Parse xls/xlsx/xlsm in Node.js


Solution 1

The package works for XLS & XLSX

Solution 2

The node module named 'xlsx' ( claims to parse *.xlsm files. I've used it with *.xls and *.xlsx files successfully. I don't see any reference to having to have Python installed, although I do have it installed so I can't be sure if it's needed.

Solution 3

Another option that does not require python to be installed is node-xlsx.

Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • gone
    gone almost 2 years

    Running in Node.js, I need to be able to parse cell value's from Excel .xls,.xlsx, and .xlsm.

    Are there solutions available? I doubt there's a single module out there that will do the trick, so perhaps there is a way to internally convert two of the formats into the third and have a single format parser?

    Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, what kind of solution did you come up with?

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

  • Raeesaa
    Raeesaa about 10 years
    why vote downs? Anything wrong with npm module? I was thinking of using it.
  • Hardik Mandankaa
    Hardik Mandankaa about 7 years
    how to install python in node.js application?