Passing arguments to Python from Shell Script


Solution 1

If there is space in between argument and argument is not in quotes, then python consider as two different arguments.

That's why the output of print data in the python code is just 1.

Check the below output.

[root@dsp-centos ~]# python Dinesh Pundkar
In python code
[root@dsp-centos ~]# python "Dinesh Pundkar"
In python code
Dinesh Pundkar
[root@dsp-centos ~]#

So, in your shell script, put $var1 in quotes.

Content of shell script(

var1="Dinesh Pundkar"
python "$var1"

Content of python code(

import sys
data = sys.argv[1]
print "In python code"
print data


[root@dsp-centos ~]# sh
In python code
Dinesh Pundkar

Solution 2

Use Join and list slicing

import sys
data = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
print "In python code"
print data
print type(data)
Author by


Updated on October 19, 2020


  • kskp
    kskp over 3 years

    I wrote a small shell script that looks like this:

    cd models/syntaxnet
    var1=$(jq --raw-output '.["avl_text"]' | syntaxnet/
    echo $var1
    python /home/sree/ $var1

    My looks like this:

    import sys
    data = sys.argv[1]
    print "In python code"
    print data
    print type(data)

    Now, the output of echo $var1 in my shell script is exactly what I wanted to see:

    1 Check _ VERB VB _ 0 ROOT _ _ 2 out _ PRT RP _ 1 prt _ _ 3 this _ DET DT _ 4 det _ _ 4 video _ NOUN NN _ 1 dobj _ _ 5 about _ ADP IN _ 4 prep _ _ 6 Northwest _ NOUN NNP _ 7 nn _ _ 7 Arkansas _ NOUN NNP _ 5 pobj _ _ 8 - _ . , _ 7 punct _ _ 9 https _ X ADD _ 7 appos _ _

    But the output of print data in the python code is just 1. i.e. the first letter of the argument.

    Why is this happening? I want to pass the entire string to the python code.