No “Proceed Anyway” option on NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID in Chrome on MacOS


Solution 1

FYI: Chrome on MacOS treats this different than Windows. MacOS version won't see the proceed button even you click advanced button.

To still proceed the visit as you are sure this page is safe, here is a easy way to do:

There's a secret passphrase built into the error page. Just make sure the page is selected (click anywhere on the screen), and just type thisisunsafe.


Solution 2

There is a hidden way to bypass that error, even if no button allows it. Of course, this should be used for your own sites only – where you are perfectly sure that site is not hacked, but simply local and therefore without a valid internet certificate.

Simply click anywhere on the denial page and type “thisisunsafe”.

Sounds crazy, but works to bypass chrome’s supervision of your safety. Chrome should get kicked for not accepting the certificate of devices in my local network. This is not IoT, this is "Ny Net"!

Solution 3

This solution worked for me.

  • Right click, select inspect element
  • click on console tab
  • Copy paste sendCommand(SecurityInterstitialCommandId.CMD_PROCEED) press Enter

Boom! it should load the page :)

Solution 4

i just typed “thisisunsafe”, it worked for me

Solution 5

To make even macOS Chrome show the "Proceed" link under advanced, make sure to create the certificate with the TLS Web Server Authentication in the X509 extensions.

Here's a oneliner to create with that extension:

openssl req \
  -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -x509 \
  -new \
  -nodes \
  -keyout server.key \
  -out server.crt  \
  -subj /CN=test1   \
  -sha256  \
  -days 3650  \
  -addext "subjectAltName =,IP:,IP:" \
  -addext "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth"

If you MacOS openssl does not have addext option, then use this alternate form:

openssl req \
  -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -x509 \
  -nodes \
  -keyout server.key \
  -new \
  -out server.crt \
  -subj /CN=test1 \
  -extensions v3_new \
  -config <(cat /System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf \
  <(printf '[v3_new]\\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth')) \
  -sha256 \
  -days 3650

The key being extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth.


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Updated on April 21, 2022


  • DarioSoller
    DarioSoller about 2 years

    I try to get my local development in Chrome back running, but Chrome prevents that, with the message that the certificate is invalid. Even though it could not be the date of the certificate, as you can see in the screenshot of it:

    enter image description here

    I just wonder why there is no advanced > option to proceed anyway to see the website and being able to locally develop the app.

    A few more things to mention:

    • The local development runs on It can't be just localhost, because otherwise our authentication http-only cookies won't work in Chrome.
    • Therefore the host file under etc/hosts was adjusted to point to the localhost IP adress (
    • The certificate was generated with openssl according to this tutorial and this repo
    • The certificate works for a colleague with the exact same Chrome version but with a MacOS version 10.14.6 (mine right now is MacOS 10.15.1)
    • The chrome flag(chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost) does not change anything
    • Also works in firefox on my laptop.

    Can't find anything online that helped me to solve this so far, so I would be extremly thankful, if anyone has some more ideas what I could try!?


