Missing date & time from top panel of Unity Desktop - Ubuntu 14.04


Solution 1

Try reseting its configuration

dconf reset -f /com/canonical/indicator/datetime/ 

If it didn't show up try kill it, it should restart

pkill -f datetime

For similar cases, better to explain how you may get it:

  1. Check if it is running, if yes then possibly a configuration problem

    $ ps ax | grep -i indicator-datetime
     2863 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service
     4043 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep -i indicator-datetime
  2. Check for where is its configuration. Look for /etc/ or dconf in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/. List package files using:

    $ dpkg -L indicator-datetime
  3. Locate its dconf path:

    $ grep path /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.indicator.datetime.gschema.xml
        <schema id="com.canonical.indicator.datetime" path="/com/canonical/indicator/datetime/" gettext-domain="indicator-datetime">

Solution 2

This worked with me when I faced the same problem:

killall unity-panel-service

without 'sudo' by the way.

Solution 3

I had exactly the same problem, which that some Language Support libraries are missing.

If you go to:

SettingsLanguage Support

The system will automatically update the regional formats and the time and date will be back after you log out and in.

Solution 4

Just kill the indicator-datetime-service process. (This process will get started automatically)

For ex:

$ ps ax | grep -i indicator-datetime
2863 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service
4043 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep -i indicator-datetime

kill -9 <pid-of-indicator-datetime-service>
kill -9 2863
Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Bernd
    Bernd over 1 year

    I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 an my machine and since the last upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 the date&time is missing in the top panel of Unity. This machine was originally installed with Ubuntu 12.10. I upgraded it from 12.10→13.04, from 13.04→13.10 and last week from 13.10→14.04.

    I tried every solution found in this question: Missing date & time from top panel of Unity Desktop. But nothing of all this works :-(

    I tried the following things:

    • reinstalling indicator-datetime
    • sudo apt-get remove --purge indicator-datetime and install it again
    • sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
    • sudo killall unity-panel-service

    and of course log out/log in again and so on...

    Where can I find log files for the indicator or where could help me otherwise with this problem?

    Trying to debug:

    $ locate indicator-datetime-service
    $ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service
    Indicator-Datetime-Message: indicator-datetime exiting; failed/lost bus ownership
    • user.dz
      user.dz about 10 years
      locate indicator-datetime-service to find where it is installed then run it in terminal. Report if there any error message.
    • Bernd
      Bernd about 10 years
      @Sneetsher $ locate indicator-datetime-service /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datet‌​ime-service $ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datet‌​ime-service Indicator-Datetime-Message: indicator-datetime exiting; failed/lost bus ownership $ sudo /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datet‌​ime-service no error output, when running indicator-datetime-service with sudo
    • user.dz
      user.dz about 10 years
      failed/lost bus ownership means it was running already.
    • user.dz
      user.dz about 10 years
      try reseting its configuration dconf reset -f /com/canonical/indicator/datetime/ . didn't work try pkill -f datetime then /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datet‌​ime-service
    • Bernd
      Bernd about 10 years
      dconf reset -f /com/canonical/indicator/datetime/ worked and it shows the time again. But I think I found a bug and I think I know what causes the issue. Are there any logs for the datetime-indicator to verify my assumption?
    • user.dz
      user.dz about 10 years
      well.. the only info I could find is making a link to/copy of /usr/share/libindicator/80indicator-debugging in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ but I am not sure which log (may be /var/log/syslog like session logging). (info source: dpkg -L libindicator3-tools)
    • Barney Woodrow
      Barney Woodrow over 7 years
      You Could try downloading unity tweak tool. Then go to the panel menu, you should see date and time options there.
  • Bernd
    Bernd about 10 years
    Tried, but there was no missing language support
  • Nicky De Maeyer
    Nicky De Maeyer almost 10 years
    the dconf reset did it for me, thx
  • matv1
    matv1 almost 10 years
    Actually, weird as it sounds, I can confirm this solution. Apparently starting the langauge support panel, some broken libs are indeed (i guess not downloaded but) reenabled. Therefore a +1
  • Steve Kroon
    Steve Kroon about 9 years
    The clock tab is greyed out for me - I can't edit the settings there....
  • danidee
    danidee almost 9 years
    Thanks the dconf reset worked, i didn't even need to kill the datetime process
  • Promise Chukwudum
    Promise Chukwudum almost 9 years
    dconf didn't work for me but pkill did on my Ubuntu 14.04
  • Lambart
    Lambart over 8 years
    Warning: the dconf trick doesn't just restore the clock. It also resets your clock settings, so if you have customized them... goodbye to your settings. I wish I hadn't tried that -- pkill datetime had already restored the clock to my UI.
  • user.dz
    user.dz over 8 years
    @Lambart , yes it does reset all datetime settings, but that seems not a big deal for most users.
  • bluenote10
    bluenote10 over 8 years
    +1 I had the missing-clock-problem a few times already, and this worked reliably as an immediate fix. For the record, indicator-datetime is installed on my machine, so apparently no need to remove/purge it for me.
  • Vipul Bhatt
    Vipul Bhatt over 8 years
    +1solved Bug
  • Rosamunda
    Rosamunda about 8 years
    The command dconf reset and killing the process after that did the trick for me, thank you!
  • babin ahmad
    babin ahmad over 6 years
    please read this