SSL Localhost Privacy error


Solution 1

In Chrome, you can use url chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost to allow insecure localhost. Refer to this Stack Overflow for more information.

enter image description here

Update: arda-basoglu's steps are confirmed, this works, too:

  1. When you see "Your connection is not private...NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID" warning on Chrome,
  2. Just type "thisisunsafe" (anywhere...key listeners pick it up) and wait.

Solution 2

1. When you see "Your connection is not private...NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID" warning on Chrome,

2. Just type "thisisunsafe" and wait.

Note: Last time this was tested, Chrome latest version was 96.0.4664.110


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Ramo Toric
Author by

Ramo Toric

Updated on January 06, 2022


  • Ramo Toric
    Ramo Toric over 2 years

    I setup ssl on localhost (wamp), I made the ssl crt with GnuWIn32.

    When I try to login with fb in Chrome I get the following message:




    Your connection is not private.
    Attackers might be trying to steal your information from localhost (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID. localhost normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Chrome tried to connect to localhost this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an attacker is trying to pretend to be localhost, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Chrome stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.

    You cannot visit localhost right now because the website sent scrambled credentials that Chrome cannot process. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.

    My SSL Config:

    Listen 443    
    SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:!MD5    
    SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin    
    SSLSessionCache        "shmcb:c:/wamp/www/ssl/logs/ssl_scache(512000)"
    SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300    
    <VirtualHost *:443>    
    DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www"
    ServerName localhost:443
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ErrorLog "c:/wamp/logs/error.log"
    TransferLog "c:/wamp/logs/access.log"
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile "c:/wamp/www/ssl/ia.crt"
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "c:/wamp/www/ssl/ia.key"
    <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
    <Directory "c:/Apache24/cgi-bin">
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
    BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-5]"  nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
             downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
    CustomLog "c:/wamp/logs/ssl_request.log" \
              "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

    My question is how to setup valid SSL certificate on localhost? or do I need to edit my configuration?

  • Romeo Sierra
    Romeo Sierra over 4 years
    Any idea why this is happening? For me, angular server which was running on port number 4200 was previously working fine. It was only yesterday that I faced this issue for the first time. Any idea why that happened all in a sudden?
  • WEBjuju
    WEBjuju over 4 years
    @RomeoSierra when did you setup the ssl...yesterday? even if ssl had been setup previously, you may have been accessing the site via "http" not "https".
  • Romeo Sierra
    Romeo Sierra over 4 years
    Nop. I had SSL setup for long time now, as it is required for facebook signup. And when you host your development server for angular using ng serve --ssl=true you can't access over HTTP.
  • WEBjuju
    WEBjuju over 4 years
    @romeosierra dunno - if this fixes it, there you go. why it broke may be an opportunity to ask a new question.
  • James
    James over 3 years
    This actually works. I wish Chrome would just put something in devtools to address this, but at least this is something better than enabling a catch all flag.
  • KlavierCat
    KlavierCat over 3 years
    Still working for Chrome Version 88.0.4324.96
  • Aaronius
    Aaronius over 3 years
    Da hell? I was looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody was watching because I was going to be embarrassed I was gullible enough to try this. It actually works.
  • WEBjuju
    WEBjuju about 3 years
    I have the accepted answer which was for "localhost" only. Typing this when you see the page (not into any input widget, just type it) will accept the insecure ssl cert for any domain.
  • p-syche
    p-syche over 2 years
    This solution is right out of some silly hacker movie :D and yet... it works. Checked in Chrome 96.0.4664.110.
  • Alper Batıoğlu
    Alper Batıoğlu over 2 years
    omg :) this is just like an easter egg. And it is still working for Edge Version 98.0.1108.51