Path drawing and data binding


Solution 1

The main thing you'll need for the binding is a converter that turns your points into Geometry which the path will need as Data, here is what my one-way converter from a System.Windows.Point-array to Geometry looks like:

[ValueConversion(typeof(Point[]), typeof(Geometry))]
public class PointsToPathConverter : IValueConverter
    #region IValueConverter Members

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        Point[] points = (Point[])value;
        if (points.Length > 0)
            Point start = points[0];
            List<LineSegment> segments = new List<LineSegment>();
            for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                segments.Add(new LineSegment(points[i], true));
            PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(start, segments, false); //true if closed
            PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry();
            return geometry;
            return null;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotSupportedException();


Now all that is really left is to create an instance of it and use it as the converter for the binding. What it might look like in XAML:

        <local:PointsToPathConverter x:Key="PointsToPathConverter"/>
    <Path Data="{Binding ElementName=Window, Path=Points, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=PointsToPathConverter}}"

If you need the binding to update automatically you should work with dependency properties or interfaces like INotifyPropertyChanged/INotifyCollectionChanged

Hope that helps :D

Solution 2

Also you can try it this way:

public static class PathStrings
    public const string Add = "F1 M 22,12L 26,12L 26,22L 36,22L 36,26L 26,26L 26,36L 22,36L 22,26L 12,26L 12,22L 22,22L 22,12 Z";

Then in the resource create a PathString

    <yourNamespace:PathStrings x:Key="pathStrings"/>

then bind it this way:

<Path Stroke="Black" Fill="Black" 
      Data="{Binding Source={StaticResource pathStrings}, Path=Add}"></Path>
Author by


Software developer specializing in web technologies

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • kubal5003
    kubal5003 almost 2 years

    I am looking for a way to be able to use the wpf Path element to draw a path that will represent a route on the map. I have the Route class that contains a collection of vertices and would like to use it for binding. I don't really know how to even start.. Any hints?

  • kubal5003
    kubal5003 over 13 years
    Awesome. I've written converters before, but somehow I couldn't have figured it out. I was thinking about using DataTemplates or styles or something like this, but this is a great solution. Thank you.
  • H.B.
    H.B. about 7 years
    @PortlandRunner: It is just a property of type Point[], debugging individual bindings is not the scope of this answer.
  • H.B.
    H.B. about 7 years
    @PortlandRunner: Then i do not understand what it is you are asking for, what is there more to say than it being a point array?
  • Automate This
    Automate This about 7 years
    @H.B. Not exactly, but never mind anyways. I've found another solution for what I'm trying to do. - Comments removed.
  • kubal5003
    kubal5003 over 6 years
    Thanks, I was struggling with this for the last 6 years :)