Missing system tray icons Ubuntu Gnome 18.04


Solution 1

You may also simply try to relaunch gnome shell and see if it works better:

(Alt+F2) gnome-shell --replace

Or the short and easy way

(Alt+F2) r (Enter)

Yes, just the letter "r".

Solution 2

I had it a few times that after an 18.04 update the icons were missing. In the past this fixed it:

sudo cpan -i Gtk2::AppIndicator

But this time this didn't worked. So removing Unity fixed it for me:

sudo apt purge unity-session unity

For the readers: only remove Unity when you are using the Gnome desktop. ;-)

Solution 3

  1. Log in to Synaptic.
  2. Type in search: libappindicator

  3. Mark packages for installation:

  4. Other libappindicator packages - if they are installed - mark for removal.


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Abhay Dandekar
Author by

Abhay Dandekar

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Abhay Dandekar
    Abhay Dandekar over 1 year

    I have Ubuntu 18.04 and I am using the default Gnome. I updated and all of the system tray icons were missing.

    Is this a bug? Can this be fixed? I cannot see any of the unread messages that I have in Skype / Slack etc. And there is no way to know about missed notifications.

    Does someone know how to fix this issue?

    • Abhay Dandekar
      Abhay Dandekar over 5 years
      It was an upgrade. But, I was using Unity for a long time and recently switched to gnome. For the first few days, system tray icons were visible. After an software update, its gone.
    • pomsky
      pomsky over 5 years
      What is the output of the following command in Terminal: apt policy gnome-shell-extension-appindicator?
    GNOMEVOD over 4 years
    + for install : libappindicator1
  • Fibo Kowalsky
    Fibo Kowalsky about 3 years
    this completely changed my desktop environment from gnome metacity to classic gnome :(