MySQL SUM Query is extremely slow


Solution 1

(Yes, I am adding another answer. Justification: It addresses the underlying problem a different way.)

The underlying problem seems to be that there is an ever-growing "transaction" table from which is derived various statistics, such as SUM(amount). The performance of this will only get worse and worse as the table(s) grow.

The basis for this Answer will be to look at the data in two ways: "History" and "Current". Transactions is the History. A new table would be the Current totals for each User. But I see multiple ways to do that. Each involves some form of subtotal(s) so as to avoid adding 773K rows to get the answer.

  • The traditional banking way... Each night tally up the day's Transactions and add them to Current.
  • The Materialized View way... Each time a row is added to Transactions, increment Current.
  • Hybrid: Keep daily subtotals in a "Summary Table". Sum those subtotals to get the SUM through last night.

More discussion in my blog on Summary Tables.

Note that the up-to-the-second balance for the banking or hybrid way is a little tricky:

  1. Get last night's amount
  2. Add any Transactions that occurred during the day.

Any of the approaches will be a lot faster than scanning all 773K rows for the user, but it will be more complex code.

Solution 2

(Sorry to step on all the good comments. I hope I have added enough to justify claiming an "Answer".)

Are there 6M rows in the table? But 773K rows with that user_id?

9GB buffer_pool? The table is about 4GB of data? So it fits in the buffer_pool if there is not much else to bump it out. (SHOW TABLE STATUS and check "Data_length".)

The existing INDEX(user_id) might be 20MB, easily cachable.

If the user_ids are sufficiently scattered around the table, the query probably needs to fetch virtually every 16KB block of the data. So, the original query with original index will go something like:

  1. scan the index for the given user_id. This will be a minor part of the total effort.
  2. For each entry in the index, look up (randomly) the record. This happens 1.5M times. With a "cold" cache, this would easily take 38 seconds or more. Where the "slow" times soon after a restart? Or something else that blows out the cache? With a "warm" cache, it is all CPU (no I/O), hence 1 second is reasonable.

If you change to the optimal, "covering", INDEX(user_id, confirmed, amount), things change some...

  • "Covering" means that the entire query would be performed in the index. (This composite index might be more like 40MB, but this is still very small compared to the data.)
  • In a "cold" cache, only 40MB would need fetching -- expect much better than 38s.
  • In a "warm" cache (this time only the 40MB), it might run in half a second.

If there were also a date range in the WHERE clause, I would push for building and maintaining a "Summary table". This might speed up similar queries by a factor of 10.

If you do add a composite index starting with user_id, you should (not must) DROP the index on just user_id as being redundant. (If you don't drop it, it will mostly waste disk space.)

As for doing it in production...

  • If you have a new enough version of MySQL, ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=INPLACE ..., which is feasible for adding/dropping indexes with minimal impact.
  • For older versions, see pt-online-schema-change. It requires that there be no other Triggers, and does take a very short downtime. The Trigger takes care of the 200 writes/minute 'transparently'.

ALGORITHM=INPLACE was added in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0.

Solution 3

One thing you might try is adding an composite index to see if it speeds up the select part of the query:

ALTER TABLE `transactions` ADD INDEX `user_confirmed` (`user_id`, `confirmed`);

Also, as @wajeeh pointed out in a comment, the LIMIT clause is unnecessary here since you're already calling an aggregate function.

It would be helpful if you can post the table schema in your question as well.

Hamed Kamrava
Author by

Hamed Kamrava

DevOps enthusiast

Updated on June 14, 2022


  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava almost 2 years

    There is a table called transactions with ~6 million rows. Below query counts the current user balance. Here is the log after I enabled slow_query_log = 'ON' :

    # Time: 170406  9:51:48
    # User@Host: root[root] @  [xx.xx.xx.xx]
    # Thread_id: 13  Schema: main_db  QC_hit: No
    # Query_time: 38.924823  Lock_time: 0.000034  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 773550
    # Rows_affected: 0
    SET timestamp=1491456108;
    SELECT SUM(`Transaction`.`amount`) as total
        FROM `main_db`.`transactions` AS `Transaction`
        WHERE `Transaction`.`user_id` = 1008
          AND `Transaction`.`confirmed` = 1
        LIMIT 1;

    As you can see it took ~38 seconds !

    Here is transactions table EXPLAIN :

    enter image description here

    This query sometimes run fast (about ~1 second) and sometimes really slow!

    Any help would be great appreciated.


    It's InnoDB and transactions table has frequent INSERT and SELECT operations.

