OS X Terminal: Meta key + alt functionality at the same time


Solution 1

Think about using a full featured Emacs for Mac OS X. I use Carbon Emacs but I believe others (say Aqua Emacs or X11 Emacs) would do the trick.

If you insist on using Emacs in a terminal you can use the C-x 8 prefix as a compose key. Try C-x 8 C-h to get a list of possibilities.

See http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsForMacOS

Solution 2

I use a Swedish keyboard in Mac OS X and use the following setup for Emacs.app:

First I have KeyRemap4MacBook installed and I have it setup to change the left Option key to Command.

I then have the following in my .emacs:

(setq mac-option-modifier 'none)
(setq mac-command-modifier 'meta)

This makes Emacs treat command as Meta and ignore Option. Since the left Alt/Option key is remapped to command, this makes it work lite meta while the right Alt/Option key still works for entering special characters like @ [] and {}.

App specific Mac shortcuts like Cmd+C and Cmd+V no longer work, but global shortcuts like Cmd+space for Spotlight and Cmd+Tab for app switching do.

Update: If you use iTerm2 as a Terminal, that has support for mapping only the left Alt/Option key to meta, which means you can still use the right AltGr/Option key for entering special characters. This also means you can use meta as normal inside Emacs running in the iTerm2 terminal.

Solution 3

I have a Swedish keyboard on my Mac and I'm using Aquamacs. Adding the two lines (attribution goes to Joakim Hårsman)

(setq mac-option-modifier 'none)
(setq mac-command-modifier 'meta)

in .emacs (and restarting Aquamacs) did the trick for me.

Solution 4

with iTerm2 you can map the left option key to ESC/meta and leave the mapping of the right option key to "normal". This way you can use the right option key to type accents etc.

iTerm2 preferences

Solution 5

This is an old post but adding an alternatives for Robots to find. I borrowed a couple of files from Aquamacs(emulate-mac-keyboard-mode.el, aquamacs-tools.el) that fixes the problem (I have a Italian-Pro keyboard) :

(defun aq-binding (any)
(load  "~/.emacs.d/emulate-mac-keyboard-mode.el") ;;  'noerror

this provides:

  • few minor modes (emulate-mac-italian-keyboard-mode, emulate-mac-french-keyboard-mode, mulate-mac-swiss-german-keyboard-mode, etc)
  • a menu to play with all the options provided by Aquamacs

Tested with Emacs-23.3-universal-10.6.6 and seems to work ok for me.

Thanks Aquamacs for this, what about pushing this upstream if not already done.

John Smith
Author by

John Smith

Updated on April 09, 2020


  • John Smith
    John Smith about 4 years

    Is there a way to use an alt / option key as a meta key but still be able to use it to make some characters which need it?

    For example, in my local keyboard layout:

    • @ is alt + 2
    • \ is alt + shift + 7
    • | is alt + 7
    • etc.

    So, if I set alt as a meta key, I can't make those characters anymore. On the other hand, using "press esc, release esc, press a key" to make meta key sequences makes my hands hurt.

    Any Emacs users with international keyboards who have solved this, please give any tips you might have! :)


    It appears that I can set alt as a meta key and then add these kind of settings in inputrc: "\e2": "@" This works in the bash shell but it still won't work with Emacs though, so no good.