Oracle Linux 7: Autostart Oracle with init.d


Thanks to wurtel, I found the solution. To get the Oracle DB running with the machine, I had to use systemd. Here's a Guide to it:

Follow the Oracle 11gR2+ Section (the last one) on how to create a and a Then follow this tutorial, to setup the unit file:

Works like a charm :)


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Bhupendra Dudhwal
Author by

Bhupendra Dudhwal

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Bhupendra Dudhwal
    Bhupendra Dudhwal almost 2 years

    I try to make Oracle start with the system via init.d on my Oracle Linux 7.3 machine.

    I followed this example:

    This is my script to start the db:

    # chkconfig: 345 99 10
    # description: Oracle auto start-stop script.
    # Set ORA_HOME to be equivalent to the $ORACLE_HOME
    # from which you wish to execute dbstart and dbshut;
    # Set ORA_OWNER to the user id of the owner of the 
    # Oracle database in ORA_HOME.
    case "$1" in
            # Start the Oracle databases:
            # The following command assumes that the oracle login 
            # will not prompt the user for any values
            # Remove "&" if you don't want startup as a background process.
            su $ORA_OWNER -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start" &
            su $ORA_OWNER -c $ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart &
            touch /var/lock/subsys/dbora
            # Stop the Oracle databases:
            # The following command assumes that the oracle login 
            # will not prompt the user for any values
            su $ORA_OWNER -c $ORA_HOME/bin/dbshut
            su $ORA_OWNER -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop"
            rm -f /var/lock/subsys/dbora

    Nothing happens upon start. I created soft links in /etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc3.d:

    ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc0.d/K10dbora
    ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc3.d/S99dbora
    chkconfig --level 2345 dbora on

    chkconfig lists the with runlevel 2345 on

    manually starting with a short script works just fine, like this:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start

    What am I missing?

    • wurtel
      wurtel over 7 years
      I believe that Oracle Linux 7 does not use the traditional init, but has switched to systemd for controlling the system including stopping and starting services. You'll need to create a "unit configuration file" to stop and start Oracle. I'm sure there are examples floating around on the net.
    • wurtel
      wurtel over 7 years
      If you found a solution, followup with an answer so that others searching for this can find a solution. You're allowed to answer your own question as long as you give enough info, e.g. include the unit file.