    • OS: MacOS 10.15.1
    • Chrome: 78.0.3904.97
    • Павле
      Павле almost 4 years
      Since July 2020 the problem also occurs on Windows in Chromium-based browsers and Firefox.
  • Ilfat Galiev
    Ilfat Galiev over 4 years
    Thanks! it was useful. Do you know any way to make custom certificates as trusted for browser? adding to to keychain doesn't help.
  • austinthedeveloper
    austinthedeveloper over 4 years
    Chrome 80.0.3987.87 just made this solution more annoying. It still works but every time my application is updated or the page is refreshed, the "unsafe" screen shows.
  • alex3410
    alex3410 about 4 years
    i normally get the procced link in chrome on mac but its not appearing today for some reason, this solution is fantastic thank you for sharing
  • Harinder
    Harinder almost 4 years
    Works! but there has to be a better way. Safari gives me a proceed button, why does chorme not allow that?
  • Rebecca
    Rebecca over 3 years
    This is the most useful thing on the internet! Thanks!
  • marty331
    marty331 over 3 years
    Genius! I cannot believe that works but I'm very happy it does.
  • A.Veryga
    A.Veryga over 3 years
    OMG! It is really helped me!
  • aarosil
    aarosil over 3 years
    Amazing! I guess Chrome team feels only users who know stackoverflow / twitter should be trusted to allowed to proceed
  • carpii
    carpii over 3 years
    "There's a secret passphrase built into the error page" - Oh wow, this is awesome. Thanks!
  • yrk
    yrk over 3 years
    This is so "iddqd"!
  • dossy
    dossy over 3 years
    This was the answer I was looking for - adding the serverAuth EKU. Thanks.
  • farukg
    farukg over 3 years
    haha so nice, thx!, how did you find out,though ^^? You did code that part right ? :D
  • harrrrrrry
    harrrrrrry over 3 years
  • newbreedofgeek
    newbreedofgeek over 3 years
    What?! I thought it was a joke but it worked! How did you discover this easter egg
  • Daniel Wabyick
    Daniel Wabyick over 3 years
    This is just insane.
  • Mayur
    Mayur about 3 years
    just loved the answer... amazing :-)
  • Tom Stein
    Tom Stein about 3 years
    This solves the problem, but always keep in mind that this solution changes chrom completely: Never open another tab to another internet site, as that will ignore certificate errors as well. It's a pitty that Chrome can not easily be told to accept site-specific certificate errors, as this is my PC, my Chrome and my IoT-device without any cloud.
  • xjlin0
    xjlin0 about 3 years
    not working on my Chrome Version 89.0.4389.128 (Official Build) (x86_64) :(
  • Gianluca Ghettini
    Gianluca Ghettini about 3 years
    Amazing! Thank you for the "thisisunsafe" method. That was a It really shows how broken security is on the web !
  • Joy
    Joy about 3 years
    Amazing! Out of the world! hahaha..This actually works!
  • Ilir
    Ilir about 3 years
    how do i revert this. it redirects me to a website i've never seen before. so im paranoid and i want to revert it. im on mac.
  • fartwhif
    fartwhif about 3 years
    i would have suggested google,thisisstupid_stahppit also, it's hilarious that they presume the local clock is wrong instead of the cert is "very expired", statistically speaking it makes sense, but really, if you can't trust the local clock in this case why would you be able to trust it if it's aligned to be within the certificate's window...
  • pdwalker
    pdwalker about 3 years
    this also works for the v3.8x version of vivaldi.
  • WestCoastProjects
    WestCoastProjects about 3 years
    Not supported on macOS ??
  • WestCoastProjects
    WestCoastProjects about 3 years
    Does not work on chrome Version 91.0.4472.77 (Official Build) (x86_64) on macOS ;(
  • Yash
    Yash almost 3 years
    Wow. Thanks. This is insane. Worked fine on Version 92.0.4515.131 (Official Build) (x86_64) Mac
  • Milena Schmidt
    Milena Schmidt almost 3 years
    That really works for me - chrome version 92.0.4515.159. Thank you!
  • Rakshitha Muranga Rodrigo
    Rakshitha Muranga Rodrigo over 2 years
    This worked for me. Thanks. Saved the day. I'm using MacOS BigSur 11.6 and Chrome Version 94.0.4606.71 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  • Shubham Namdeo
    Shubham Namdeo over 2 years
    This one made my day! :D
  • truthadjustr
    truthadjustr over 2 years
    I have to drop the -extensions v3_new for it to work in MacOS. Thanks
  • mwfearnley
    mwfearnley over 2 years
    At time of writing, the cheat code (BYPASS_SEQUENCE) is encoded in base64 at…
  • mblakesley
    mblakesley over 2 years
  • Hasan Civelek
    Hasan Civelek over 2 years
    Oha! I can't believe this really works. Thanks man!
  • Alex Ivasyuv
    Alex Ivasyuv about 2 years
    wow, nice feature!
  • mwfearnley
    mwfearnley about 2 years
    For what it's worth, I have encountered this error on Mac and Windows. I think the conditions for triggering this particular error may vary though, depending on the OS.
  • GrafiCode
    GrafiCode about 2 years
    This is still valid in 2022. I can't believe my eyes.
  • OG Sean
    OG Sean about 2 years
    did not work for me in chrome Version 101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • OG Sean
    OG Sean about 2 years
    this did not work for me in Version 101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • obe6
    obe6 about 2 years
    .... ok, BUT is there a way to bypass this without digit thisisunsafe every time I visit the site ? I tried to flag "alway trust" in the certificate but this is not sufficient.