflags=-I/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build/include --extra-ldflags=-L/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build/lib --bindir=/home/alexandrov/bin --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-x11grab
      libavutil      54. 16.100 / 54. 16.100
      libavcodec     56. 20.100 / 56. 20.100
      libavformat    56. 18.100 / 56. 18.100
      libavdevice    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100
      libavfilter     5.  7.100 /  5.  7.100
      libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
      libswresample   1.  1.100 /  1.  1.100
      libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
    Input #0, image2, from 'angle/*.png':
      Duration: 00:00:03.24, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A
        Stream #0:0: Video: png, rgba64be, 1280x720 [SAR 72:72 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
    File 'z.mov' already exists. Overwrite ? [y/N] y
    Output #0, mov, to 'z.mov':
        encoder         : Lavf56.18.100
        Stream #0:0: Video: png (png  / 0x20676E70), rgba, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 30 fps, 15360 tbn, 30 tbc
          encoder         : Lavc56.20.100 png
    Stream mapping:
      Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (png (native) -> png (native))
    Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
    frame=    6 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size=     363kB time=00:00:00.13 bitrate=22310.
    frame=   12 fps= 11 q=0.0 size=    1105kB time=00:00:00.33 bitrate=27156.
    frame=   18 fps= 11 q=0.0 size=    1803kB time=00:00:00.53 bitrate=27698.
    frame=   24 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    2576kB time=00:00:00.73 bitrate=28777.
    frame=   30 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    3282kB time=00:00:00.93 bitrate=28809.
    frame=   36 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    4100kB time=00:00:01.13 bitrate=29634.
    frame=   42 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    4829kB time=00:00:01.33 bitrate=29672.
    frame=   48 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    5586kB time=00:00:01.53 bitrate=29844.
    frame=   54 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    6441kB time=00:00:01.73 bitrate=30443.
    frame=   59 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    7154kB time=00:00:01.90 bitrate=30846.
    frame=   65 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    8010kB time=00:00:02.10 bitrate=31244.
    frame=   69 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    8580kB time=00:00:02.23 bitrate=31471.
    frame=   75 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=    9435kB time=00:00:02.43 bitrate=31763.
    frame=   81 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=   10290kB time=00:00:02.63 bitrate=32012.
    frame=   87 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=   11146kB time=00:00:02.83 bitrate=32225.
    frame=   93 fps= 10 q=0.0 size=   12001kB time=00:00:03.03 bitrate=32410.
    frame=   97 fps= 10 q=0.0 Lsize=   12857kB time=00:00:03.23 bitrate=32575.6kbits/s dup=16 drop=0    
    video:12856kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.009313%
    alexandrov@ThinkPad-Edge:~/Documents/training 20150109/edit$ ffmpeg -i frame.mov -i z.mov -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0]overlay[out]" -shortest -map [out] -pix_fmt rgba -vcodec png test.mov >> log.txt
    ffmpeg version 2.5.git Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
      built on Jan 11 2015 19:12:34 with gcc 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)
      configuration: --prefix=/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build --extra-cflags=-I/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build/include --extra-ldflags=-L/home/alexandrov/ffmpeg_build/lib --bindir=/home/alexandrov/bin --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-x11grab
      libavutil      54. 16.100 / 54. 16.100
      libavcodec     56. 20.100 / 56. 20.100
      libavformat    56. 18.100 / 56. 18.100
      libavdevice    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100
      libavfilter     5.  7.100 /  5.  7.100
      libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
      libswresample   1.  1.100 /  1.  1.100
      libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'frame.mov':
        major_brand     : qt  
        minor_version   : 512
        compatible_brands: qt  
        encoder         : Lavf56.18.100
      Duration: 00:00:03.00, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 435924 kb/s
        Stream #0:0(eng): Video: png (png  / 0x20676E70), rgba, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 435921 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 15360 tbn, 15360 tbc (default)
          handler_name    : DataHandler
          encoder         : Lavc56.20.100 png
    Input #1, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'z.mov':
        major_brand     : qt  
        minor_version   : 512
        compatible_brands: qt  
        encoder         : Lavf56.18.100
      Duration: 00:00:03.23, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 32568 kb/s
        Stream #1:0(eng): Video: png (png  / 0x20676E70), rgba, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 32572 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 15360 tbn, 15360 tbc (default)
          handler_name    : DataHandler
          encoder         : Lavc56.20.100 png
    Output #0, mov, to 'test.mov':
        major_brand     : qt  
        minor_version   : 512
        compatible_brands: qt  
        encoder         : Lavf56.18.100
        Stream #0:0: Video: png (png  / 0x20676E70), rgba, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 30 fps, 15360 tbn, 30 tbc (default)
          encoder         : Lavc56.20.100 png
    Stream mapping:
      Stream #0:0 (png) -> overlay:main
      Stream #1:0 (png) -> overlay:overlay
      overlay -> Stream #0:0 (png)
    Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
