My Seed() method is never called in Code First EF 5


Solution 1

So the reason was that I needed to specify my custom Initializer in the config file:

        <context type="EFTest2.MyContext, EFTest2">
          <databaseInitializer type="EFTest2.Initializers.DbInitializer, EFTest2" />
      <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />

After that, my Seed method is called.

Solution 2

Please first refer to the accepted answer.
I just want to add a very important note to this issue.

I was facing EXACTLY the same problem which described by this question (and this lead me to here). BUT I was using CreateDatabaseIfNotExists instead of MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion and my seed method was not executed even after applying the accepted answer.

My problem was the following : According to the documentation of the for the Seed method : the Seed method of the DbMigrationsConfiguration will not be executed if the Database Initializer is one of the following

If you are using one of those types, you should create your own class which inherits from one of those types, and then override the seed method in your own class.

In my case, adding the following class solved the problem.

public class CreateNotifierDatabaseIfNotExists : CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<NotifierContext>
    protected override void Seed(NotifierContext context)
        // the code of the seeding is go here

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Magnus Johansson
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Updated on September 15, 2022


  • Magnus Johansson
    Magnus Johansson over 1 year

    My Seed() method is never called. It is called when I do an Update-Database from the Package Manager Console, but never when I run from code. If I delete my database, all tables are created ( so my migration classes are executed), but my Seed() code is never called. MVC 4, Entity Frame Work 5 Code First.


    protected void Application_Start()
      Database.SetInitializer<MyContext>(new DbInitializer());


    internal class DbInitializer : MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MyContext, Migrations.Configuration>


    public partial class MyContext : DbContext
      public MyContext() : base("DefaultConnection")
      // public DBSets....


    internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<MyContext>
    public Configuration()
      // The constructor is actually called
      AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
    protected override void Seed(MyContext context)
       // My seed code, never called

    What could be wrong?

    • Arthur Vickers
      Arthur Vickers over 11 years
      Are you sure that you are doing something with the context? DbContext is lazy; it doesn't do much of anything until you start using it by, for example, running a query or adding an object. Your initializer will only run when the context is used for the first time. You can cause initialization to happen by calling context.Database.Initialize(false);
  • James White
    James White almost 7 years
    Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MyContext, MyDbMigrationsConfiguration>()); /* in your context constructor also works */
  • xr280xr
    xr280xr over 6 years
    Here's what I'm not understanding: When would you not use one of these classes? I had been following an example in a book which stated out using DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges which created my database, and then later changed it to a NullDatabaseInitializer and a DbMigrationsConfiguration for seeding. It all worked fine on my end but now I'm finding out the database is not being created for other developers. So I changed it to CreateDatabaseIfNotExists and now it creates, but doesn't seed. So is DbMigrationsConfiguration only intended for use against a db not created by EF?