Move files and change ownership at the sametime


Solution 1

Use rsync(1):

rsync \
  --remove-source-files \
  --chown=unicorn:unicorn \
    /home/poney/folderfulloffiles /home/unicorn/

Solution 2

Per @Kevin in the comments below, the --file - |pipe syntax is redundant. So I've removed it.

This can also be done with tar:

sudo tar -C${SRC_DIR} --remove-files --group=unicorn --owner=unicorn -c ./* | 
    sudo tar -C${TGT_DIR} -pvx

Solution 3

s=/home/poney/; f=folderfulloffiles; d=/home/unicorn/ 
sudo mv $s$f $d && sudo chown -R unicorn:unicorn $d$f

About the same length as the other answers, and note since they're all using the same library calls under the hood, they're all doing exactly the same thing -- unless, as Gilles notes, this is on the same filesystem and device, in which case mv is really a rename, which makes it more efficient than rsync or tar.


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S edwards
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S edwards

Nice person willing to save the Universe...

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • S edwards
    S edwards almost 2 years

    On Linux (Debian, Ubuntu Mint...),
    Is there any option command or something that I can use to transfer files to another user without having to do :

    sudo mv /home/poney/folderfulloffiles /home/unicorn/
    sudo chown -R unicorn:unicorn /home/unicorn/folderfulloffiles
  • Jenny D
    Jenny D about 10 years
    Thanks @dawud - this is my daily "stuff I didn't know and can't understand how I missed it"
  • dawud
    dawud about 10 years
    @JennyD you might want to take a look at the usermap and groupmap options as well.
  • mikeserv
    mikeserv about 10 years
    But this doesn't mv it, right? Only copies? Or does it mv it?
  • dawud
    dawud about 10 years
    @mikeserv duly noted, see my edit
  • S edwards
    S edwards about 10 years
    It isn't a : instead of a . when dealing with chown ?
  • goldilocks
    goldilocks about 10 years
    Hmmm -- interesting. It's that way in the man page, but I've always used a dot. Looks like they took it out of the GNU man page about a decade ago because it's not POSIX portable. Still works though (with the chown from GNU coreutils on linux), but I'll change that above.
  • slm
    slm about 10 years
    chown typically takes both : and ..
  • S edwards
    S edwards about 10 years
    @mikeserv let's make it a codegolf :D
  • mikeserv
    mikeserv about 10 years
    @Kiwy, we'd need to do a little eval printf for that, I think.
  • Kevin
    Kevin about 10 years
    Pretty sure the -f - is implied on both ends.
  • mikeserv
    mikeserv about 10 years
    @Kevin Not here. Here it's specified.
  • Kevin
    Kevin about 10 years
    Yes, you specified it, but it's not necessary. Your command works fine without the f - part.
  • Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
    Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' about 10 years
    This solution has the advantage that if the source and the destination are on the same filesystem, the file is moved rather than copied and the original erased.
  • Henk Langeveld
    Henk Langeveld about 10 years
    Please split the line and don't make us click on a scroll bar to view the code. Oh, and use shopt -s lithist before you copy and paste code samples from bash history. It really helps :-)
  • S edwards
    S edwards about 10 years
    @HenkLangeveld I disagree, spleeting the line makes less usable and copy/paste not proof, I definitely prefer to scroll, though in this case it is relevant, one liners should stay on one line
  • goldilocks
    goldilocks about 10 years
    Yeah, I actually changed it back (all the assignments were on separate lines, I had everything on one), then I decided two lines is reasonable enough here for readability so made it that way. In real life I'd use one or two lines but probably not more than that (doing each assignment separately is more confusing, and using goofy '\' stuff is not necessary for this). @HenkLangeveld: I have no idea what you are referring to WRT shopt -s: I did not copy paste anything from bash history here.
  • Henk Langeveld
    Henk Langeveld about 10 years
    @TAFKA'goldilocks' By default, bash does not preserve newlines in history, so most people do not bother with indentation when editing history. shopt -s lithist allows you to copy/paste code snippets with newlines and indentation preserved. I make it a habit to run most code snippets that I post on SE, just to catch the silly mistakes. As for `, in your example, there's no need for that. It looks good this way. Personally I would continue the code after &&` with some indentation on the next line to provide a visible clue of the conditional statement.