MATLAB - write image into an eps file


One possible solution is to plot your image using IMSHOW, then print the entire figure as a .eps using PRINT:

img = imread('peppers.png');         %# A sample image
imshow(img,'Border','tight',...      %# Display in a figure window without
       'InitialMagnification',100);  %#    a border at full magnification
print('new_image.eps','-deps');      %# Print the figure as a B&W eps

One drawback to this solution is that if the image is too big to fit on the screen, IMSHOW will shrink it to fit, which will reduce the on-screen resolution of the image. However, you can adjust the final resolution of the saved image using the -r<number> option for the PRINT function. For example, you can print your figure as an Encapsulated Level 2 Color PostScript with a resolution of 300 dpi by doing the following:


EDIT: If you are unable to use IMSHOW (either because you don't have the Image Processing Toolbox or because you are using a MATLAB mode that doesn't allow it), here is an alternative way to create and print the figure:

img = imread('peppers.png');      %# A sample image
imagesc(img);                     %# Plot the image
set(gca,'Units','normalized',...  %# Set some axes properties
        'Position',[0 0 1 1],...
set(gcf,'Units','pixels',...      %# Set some figure properties
        'Position',[100 100 size(img,2) size(img,1)]);
print(gcf,'new_image.eps','-depsc2','-r300');  %# Print the figure

You can also take a look at this documentation to see how printing works without a display.

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Updated on June 12, 2022


  • Tim
    Tim almost 2 years

    In MATLAB, how do you write a matrix into an image of EPS format?

    It seems imwrite does not support EPS.

    Convert is not working on the Linux server I am using:

    $ convert exploss_stumps.jpg exploss_stumps.eps
    convert: missing an image filename `exploss_stumps.eps' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2838


    I tried gnovice's idea under terminal mode:

        figH = figure('visible','off') ;
    imshow(img,'border','tight',...      %# Display in a figure window without
            'InitialMagnification',100);  %#    a border at full magnification
    print(strcat(filepath,'/', dataset,'_feature_',num2str(j), '.eps'),'-depsc2');
        close(figH) ;

    However I got:

    ??? Error using ==> imshow at 191
    IMSHOW requires Java to run.

    Error in ==> study_weaker at 122
    imshow(img,'border','tight',... %# Display in a figure window without

    191 error(eid,'%s requires Java to run.',upper(mfilename));

    How can I fix it?