    I tried running the query with SQL_NO_CACHE, but it is still sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

    transactions Table Schema :

    CREATE TABLE `transactions` (
      `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `ref_id` varchar(40) COLLATE utf8_persian_ci NOT NULL,
      `payment_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `amount` decimal(10,1) NOT NULL,
      `created` datetime NOT NULL,
      `private_note` varchar(6000) COLLATE utf8_persian_ci NOT NULL,
      `public_note` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_persian_ci NOT NULL,
      `confirmed` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13133663 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_persian_ci

    MySQL is running on a VPS with 12GB RAM and 9 Logical CPU cores.

    Here is a part of my.cnf :

    # * InnoDB
    # InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.
    # Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!
    default_storage_engine  = InnoDB
    # you can't just change log file size, requires special procedure
    innodb_buffer_pool_size = 9G
    innodb_log_buffer_size  = 8M
    innodb_file_per_table   = 1
    innodb_open_files       = 400
    innodb_io_capacity      = 400
    innodb_flush_method     = O_DIRECT
    innodb_thread_concurrency = 0
    innodb_read_io_threads = 64
    innodb_write_io_threads = 64
    # Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
    # localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
    #bind-address           =
    # * Fine Tuning
    max_connections         = 500
    connect_timeout         = 5
    wait_timeout            = 600
    max_allowed_packet      = 16M
    thread_cache_size       = 128
    sort_buffer_size        = 4M
    bulk_insert_buffer_size = 16M
    tmp_table_size          = 32M
    max_heap_table_size     = 32M
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    dear billynoah.(sorry for my bad English). This query sometimes run in ~1 seconds but sometimes run in ~30 seconds! I really don't know why! I think when query run for first time, it takes too long time but after that it run fast(probably because of query cache or something like that).
  • Eaten by a Grue
    Eaten by a Grue about 7 years
    try it with SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE... to skip the cache and get a better idea how it's performing on it's own. Did you try adding that index?
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    It's my production server. Adding index takes long time. I have to announce users
  • Eaten by a Grue
    Eaten by a Grue about 7 years
    copy the table somewhere and try it there.
  • Wajih
    Wajih about 7 years
    Maybe the problem because sometimes your query need to wait some other SQL that lock the table.
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    @wajeeh How can I prove that?
  • Eaten by a Grue
    Eaten by a Grue about 7 years
    Is it a MyISAM table? Are there frequent write operations happening? If the query runs fast without a cache then it very well could be the case. If it's INNODB, then I'd think row level locking shouldn't interfere
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    It's InnoDB. Yes table has frequent write operations. at least 200 new rows in a minute.
  • Wajih
    Wajih about 7 years
    The best practice is to copy the table to a separate place and try @HamedKamrava
  • Thorsten Kettner
    Thorsten Kettner about 7 years
    One more option is to add amount at the end of the suggested index. Then you have a covering index containing all needed columns and the table doesn't have to be accessed anymore; all data can be read from the index.
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    @ThorstenKettner I don't get that! Can you give me a reference?
  • Thorsten Kettner
    Thorsten Kettner about 7 years
    With create index idx on transactions(user_id, confirmed) you help the DBMS find the records that match user_id and confirmed; the index tells the DBMS where the records are located in the table and then it can read them to see the values. With create index idx on transactions(user_id, confirmed, value) on the other hand, the DBMS gets to the matching index entries quickly again, but doesn't have to use it to access the table anymore, because the value is already stored in the index itself. This is usually much faster.
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    @ThorstenKettner Thank you. Already there is an index on user_id. So I need to delete this index and create two more indexes, firstly (user_id, confirmed) and second (user_id, confirmed, value). Am I right?
  • Thorsten Kettner
    Thorsten Kettner about 7 years
    No. You don't have to delete any index. An index is just an offer to the DBMS. For another query the DBMS might decide to use the index on user_id alone, because the index is smaller and can be read faster. But yes, you can drop them, and I'd recommend to drop the one on (user_id, confirmed), because it really seems superfluous to have both.
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    Wow great explanations. I have two big tables. transactions (Data_length = 973996032), short_messages (Data_length = 3531227136).
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    MySQL(MariaDB) version is 10.1.18-MariaDB-1
  • Rick James
    Rick James about 7 years
    You should specify ALGORITHM=INPLACE. That way, if "the operation necessarily requires a copy, an error is issued". So, I think (without having tested a situation like yours) you can safely add the index without stopping production. (It would be wise to test somewhere first.) (The system may slow down, since it is a moderately intensive operation.)
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    "Are there 6M rows in the table? But 773K rows with that user_id?" Yes most of our data are belongs to three users!
  • Hamed Kamrava
    Hamed Kamrava about 7 years
    You are my hero