    frame=    3 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size=    1717kB time=00:00:00.03 bitrate=421888
    frame=    5 fps=3.8 q=0.0 size=    5212kB time=00:00:00.10 bitrate=427001
    frame=    7 fps=3.7 q=0.0 size=    8720kB time=00:00:00.16 bitrate=428613
    frame=    8 fps=3.3 q=0.0 size=   10475kB time=00:00:00.20 bitrate=429061
    frame=   11 fps=3.7 q=0.0 size=   15746kB time=00:00:00.30 bitrate=429972
    frame=   13 fps=3.7 q=0.0 size=   19264kB time=00:00:00.36 bitrate=430381
    frame=   13 fps=3.2 q=0.0 size=   19264kB time=00:00:00.36 bitrate=430381
    frame=   15 fps=3.1 q=0.0 size=   22781kB time=00:00:00.43 bitrate=430672
    frame=   17 fps=3.1 q=0.0 size=   26297kB time=00:00:00.50 bitrate=430857
    frame=   19 fps=3.0 q=0.0 size=   29814kB time=00:00:00.56 bitrate=431000
    frame=   21 fps=3.1 q=0.0 size=   33331kB time=00:00:00.63 bitrate=431122
    frame=   23 fps=3.1 q=0.0 size=   36848kB time=00:00:00.70 bitrate=431228
    frame=   25 fps=3.1 q=0.0 size=   40367kB time=00:00:00.76 bitrate=431328
    frame=   27 fps=3.2 q=0.0 size=   43884kB time=00:00:00.83 bitrate=431399
    frame=   29 fps=3.2 q=0.0 size=   47402kB time=00:00:00.90 bitrate=431466
    frame=   31 fps=3.2 q=0.0 size=   50923kB time=00:00:00.96 bitrate=431548
    frame=   33 fps=3.2 q=0.0 size=   54449kB time=00:00:01.03 bitrate=431655
    frame=   36 fps=3.3 q=0.0 size=   59741kB time=00:00:01.13 bitrate=431822
    frame=   38 fps=3.3 q=0.0 size=   63267kB time=00:00:01.20 bitrate=431903
    frame=   40 fps=3.3 q=0.0 size=   66794kB time=00:00:01.26 bitrate=431981
    frame=   43 fps=3.3 q=0.0 size=   72080kB time=00:00:01.36 bitrate=432055
    frame=   46 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=   77365kB time=00:00:01.46 bitrate=432117
    frame=   48 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=   80889kB time=00:00:01.53 bitrate=432159
    frame=   50 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=   84414kB time=00:00:01.60 bitrate=432197
    frame=   53 fps=3.5 q=0.0 size=   89700kB time=00:00:01.70 bitrate=432248
    frame=   55 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=   93224kB time=00:00:01.76 bitrate=432279
    frame=   57 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=   96749kB time=00:00:01.83 bitrate=432308
    frame=   58 fps=3.3 q=0.0 size=   98511kB time=00:00:01.86 bitrate=432322
    frame=   60 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  102035kB time=00:00:01.93 bitrate=432348
    frame=   63 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  107322kB time=00:00:02.03 bitrate=432383
    frame=   64 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  109084kB time=00:00:02.06 bitrate=432394
    frame=   66 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  112608kB time=00:00:02.13 bitrate=432415
    frame=   69 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  117895kB time=00:00:02.23 bitrate=432445
    frame=   71 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  121419kB time=00:00:02.30 bitrate=432463
    frame=   73 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  124943kB time=00:00:02.36 bitrate=432480
    frame=   75 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  128468kB time=00:00:02.43 bitrate=432496
    frame=   77 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  131992kB time=00:00:02.50 bitrate=432511
    frame=   79 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  135516kB time=00:00:02.56 bitrate=432526
    frame=   81 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  139041kB time=00:00:02.63 bitrate=432540
    frame=   83 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  142565kB time=00:00:02.70 bitrate=432553
    frame=   85 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  146089kB time=00:00:02.76 bitrate=432565
    frame=   87 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  149614kB time=00:00:02.83 bitrate=432577
    frame=   89 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  153138kB time=00:00:02.90 bitrate=432588
    frame=   91 fps=3.4 q=0.0 size=  156663kB time=00:00:02.96 bitrate=432599
    frame=   91 fps=3.3 q=0.0 Lsize=  160188kB time=00:00:03.03 bitrate=432613.9kbits/s dup=0 drop=6    
    video:160187kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.000884%
    alexandrov@ThinkPad-Edge:~/Documents/training 20150109/edit$ 
  • Adrian
    Adrian over 9 years
    quality on real video is still not perfect but way better than initial attempts i62.tinypic.com/xe4eoz.png
  • user3359503
    user3359503 over 9 years
    Please use StackExchange to host images, rather than external links. Thanks!
  • Rajib
    Rajib over 9 years
    Could you explain further? I understood your original question to have only 1 overlay. Are you saying the problem happens only when there are multiple overlays?
  • Elisa Cha Cha
    Elisa Cha Cha over 9 years
    By default the overlay filter will output yuv420, so when working with RGB you can add the overlay format option such as overlay=format=rgb to avoid any issues caused by the RGB to YUV conversion.
  • Adrian
    Adrian over 9 years
    "-depth 8" worked like a charm! Overlaying direct png image surely works way better and if the point is to overlay static picture it's best solution to stick with. I was struggling with some animation here so it was not an option. Frame by frame overlay or video on video. First was slow and with second issues described in this question I was stuck into.
  • Adrian
    Adrian over 9 years
    @Rajib problem was detected when single overlay video had two or more overlayed primitives with transparency. In case shown in initial question there are cyan base lines and text and black and white copy of it shifted by several pixels to add some shape effect to them. It is best visible with text. there're black border on the right and white on the left. With lines there is workaround just drawing them another way so the white, cyan and black don't overlay. But with text they would've overlay anyway. Also overlaying video was important cause the point was displaying moving lines not static.