MySql Trigger Update select sum after insert



AFTER INSERT ON Transactions
UPDATE Accounts a
   SET a.AccountBalance = 
    (SELECT SUM(TransactionAmount) 
       FROM Transactions
      WHERE AccountID = a.AccountID)
 WHERE a.AccountID = NEW.AccountID;

Here is SQLFiddle demo.

UPDATE: Since triggers are not available to you try wrap INSERT and UPDATE into a stored procedure like this

CREATE PROCEDURE AddTransaction(IN aid INT, amount DECIMAL(11, 2)) 
  INSERT INTO Transactions (AccountID, TransactionAmount)
  VALUES (aid, amount);
  UPDATE Accounts a
     SET a.AccountBalance = 
      (SELECT SUM(TransactionAmount) 
         FROM Transactions
        WHERE AccountID = a.AccountID)
   WHERE a.AccountID = aid;
END $$

And then use it

CALL AddTransaction(1, 10.50);

Here is SQLFiddle demo for that scenario.

Marcus Reed
Author by

Marcus Reed

I am a newbie developer who would love to learn how to program properly.

Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Marcus Reed
    Marcus Reed about 2 years

    I have three tables.

    1. Members
    2. Accounts
    3. Transactions

    I want to update Accounts.AccountBalance with the sum of all Transactions.TransactionAmount after a new transaction is inserted into the Transactions table.

    The following code does not seem to work for me. Any suggestions?

        AFTER INSERT ON Transactions
        FOR EACH ROW 
            UPDATE Accounts SET Accounts.AccountBalance = (
                    SELECT SUM(Transactions.TransactionAmount) 
                        FROM Transactions
                        WHERE Accounts.AccountID=Transactions.AccountID
  • Marcus Reed
    Marcus Reed about 11 years
    No luck. Error SQL query: CREATE TRIGGER NewTrigger AFTER INSERT ON Transactions FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Accounts a SET a.AccountBalance = ( SELECT SUM( TransactionAmount ) FROM Transactions WHERE AccountID = a.AccountID ) WHERE a.AccountID = NEW.AccountID MySQL said: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 9
  • peterm
    peterm about 11 years
    @MarcusReed There is no need for BEGIN. See updated answer and sqlfiddle demo.
  • Marcus Reed
    Marcus Reed about 11 years
    MySQL said: #1227 - Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation
  • peterm
    peterm about 11 years
    @MarcusReed In MySQL 5.0 CREATE TRIGGER requires the SUPER privilege. Therefore either grant needed privileges for your current user under which you're creating a trigger, or do it under superuser (usually root) account
  • Marcus Reed
    Marcus Reed about 11 years
    I am using godaddy phpmyadmin and I cant change the privileges. Is there any other way of updating that field with the sum data?
  • peterm
    peterm about 11 years
    @MarcusReed GoDaddy and other providers restrict creating triggers to shared hosting users. See…. You can simply execute UPDATE after INSERT on Transactions or better yet wrap it up in a stored procedure. (You should be able to create an SP in your GO Daddy account)
  • peterm
    peterm about 11 years
    @MarcusReed See updated answer for a scenario with a stored procedure.