OpenCV imwrite saving complete black jpeg


Solution 1

This 'feels' like a problem with floating point numbers and integers. When your image has floating point values, the imshow() of opencv expects these values to be between 0 and 1:

I'm not quite sure what imwrite() does with floating point images, as I could not read it here:

Anyhow, imwrite might expect integer values between 0 and 255, and might simply cast floats to integers. In this case, almost everything is casted to 0 (i.g. 0.8 is casted to 0), hence your black images.

Try to convert your images to CV_U8CX. Alternatively, here is something I use to debug such opencv problems:

void printType(Mat &mat) {
         if(mat.depth() == CV_8U)  printf("unsigned char(%d)", mat.channels());
    else if(mat.depth() == CV_8S)  printf("signed char(%d)", mat.channels());
    else if(mat.depth() == CV_16U) printf("unsigned short(%d)", mat.channels());
    else if(mat.depth() == CV_16S) printf("signed short(%d)", mat.channels());
    else if(mat.depth() == CV_32S) printf("signed int(%d)", mat.channels());
    else if(mat.depth() == CV_32F) printf("float(%d)", mat.channels());
    else if(mat.depth() == CV_64F) printf("double(%d)", mat.channels());
    else                           printf("unknown(%d)", mat.channels());

void printInfo(const char *prefix, Mat &mat) {
    printf("%s: ", prefix);
    printf("dim(%d, %d)", mat.rows, mat.cols);

void printInfo(Mat &mat) {
    printf("dim(%d, %d)", mat.rows, mat.cols);

This way you can find out what your cv::Mat has in it's data-field.

PS: I did not debug your code throughly, so stay open to other probleem causes.

Solution 2

imwrite prints on a 0 to 255 scale, but your image is in a 0 to 1 scale. To scale up, use this line:

image.convertTo(image, CV_8UC3, 255.0); 

Solution 3

A Python solution for those who come here from Google

import numpy as np
import cv2

frame_normed = 255 * (frame - frame.min()) / (frame.max() - frame.min())
frame_normed = np.array(frame_normed,

cv2.imwrite("path/to/out/file", frame_normed)
Author by


Software Engineer , Software Architect , Software Research Engineer ...

Updated on April 06, 2020


  • wolvorinePk
    wolvorinePk about 4 years

    I have done some pre processing for dft , and i am trying to save this image by imwrite.

    My cropped image has this information

    output.type()           5   
    output.channels()       1
    output.depth()          5

    But everytime when i save it gives black output. I have checked old existing threads of stackoverflow but all seems not working for me. e.g. OpenCV2.3 imwrite saves black image

    I have tried many color conversions and depth conversion as well but i dont know why it does not work.

    std::vector<int> qualityType;
    Mat out1,out2;
    cv::cvtColor(output, out1, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    //out1.convertTo(out2,CV_8U,1./256); // i tried this too 
    cv::imwrite("dft1.jpg",out1,qualityType); // tried even using quality type

    imshow display this image fine only problem comes when i save it.

    please help

    [EDIT] Maybe my dft class that i made has problem because i whenever i use dft function then the output can only work with inshow but for save it does not work.

