MTP File Transfer not working on Linux Cinnamon 18


Solution 1

Solved The problem was "Gvfs-Backends" package was not installed. Installed it via Synaptic Package Manager. How it became uninstalled is a mystery. I found this by comparing Gvfs packages on a working laptop to the not working laptop in the Synaptic Package Manager, for those who may encounter this problem. So everything now behaves as it should. Thanks all, Rudi

Solution 2

Create an udev rule:

editor /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

with the following contents:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="put_the_idVendor_here", ATTR{idProduct}=="put_the_idProduct_here", MODE="0666"

Then plug in your Android device, the command mtp-detect will display the idVendor and the idProduct. Or, if the device is already plugged in, tell udev to re-create the device with udevadm trigger -a idVendor="put_the_idVendor_here".

Edit the fuse.conf :

editor /etc/fuse.conf

uncomment user_allow_other to be:

# Allow non-root users to specify the allow_other or allow_root mount options.

Create a mount point :

sudo mkdir /media/android
sudo chmod a+rwx /media/android
sudo adduser $USER fuse

Enable the MTP from your device settings.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • rudi
    rudi over 1 year

    Have two Android phones Motorola and HTC both not working on Cinnamon 18. They were both working on Cinnamon 17.2.

    I have installed MTP tools. The commands mtp-detect and lsusb both return Vids and Pids with no apparent errors.

    Plugging in the phones I select File Transfers but nothing happens ie no connection sound and no auto nemo popup, opening nemo manually shows no mobile phone.

    I also have USB Debugging on under Developer Options.

    Any help I'd be grateful Thank you.

    • rudi
      rudi over 7 years
      Thank you for your responses GAD3R and Gilles, Followed your instructions without problems except for the last instructions which I think are OK anyway. rudi@rudi-linux ~ $ sudo mkdir /media/android [sudo] password for rudi: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/media/android’: File exists rudi@rudi-linux ~ $ rudi@rudi-linux ~ $ sudo chmod a+rwx /media/android rudi@rudi-linux ~ $ rudi@rudi-linux ~ $ sudo adduser $USER fuse The user rudi' is already a member of fuse'. rudi@rudi-linux ~ $ So if the last steps are OK then still no luck.
    • rudi
      rudi over 7 years
      Sheesh, sorry about the formatting, new to this forum obviously.
    • rudi
      rudi over 7 years
      Two developments.
    • rudi
      rudi over 7 years
      Two developments. On an identical laptop with a clean install of mint cinnamon 17.3 the phone is recognized and all is well. On the computer running mint cinnamon 18 (the one that doesn't work) if I select CD Insaller instead of File Transfers the phone appears in Nemo and Disks in the start menu.
    • rudi
      rudi over 7 years
      Further research. I have VirtualBox installed with Windows 10 guest and Linux Cinnamon 18 host. The phones HTC and Motorola work perfectly in Windows 10. At least I have somewhere to back things up.
  • heemayl
    heemayl over 7 years
    Why would you be restarting udev?