Option to mount .iso in Windows 8 missing


It doesn't work if the file association of the .ISO file is not Windows Explorer. Because you upgraded with MagicISO associated, it suppresses the Mount buttons.

  1. Simply right-click, and select properties in the menu.
  2. Under Opens with, select Change to change the file association:

    enter image description here

  3. Then select Windows Explorer:

    enter image description here

(if you can't see Windows Explorer, you can find it at %windir%\explorer.exe)

Now both methods should work:

enter image description hereenter image description here

Source: Yahoo answer


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • ronalchn
    ronalchn almost 2 years

    I just upgraded from Windows 7. I hear that Windows 8 has native mounting. However, when I right-click the .ISO file, there is no mount option. I really need to do this, because I got a message that MagicISO is not compatible with Windows 8.

    How do I mount it?

    Pop-up menu without option to Mount:

    enter image description here

    I also hear that there is a mount button in the ribbon, but I can't find that either.

    • Moshe Katz
      Moshe Katz almost 9 years
      This exact same issue also happens after upgrading to Windows 10, and the solution is the same.
  • ronalchn
    ronalchn over 11 years
    it doesn't work if the file association is wrong, because it would try to open it with MagicISO, which as mentioned stopped working in Windows 8
  • Moab
    Moab over 11 years
    MagicIso? you mean WinRar? Installing Winrar usually sets the iso file association as shown in the screenshot the OP posted,
  • ronalchn
    ronalchn over 11 years
    I am the OP. I installed both WinRar and MagicISO.
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound over 11 years
    @ronalchn - Do you have to select File Explorer or Windows Explorer you should clarify because your screenshot doesn't match your description.
  • ronalchn
    ronalchn over 11 years
    you will not have both on your computer. Windows Explorer was renamed File Explorer in Windows 8. The screenshot might be showing Windows Explorer because I upgraded from Windows 7 (and maybe they missed renaming it there).
  • Robi Wan Kenobi
    Robi Wan Kenobi almost 11 years
    A Windows 8 clean install matches your screenshots, so the text should be changed to match to avoid confusion.
  • Martin Argerami
    Martin Argerami almost 9 years
    I can confirm that this same solution works on Windows 10.