Parallel execution of functions in javascript


You can trigger as many ajax request as you want and they will fire in parallel because they are asynchronous by default. The problem is that your browser will execute parseXML whenever the ajax request is ready, so you might end freezing your browser anyway.

You can defer the execution of parseXML with Mark Gabriel's response

setTimeout(function(){ parseXML(xml) }, 0)

Which would prevent browser freezing, but in the end would execute parseXML sequentially.

Depending on what exactly are you trying to do inside parseXML, it might be better to use webworkers to execute the XML parsing in a parallel browser process. This way you will be opening a background process to perform a specific task. You create the worker and send the filename as a message, then wait for the worker to return whatever you are expecting from parseXML

var worker = new Worker('/js/parseXML.js');
worker.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
        console.log('Webworker answer is',e);
    }, false);

worker.postMessage('sample1.xml'); // Send data to our worker.

the contents of parseXML.js would be


self.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
    console.log('Webworker received',;
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "xml",
        success: parseXml

    function parseXml(xml) {
        //searching the xml file 
}, false);

Please keep in mind that this logic only makes sense if you are planning to get a string, array or hash as the return of parseXML. You can't operate on global objects of the main script inside a webworker nor return complex objects.

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • user3422501
    user3422501 about 2 years

    I listened that javascript is single threaded am I right? Then how can I implement execution of functions(multiple) in parallel(simultaneous).

    I have script as shown below, and I want to tell you that each xml file size is 4.6MB.

    function myfunction(name) {
            type: "GET",
            url: name,
            dataType: "xml",
            success: parseXml
        function parseXml(xml) {
            //searching the xml file 

    My aim is to speed up the process of searching xml file, for that I have thought that parallel execution is good. So is it possible to have parallel execution in javascript functions or is their any way to speed up my functions execution.

  • thomaux
    thomaux about 9 years
    Your solution using the worker is correct, however the requests will not be fired in parallel as JavaScript is single threaded. Launching a multitude of AJAX requests will happen sequentially and they will be handled sequentially regardless whether you'd be using a timeout or not.
  • ffflabs
    ffflabs about 9 years
    It depends. Parsing m request with one webworker (m*1) is different than parsing 1 each with m webworkers (1*m). In this case I'd go for creating n webworkers and have each parse m/n requests (n*m/n). I made a POC for the (1*m) case in the following link:
  • thomaux
    thomaux about 9 years
    I was referring to your opening statement You can trigger as many ajax request as you want and they will fire in parallel because they are asynchronous by default, They won't be executed in parallel from JS's point of view
  • ffflabs
    ffflabs about 9 years
    Oh, regarding that, the firing is inmediate. The resolving is enqueued tho.