    Mat CDftRidgeAnalyses::GetRidgeAnalyses(Mat inpGray)
        Mat img = inpGray;
        int WidthPadded=0,HeightPadded=0;
        int M = getOptimalDFTSize( img.rows );
        //Create a Gaussian Highpass filter 5% the height of the Fourier transform
        double db  = 0.05 * HeightPadded;
        Mat fft = ForierTransform(img.clone(),HeightPadded,WidthPadded);
        Mat ghpf = CreateGaussianHighPassFilter(Size(WidthPadded, HeightPadded), db);
        Mat res;
        Mat mag  = GetDftToImage(res,img);
        int cx = mag.cols/2;
        int cy = mag.rows/2;
        cv::Mat croped = mag(cv::Rect(0,0,cx, cy));
        cv::threshold(mag, mag, 0.019, 1, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
        Mat bgr;
        //imshow("croped", croped);
        return croped;
    Mat CDftRidgeAnalyses::ForierTransform(Mat inpGray,int M,int N)
        Mat img = inpGray;
        int i = img.channels();
        Mat padded;
        Mat img2;
        copyMakeBorder(img2, padded, 0, M - img2.rows, 0, N - img2.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
        Mat element1 = Mat_<float>(padded);
        Mat element2 = Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F);
        Mat planes[] = {element1, element2};
        Mat complexImg;
        merge(planes, 2, complexImg);
        dft(complexImg, complexImg ,0, img.rows);
        return complexImg;
    double CDftRidgeAnalyses::pixelDistance(double u, double v)
        return cv::sqrt(u*u + v*v);
    double CDftRidgeAnalyses::gaussianCoeff(double u, double v, double d0)
        double d = pixelDistance(u, v);
        return 1.0 - cv::exp((-d*d) / (2*d0*d0));
    cv::Mat CDftRidgeAnalyses::CreateGaussianHighPassFilter(cv::Size size, double cutoffInPixels)
        Mat ghpf(size, CV_32F);
        cv::Point center2((size.width*0.80), size.width/2);
        //cv::Point center2(0,0);
        for(int u = 0; u < ghpf.rows; u++)
            for(int v = 0; v < ghpf.cols; v++)
      <float>(u, v) = gaussianCoeff(u - center2.x, v - center2.y, cutoffInPixels);
        Mat bmp;
        int channels = ghpf.channels();
        int type = ghpf.type();
        int depth = ghpf.depth();
        int cx = ghpf.cols/2;
        int cy = ghpf.rows/2;
        Mat tmp;
        int iExactright =  (size.width*0.59);
        int iExactbottom = (size.height*0.86);
        //full   Mat q0(ghpf, Rect(69,10,400,290));
    //  Mat whiteq(ghpf, Rect(0,390,270,330));
        int iMainleft=0, iMainright=0;
        int iMainBottom=0,iMainTop=0;
        Mat Quad;
        Mat ql(ghpf, Rect(190,0,270,330));
        /** Make the rectangle on middle default filter with respect to top right angle**/
        iMainBottom = (size.height*0.155);
        Quad = ghpf(Rect(iMainleft,iMainTop,iMainright+6,iMainBottom));
        Mat qTopRight(ghpf, Rect(iExactright,0, iMainright+6, iMainBottom));
        /** Make the rectangle on middle default filter with respect to top left angle**/
        Quad = ghpf(Rect(300,iMainTop,300,iMainBottom));
        Mat qTopLeft(ghpf, Rect(0,0, 300, iMainBottom));
        /** Make the rectangle on middle default filter with respect to bottom left angle**/
        iMainTop = iMainTop-iMainBottom;
        iExactbottom = size.height - iMainBottom;
        Quad = ghpf(Rect(300,iMainTop,300,iMainBottom));
        Mat qBottomLeft(ghpf, Rect(0,iExactbottom, 300, iMainBottom));
        /** Make the rectangle on middle default filter with respect to bottom right angle**/
        Quad = ghpf(Rect(iMainleft,iMainTop,iMainright+6,iMainBottom));
        Mat qBottomRight(ghpf, Rect(iExactright,iExactbottom, iMainright+6, iMainBottom));
        // remove middle rectangle [ circle ] 
        Quad = ghpf(Rect(0,iMainTop+iMainTop,size.width,iMainBottom+iMainBottom-130));
        Mat qMiddle(ghpf,Rect(0,iMainTop+150,size.width,iMainBottom+iMainBottom-130));
        qMiddle =ghpf(Rect(0,iMainTop-10,size.width,iMainBottom+iMainBottom-130));
        normalize(ghpf, ghpf, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
        /*Mat x;
        imshow("fftXhighpass2", x);*/
        Filter = ghpf;
        Mat padded;
        copyMakeBorder(ghpf, padded, 0, size.height - ghpf.rows, 0, size.width - ghpf.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
        Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)};
        Mat complexImg;
        merge(planes, 2, complexImg);
        return complexImg;
    Mat CDftRidgeAnalyses::GetDftToImage(Mat res,Mat orgImage)
        Mat padded;
        copyMakeBorder(orgImage, padded, 0,orgImage.rows, 0, orgImage.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
        Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)};
        split(res, planes);
        magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);
        Mat mag = planes[0];
        mag += Scalar::all(1);
      //  log(mag, mag);
        // crop the spectrum, if it has an odd number of rows or columns
        mag = mag(Rect(0, 0, mag.cols & -2, mag.rows & -2));
        normalize(mag, mag, 1, 0, CV_MINMAX);
        return mag;

    The output that i am trying to save is from

    Mat org = imread("4.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
    Mat re;
    Mat xyz = CDftRidgeAnalyses::GetRidgeAnalyses(re);

    here the matrix xyz has these values

    output.type()           5   
    output.channels()       1
    output.depth()          5

    I hope you guys now can help me more better... maybe after converion from complex filter i am losing some points????