No sound from Chrome, sound works fine in Firefox etc (13.10)


Solution 1

I had the same problem. It ended up being that my system was trying to put Chrome's sound through the HDMI even though the HDMI chord was not plugged in at the time. Presumably, this could happen with any audio output device. The sound settings Ubuntu offers didn't show this nor let me change it for the individual application, but pavucontrol did.

To install pavucontrol from the Terminal:

sudo apt-get install pavucontrol

To open pavucontrol from the Terminal:


Select the "Playback" menu and make sure that you have it set to Show Applications. Now, start playing something from Google Chrome. It will show up there, and it will show what output device is being used for Google Chrome. Make sure it is set to the output device you are trying to use.

Solution 2

This work for me (Ubuntu 14.04):

killall pulseaudio
rm -r ~/.config/pulse/*
rm -r ~/.pulse*

And reboot.

These commands will stop pulseaudio and remove its current configuration, to start with the defaults again.

Solution 3

Before wiping out the entire Chrome configuration directory, try this: switch to another audio output device and then switch back to the original one. If you have only one audio device, connect an external one (like HDMI or USB audio) and then perform the above trick.

Update The following seems to prevent the problem from reappearing in the future:

  • Edit /etc/pulse/, find the line that starts with load-module module-stream-restore and add restore_device=false at the end so that the line looks like this:

    load-module module-stream-restore restore_device=false

  • Do killall pulseaudio

Solution 4

None of the above worked form, been without sound in chrome for a week. Then I started SMplayer, no sound also, Options>Pregerences>Audio switched from pulseaudio to alsa.

Next time I started chrome sound works.

Solution 5

I had a similar problem. My laptop had two sound cards, one for built-in audio from the laptop speakers, the other to come through the hdmi output. When I was playing music or something that used the browsers sound, it was channeling the sound through the hdmi channel. From the kmix sound manager, I could see that chrome was listed in the playback streams but if you right clicked on the chrome icon and select move, there was an option to change the audio output for the stream. I made sure it wasn't hdmi, since I wanted the sound to come from my speakers or headphones.

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • JasonWoof
    JasonWoof over 1 year

    I'm running 13.10 (all up-to-date) on a Lenovo laptop with a Griffin iMic USB audio device. Though I occasionally have to use the Pulse Audio volume control tool to re-select the iMic, it works consistently from everything on the system except Chrome, which basically has no audio at all.

    With most applications that want to use the audio stuff, you see something in the first tab of pavucontrol. Not Chrome; there's just nothing.

    Some ancient forum posts here and there suggested symlinking the Firefox "plugins" directory over to Chrome's installation directory, which seems pretty goofy and which doesn't work now anyway.

    Chrome version is 34.0.1847.132.

    Is there some trick to making Chrome work with a USB audio device? (As far as I can tell it doesn't work with built-in audio either ...)

    edit — Still not working, now on 14.04 and Chrome 37.0.2062.120

    More info:

    Chrome's been reinstalled more than once, with no effect. I've also tried the beta (currently Chrome 38.0.2125.77 beta). The PulseAudio manager tool, in its list of clients, shows Firefox and various other things, and also "Chrome input" but no "Chrome output".

    Chromium behaves exactly the same way.

    edit — now on an (old and tired) 15.04 installation. Chrome (Version 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit)) still does not work, though on full moon nights or something else random it'll send sound through the built-in analog audio on the laptop. However, Chromium (Version 48.0.2564.82 Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit)) does work now, and it works through the USB audio device. I don't know of any particular thing I've done lately to make that true, but

