Windows 8 ISO Mounting at startup / permanently


Basically you want an ISO file to be mounted each time you Logon to your PC. You have two methods to do this:

  1. Open run and type in shell:startup, this will open up the Startup Folder. Place a shortcut to ISO here, and This will work.

  2. (Better Option) Execute this in Admin CMD

reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "Mount ISO" /d "{location to ISO}"

This should work.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Ray
    Ray almost 2 years

    I am using Windows 8 Pro RTM. It now has the support of mounting ISO files as a system drive, but when the computer is restarted, the ISOs are not mounted anymore.

    How can I make this mount permanent (either through a Windows option or a batch script)?

    • Tamara Wijsman
      Tamara Wijsman almost 12 years
      Why not extract the ISO to a partition or convert it to a VHD?
  • johny why
    johny why over 9 years
    hi, Why is the registry option "better"? thx
  • Zoey Hewll
    Zoey Hewll almost 6 years
    Hi, On Windows 10, this opens an explorer window at startup with the mounded ISO. Is there a way to silently mount (i.e. without opening explorer) without using registry keys?