Not able to install io module in python 3.4 on win10


Solution 1

You do not have to explicitly install io. It comes along with python bundle at the time of installing python. Within your code, just do:

import io

and it will work fine

Solution 2

The io module is part of Python already. It is in the standard library from Python 2.6 onwards. See the Python 2 and Python 3 versions of the documentation.

In fact, there is no io package on PyPI to install (the link gives a 404 not-found error).

Note that I expect pycurl to write bytestrings, not Unicode text. You probably want to use io.BytesIO instead here. See Pycurl and io.StringIO - pycurl.error: (23, 'Failed writing body) and the PyCurl documentation.

Author by


Updated on December 19, 2020


  • delaflota
    delaflota over 3 years

    I'm trying to install the io module in python3.4 or in py 2.7 on my Win10 with

    python -m pip install io

    in order to use io.StringIO with pycurl but in both cases it says:

       Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement io (from versions: )
       No matching distribution found for io

    I actually want to use curl with the GET method to access a https site on spotify
    and process the json result...

    Any idea?