pass data through <router-outlet> using component interaction in angular2



import {Injectable, EventEmitter} from "@angular/core";    

export class DataService {
onGetData: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

getData() { => {


import {Component} from '@angular/core';    
import {DataService} from "../services/data.service";       
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private DataService:DataService) {
    this.DataService.onGetData.subscribe(res => {
      (from service on .emit() )

  //To send data to all subscribers from current component
  sendData() {
    this.DataService.onGetData.emit(--NEW DATA--);

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Bahman Rouhani
Author by

Bahman Rouhani

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Bahman Rouhani
    Bahman Rouhani almost 2 years

    I'm trying to use this technique intercept input property changes with a setter to pass some data from a parent component to a child component and call a method in child component when the value is changed. my problem is the child component is binded to the parent by <router-link> and when I try to pass the data using:

    parent_component.html :

    <router-outlet [some_value] = "some_value"></router-outlet>

    where some_value is the parameter I am trying to pass from parent to child.

    parent_component.ts :

    public some_value: string;


    parent_component.ts :

      public set some_vale(number : string){
        this._some_value = number;

    however I get the error

    Unhandled Promise rejection: Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'some_value' since it isn't a known property of 'router-outlet'.

    what am I doing wrong? What is the correct way to pass the data from parent to child component when using a <router-outlet>?

    Thanks in advance and any help appreciated.

    • Mattew Eon
      Mattew Eon almost 7 years
      I think you can't do that this way. If you want to send data from the router to the child, declare a Service and use a Observable to send your object. You'll do a .next(your-object) on the component where the router is declared, and a .subscribe(object => {...}); on the child component