Maven2: Missing artifact but jars are in place


Solution 1

There are a few other options apart from Project->Clean, some of which are more along the lines of turning it off and on again.

  • Try right-clicking on the project and selecting Maven->Update Project Configuration.
  • Disable then re-enable dependency management (right-click Maven->Disable Dependency Management then Maven->Enable Dependency Management
  • Close the project and reopen it.
  • Check that your Maven settings are configured correctly. If you are behind a proxy you'll need to configure the proxy settings in the global or user settings.
  • Check you're using the Maven installation you expect. By default m2eclipse uses the embedder, if you have a separate installation you may want to configure m2eclipse to use the external installation so that CLI and Eclipse builds are consistent. This also ensures you're configured to connect through any proxy as above.

Solution 2

I received this same issue on SpringSource Tools ver 2.8.0.RELEASE. I had to do Maven -> Update Maven Dependencies and check the option for "Force Update of Snapshot/Releases".

Solution 3

I encountered similar issue. The missing artifacts (jar files) exists in ~/.m2 directory and somehow eclipse is unable to find it.

For example: Missing artifact org.jdom:jdom:jar:1.1:compile

I looked through this directory ~/.m2/repository/org/jdom/jdom/1.1 and I noticed there is this file _maven.repositories. I opened it using text editor and saw the following entry:

#NOTE: This is an internal implementation file, its format can be changed without prior notice.
#Wed Feb 13 17:12:29 SGT 2013

I simply removed the "central" word from the file:

#NOTE: This is an internal implementation file, its format can be changed without prior notice.
#Wed Feb 13 17:12:29 SGT 2013

and run Maven > Update Project from eclipse and it just worked :) Note that your file may contain other keyword instead of "central".

Solution 4

I had the same problem. Rich Seller's solution didn't work for my situation, I fixed it by cancel the Window -> Preferences -> Maven. Do not automatically update dependencies from remote repositories option, then right-clicking on the project and selecting Maven->Update Project.

Solution 5

I was facing the same error with Spring Boot dependencies. What solved for me was letting Maven resolve the dependencies wrapping them with dependency management:


Author by


Updated on November 11, 2021


  • Jannick
    Jannick over 2 years

    From now to then, my Maven 2 started to mess around.

    I am using SPring STS 2.6.1 and have a single project based on Spring 3, Hibernate, DWR, Cometd and all that stuff.

    Today I just updated from Git und all of a sudden, I got that scary mvn exclamation mark (!) next to my project.

    After hitting "Project -> Maven -> Update dependencies" I just receive:

    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.jdom:jdom:jar:1.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-common:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-core:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-solrj:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact stax:stax:jar:1.2.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact stax:stax-api:jar:1.0.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-lucene-analyzers:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-lucene-core:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-lucene-highlighter:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-lucene-queries:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-lucene-snowball:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-lucene-spellchecker:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.commons:commons-io:jar:1.3.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.0.4:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.solr:solr-commons-csv:jar:1.3.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec:jar:1.0.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.lucene:lucene-snowball:jar:2.4.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:jar:2.4.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.6.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-expression:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-core:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-beans:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-aop:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-asm:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-aspects:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-test:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-context:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-context-support:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-tx:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-jdbc:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-orm:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-oxm:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-web:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-webmvc:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-instrument:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.3.2.GA:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact antlr:antlr:jar:2.7.6:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.hibernate:hibernate-annotations:jar:3.4.0.GA:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.hibernate:ejb3-persistence:jar:1.0.2.GA:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.hibernate:hibernate-commons-annotations:jar:3.1.0.GA:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.hibernate:ejb3-persistence:pom:1.0.2.GA:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:jar:1.4:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-pool:commons-pool:jar:1.5.4:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:jar:1.6.10:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar:1.6.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.16:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact javax.persistence:persistence-api:jar:1.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact javassist:javassist:jar:3.12.1.GA:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact postgresql:postgresql:jar:9.0-801.jdbc4:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.4:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.directwebremoting:dwr:jar:2.0.3:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.beanshell:bsh:jar:2.0b4:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.jasypt:jasypt:jar:1.7:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact cglib:cglib:jar:2.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact asm:asm:jar:3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:jar:1.2.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.poi:poi:jar:3.8-beta1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact jasperreports:jasperreports:jar:3.5.3:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.8.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.7:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact jfree:jcommon:jar:1.0.15:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact jfree:jfreechart:jar:1.0.12:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.3.02:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact eclipse:jdtcore:jar:3.1.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact junit:junit:jar:4.8.2:test
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.easymock:easymock:jar:3.0:test
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact cglib:cglib-nodep:jar:2.2:test
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:1.2:test
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:pom:2.3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:jar:2.3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-terracotta:jar:2.3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.opensymphony.quartz:quartz-all:jar:1.6.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact javax.servlet:jstl:jar:1.1.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact taglibs:standard:jar:1.1.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.aspectj:aspectjrt:jar:1.6.5:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:1.6.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.4:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact oro:oro:jar:2.0.8:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact javax.mail:mail:jar:1.4.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact javax.activation:activation:jar:1.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact com.lowagie:itext:jar:2.0.7:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk14:jar:138:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk14:jar:138:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:jar:7.0.1.v20091125:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation:jar:7.0.1.v20091125:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:jar:2.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-chain:commons-chain:jar:1.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:jar:1.3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact sslext:sslext:jar:1.2-0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.struts:struts-core:jar:1.3.8:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:jar:1.3.8:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:jar:1.3.8:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact net.htmlparser.jericho:jericho-html:jar:3.1:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact ro.isdc.wro4j:wro4j-core:jar:1.3.3:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact redis.clients:jedis:jar:1.5.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver:jar:2.5.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.xhtmlrenderer:core-renderer:jar:R8pre2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.apache.sanselan:sanselan:jar:0.97-incubator:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact com.kenai.nbpwr:com-sun-pdfview:jar:1.0.5-201003191900:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.swinglabs:pdf-renderer:jar:1.0.5:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact org.safehaus.jug:jug:jar:2.0.0:system
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact de.dankomannhaupt:JDBCAppender:jar:1.0:system
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact spy:memcahed:jar:2.5:system
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact net.sf.beanlib:beanlib:jar:5.0.2beta:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact xstream:xstream:jar:1.1.2:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact net.jcip:jcip-annotations:jar:1.0:compile
    24.05.11 15:26:58 MESZ: Missing artifact net.sf.beanlib:beanlib-hibernate:jar:5.0.2beta:compile

