No sound in Lubuntu 14.04


Try sudo apt-get install pavucontrol and see if the sound comes back when you toggle the configurations.


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Jitendra Vyas
Author by

Jitendra Vyas

Hi, I am Jitendra a front-end developer from India specializing in web standards, accessibility, and usability based development.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jitendra Vyas
    Jitendra Vyas over 1 year

    I Installed Ubuntu in laptop and audio was fine but I changed replaced Unity with Lubuntu and now audio is not working. Can anybody help?

    • agha rehan abbas
      agha rehan abbas almost 10 years
      what tests have you underwent before saying that sound id not working will you please add a comment or modify your question
    • agha rehan abbas
      agha rehan abbas almost 10 years
      go to settings select sound option and then test speakers option
    • agha rehan abbas
      agha rehan abbas almost 10 years
      what was the output do you hear any sound while you click on right and left icons
    • agha rehan abbas
      agha rehan abbas almost 10 years
      open the applications menu or lubuntu bash then enter system settings
    • agha rehan abbas
      agha rehan abbas almost 10 years
      what output have got by following those steps
    • Jitendra Vyas
      Jitendra Vyas almost 10 years
      I didn't get what to do you mean by application Menu and I typed "System Settings" in "Run" but nothing came
    • Jitendra Vyas
      Jitendra Vyas almost 10 years
      This answer solved my problem
    • agha rehan abbas
      agha rehan abbas almost 10 years
      as now your problem is solved you can close your asnwer
    • Jitendra Vyas
      Jitendra Vyas almost 10 years
      How to close it? Do you mean I should delete my question?
    • agha rehan abbas
      agha rehan abbas almost 10 years
      no you can see the option of close this question beside delete edit and share
    • Muzaffar
      Muzaffar over 9 years
  • DragonLord
    DragonLord about 7 years
    Brought up newish Lubuntu, plugged in headphones in front for first time while running. Pulse Audio Volume Control gave blue volume bar, said Headphones (plugged in) which changed live with the plug so wires to jack physically connected, but no sound. Headphones worked on Line Out jack in the back, so not blown headphones, not software driver problem. Left physical headphone plug jacked in on the front, then rebooted machine. It worked this time. Conclusion: Low-level hardware or driver feels better when headphones are plugged in upon booting.