    • s3lph
      s3lph over 9 years
      Is Chrome muted in the sound settings?
    • JasonWoof
      JasonWoof over 9 years
      @the_Seppi no, it isn't, as far as I know. I'm running xfce4 as my desktop; I don't even know where such a settings panel (or config file) might be.
    • s3lph
      s3lph over 9 years
      Execute (and install, if not found) xfce4-mixer from a terminal.
    • JasonWoof
      JasonWoof over 9 years
      @the_Seppi well that gives me volume control etc, but it has no effect on Chrome. (Thanks for the suggestion however.)
    • s3lph
      s3lph over 9 years
      Does it only apply to Flash or also everything else? Watch this video. If you hear anything, it's a Flash problem. If not, it's really Chrome-related.
    • JasonWoof
      JasonWoof over 9 years
      @the_Seppi works fine in Firefox, not at all in Chrome. Youtube and Vimeo work in Firefox, not in Chrome. Amazon music previews work in Firefox, not in Chrome. Using a freshly-created test user with Chrome (so, no saved config) doesn't work either. I'm of the opinion that it's a Chrome issue :)
    • s3lph
      s3lph over 9 years
    • Isiah Meadows
      Isiah Meadows over 9 years
      Check if this is a known bug with Chrome/Chromium, and if there doesn't already exist a bug, feel free to file a new one. Note that this is not a bug with Ubuntu or any other program or driver.
    • laugeo
      laugeo over 9 years
      did you try to reset chrome config: copy and run this command in a terminal :mv ~/.config/google-chrome ~/.config/google-chrome_bak
    • JasonWoof
      JasonWoof over 9 years
      @impinball I agree - I've managed to get all sorts of audio stuff working on this machine (in fact playing with SuperCollider and Overtone today) but the only thing consistently broken is Chrome (and Chromium).
    • JasonWoof
      JasonWoof over 9 years
      @laugeo yes I did, but thanks for the suggestion.
    • Panther
      Panther over 9 years
    • JasonWoof
      JasonWoof over 9 years
      @bodhi.zazen yes, no luck. Thanks for the suggestion however.
    • Panther
      Panther over 9 years
      If that did not resolve the problem then, IMO you are should file a bug report with chrome as Ubuntu seems to be working and chrome is not in the Ubuntu repositories.
    • Zeiss Ikon
      Zeiss Ikon almost 6 years
      Even 15.04 is long past EOL -- you should at least update to 16.04 to see if the problem resolves.
    • JasonWoof
      JasonWoof almost 6 years
      @ZeissIkon this question was from 4 years ago :)
    • Zeiss Ikon
      Zeiss Ikon almost 6 years
      Huh. It showed up as "modified X minutes ago" right before I commented...
  • JasonWoof
    JasonWoof over 9 years
    Thanks, but as far as I know modern versions of Chrome don't support the old Netscape plugin API any more. I have flashplugin-installer installed on my system, but with Chrome the only Flash option available is PepperFlash.
  • ttoine
    ttoine over 9 years
    You are right, since Ubuntu 14.04, Chrome and Chromium can not use anymore the Netscape plugin API. Maybe you should follow this tutorial ? However, my answer should be good for Ubuntu 12.04
  • JasonWoof
    JasonWoof over 9 years
    I've got Pepper Flash installed and updated already, thanks.
  • ttoine
    ttoine over 9 years
    you tell you re-installed Chrome many times. But did you delete the .config/google-chrome folder in your /home ?
  • JasonWoof
    JasonWoof over 9 years
    Yes, I have tried Chrome with freshly-made user accounts and after removing my own .config directory. This problem has been going on for almost a year, so I've had plenty of time to experiment :)
  • ttoine
    ttoine over 9 years
    do you have sound with the integrated sound card of the laptop ?
  • JasonWoof
    JasonWoof over 9 years
    I do from all other software, but not Chrome.
  • ttoine
    ttoine over 9 years
    the Griffin iMic USB audio is the integrated sound device ??
  • JasonWoof
    JasonWoof over 8 years
    actually sometimes I do have sound from the integrated device. I happened to be using chrome the other day and was stunned to hear audio coming from the laptop.
  • JasonWoof
    JasonWoof over 8 years
    Thanks for your suggestion. I'll give it a try at some point.
  • Tony
    Tony over 8 years
    Worked for me too on Ubuntu 12.04. Had to restart Chrome after the operation.
  • axel22
    axel22 about 8 years
    Worked for me perfectly.
  • Kalamalka Kid
    Kalamalka Kid about 8 years
    Could you please describe in your answer what these commands actually do?
  • Yi Jiang
    Yi Jiang over 7 years
    Thank you so much for this! I suspected this to be the issue after sound from half my apps disappeared after I had connected then disconnected the laptop to a screen via HDMI, but the default Unity control center doesn't show which outlet the sound was going out from on a per application basis.
  • pagliuca
    pagliuca almost 7 years
    Worked for me too on Debian 8. Great.
  • Zaz
    Zaz over 6 years
    Repeat these steps for microphone input if you're also having issues with that. A good site to test on is
  • fgblomqvist
    fgblomqvist about 6 years
    Worked for me on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • jerome
    jerome over 5 years
    Perfect, this way I didn't have to kill pulseaudio or remove pulseaudio configs. pavucontrol still seems to work fine under 18 LTS as well.
  • Waqleh
    Waqleh over 5 years
    I was trying to output sound from USB (dock-station) and this solved it for me on Kubuntu 18.04
  • Robin Hood
    Robin Hood over 5 years
    I would just like to say thank you so much because pavucontrol worked for me :D It seems the sound controls failed to default back to "Built-in Audio" after using HDMI.
  • Edson Medina
    Edson Medina over 5 years
    Switching to a different audio output and back solved it for me. Thanks!
  • Wong Jia Hau
    Wong Jia Hau over 5 years
    It work for me in Ubuntu 16.04 as well, I just ran the command and restart my chrome and it works!
  • Tri Nguyen
    Tri Nguyen about 5 years
    Thanks a lot, not all heroes wear capes nowadays
  • Gabriel Amazonas Mesquita
    Gabriel Amazonas Mesquita almost 5 years
    Thank you so much. This works for me on Ubuntu 16.04
  • dgo.a
    dgo.a almost 5 years
    Thanks. Your solution worked for me. I'm running Linux 5.1.19_1 (Void Linux)
  • Victor Ferreira
    Victor Ferreira over 4 years
    things only Linux could provide
  • Richard Logwood
    Richard Logwood almost 4 years
    Tried this on Ubuntu 19.10 without success until I switched to another audio input and then back as described below. So it's hard to know if both things were required or only switching the audio input back and forth.
  • Richard Logwood
    Richard Logwood almost 4 years
    Switching also worked for me, but I also did the configuration removal of ~/.config/pulse as described above, however, that didn't work until I switched the audio input to something else and back. I did not change /etc/pulse/
  • Vultan
    Vultan over 3 years
    Thank you!!! This worked for me on Ubuntu 20.04 for a slightly different problem; I lost all sound on my Thinkpad when docked.
  • Kef
    Kef about 2 years
    Thank you, finally fixed it. 20.04 LTS, almost a decade later and the issue still persists, this is insanity.