    My pom.xml looks like:

                <name>JBoss Repsitory</name>
        <!-- Bezeichnung -->
        <name>Vevention Dao</name>

    I then checked on my Mac /Users/XYZ/.m2 and all jar files are in place as expected.

    I am using the current Maven release shipped with STS. I also enabled debug output but there was nothing suspicious.

  • Jannick
    Jannick about 13 years
    I'm afraid but the red exclamation mark persists :( Already tried that several times...
  • Mike Brennan
    Mike Brennan over 10 years
    This one just worked for me. None of the other solutions mentioned worked. I really wish something would displace Maven. This tool gives me so many problems, and when it fails, the error messages are useless. Thanks for the solution, though. I've just wasted about an hour trying to get this resolved, but this suggestion finally worked for me.
  • ggb667
    ggb667 over 10 years
    YES! This worked for me. The issue is for my user it was trying to load from a non-existent repository, so annoying!
  • M Smith
    M Smith almost 10 years
    Worked for us but why was it an issue in the first place? seems like a bug to me. The artifacts are there why not see them?
  • Feras
    Feras over 9 years
    same issue my case was _remote.repositories unbescape-1.0.pom>boss= unbescape-1.0.jar>boss= just removed the boss words and worked like a charm
  • Scarl
    Scarl over 9 years
    I'm having the same problem and I'm trying to resolve it by following your answer howerver, I do not have the name of the artifact, when i go through the repository, I end up in a folder with 2 files, one named as the artifact and jar, the other with the artifacts name and pom. When I open one of them this is what I see : http\:// https\://
  • TTransmit
    TTransmit over 9 years
    This works for me but I worry that it is going to cause issues for the next person who tries to build the project.
  • Dmitry Shyshkin
    Dmitry Shyshkin about 8 years
    Yep, this is what helped me too with Missing artifact com.splunk:splunk:jar: Used to be like this splunk->spring-milestones= now its like this splunk->= And no more errors
  • Jobin Thomas
    Jobin Thomas over 7 years
    I was getting this error for spring-boot-starter-log4j. I tried this suggestion and it removed the error from pom.xml. However, I was not able to use Logger in my java classes.
  • Mahesh
    Mahesh over 7 years
    +1 I was using external maven setup (behind corporate proxy) and updating the user settings in STS with the settings.xml of this external installation, fixed all my project errors.
  • romil gaurav
    romil gaurav about 7 years
    How did you find this solution? It did work for me too but what is the logic behind this?
  • Mikhail Batcer
    Mikhail Batcer almost 7 years
    Same thing just occured for me, with Eclipse Oxygen. Except that the dependency added via Add Dependency dialog was actually downloaded, but still was marked as "missing". I removed <type>bundle</type> manually from pom.xml at all, and after updating project it worked.
  • hectorpal
    hectorpal almost 7 years
    as @cracked_all said below, when using Update Project Configuration, force it: Force Update of Snapshot/Releases
  • schoon
    schoon over 5 years
    Yeah this worked for me, thanks. My problem was unauthorised access to a maven repo.
  • Alex
    Alex about 5 years
    I deleted the relevant folder inside of .m2 folder. This solved my problem - no other steps were requried.
  • Edu Castrillon
    Edu Castrillon over 4 years
    I think this is the good answer, but I would only move the ejb3-persistence dependency, as it is of type pom
  • Rintoul
    Rintoul over 3 years
    This was a problem I had. I can't believe it doesn't use the conf directory under the Maven installation you have selected...
  • The Student
    The Student about 2 years
    and restart Eclipse, as sad as it sounds, it sometimes fix.