Performance differences... so dramatic?


Solution 1

Concerning 1:

Stack<T>'s and List<T>'s performance being similar isn't surprising. I'd expect both of them to use arrays with a doubling strategy. This leads to amortized constant-time additions.

You can use List<T> everywhere you can use Stack<T>, but it leads to less expressive code.

Concerning 2:

I think I know why List<T> doesn't handle the front so well... because List<T> needs to move the whole list back and fro when doing that.

That's correct. Inserting/removing elements at the beginning is expensive because it moves all elements. Getting or replacing elements at the beginning on the other hand is cheap.

Concerning 3:

Your slow LinkedList<T>.RemoveLast value is a mistake in your benchmarking code.

Removing or getting the last item of a doubly linked list is cheap. In the case of LinkedList<T> that means that RemoveLast and Last are cheap.

But you weren't using the Last property, but LINQ's extension method Last(). On collections that don't implement IList<T> it iterates the whole list, giving it O(n) runtime.

Solution 2

The speed comes essentially from the number of operations needed to insert, delete, or search an item. You already noticed, that list needs memory transfers.

Stack is a list, that is accessible only at the top element -- and the computer always knows, where it is.

The linked list is another thing: the start of the list is known, thus it's very fast to add or remove from the start -- but finding the last element takes time. Caching the location of the last element OTOH is only worthwhile for addition. For deletion one needs to traverse the complete list minus one element to find the 'hook' or pointer to the last one.

Just looking at the numbers, one can make some educated guesses of the internals of each data structure:

  • pop from a stack is fast, as expected
  • push to stack is slower. and it's slower than adding to the end of the list. Why?
    • apparently the allocation unit size for stack is smaller -- it may only increase the stack size by 100, while growing the list could be done in units of 1000.
  • A list seems to be a static array. Accessing the list at the front requires memory transfers, that take time in proportion to the list length.
  • Basic linked list operations shouldn't take that much longer, it's generally only required to
    • = list_start; list_start = new_item; // to add
    • list_start =; // to remove
    • however, as addLast is so fast, it means that also when adding or deleting to a linked list, one has to update the pointer to the last element also. So there's extra bookkeeping.
  • Doubly linked lists OTOH make it relatively fast to insert and delete at both ends of the list (I've been informed that a better code uses DLLs), however,
    • links to previous and next item also double the work for the bookkeeping

Solution 3

I have a Java background and I guess your question relates more to general datastructures than a specific language. Also, I apologize if my statements are incorrect.

1. the similarity in performance of using Stack and the end of List

2. the differences in using the front and the end of List, and

At least in Java, Stacks are implemented using arrays (Apologies if that is not the case with C#. You could refer to the source for the implementation) And same is the case of Lists. Typical with an array, all insertions at the end takes lesser time than at the beginning because the pre-existing values in the array needs to be moved down to accommodate the insertion at the beginning.

Link to source and its superclass Vector

3. the reason that using the end of LinkedList is so slow?

LinkedList do not allow random access and have to traverse through the nodes before reaching your insertion point. If you find that the performance is slower for the last nodes, then I suppose the LinkedList implementation should be a singly-linked list. I guess you would want to consider a doubly-linked-list for optimal performance while accessing elements at the end.

Solution 4

the similarity in performance of using Stack and the end of List,

As explained by delnan, they both use a simple array internally, so they behave very similar when working at the end. You could see a stack being a list with just access to the last object.

the differences in using the front and the end of List

You already suspected it correctly. Manipulating the beginning of a list, means that the underlying array needs to change. Adding an item usually means that you need to shift all other elements by one, same with removing. If you know that you will be manipulating both ends of a list, you’re better of using a linked list.

the reason that using the end of LinkedList is so slow?

Usually, element insertion and deletion for linked lists at any position can be done in constant time, as you just need to change at most two pointers. The problem is just getting to the position. A normal linked list has just a pointer to its first element. So if you want to get to the last element, you need to iterate through all elements. A queue implemented with a linked list usually solves this problem by having an additional pointer to the last element, so adding elements is possible in constant time as well. The more sophisticated data structure would be a double linked list that has both pointers to the first and last element, and where each element also contains a pointer to the next and previous element.

What you should learn about this is that there are many different data structures that are made for a single purpose, which they can handle very efficiently. Choosing the correct structure depends a lot on what you want to do.

Alvin Wong
Author by

Alvin Wong

I'm an idiot. Don't mix with concentrated dihydrogen monoxide.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Alvin Wong
    Alvin Wong almost 2 years

    Just now I read some posts about List<T> vs LinkedList<T>, so I decided to benchmark some structures myself. I benchmarked Stack<T>, Queue<T>, List<T> and LinkedList<T> by adding data and removing data to/from the front/end. Here's the benchmark result:

                   Pushing to Stack...  Time used:      7067 ticks
                  Poping from Stack...  Time used:      2508 ticks
                   Enqueue to Queue...  Time used:      7509 ticks
                 Dequeue from Queue...  Time used:      2973 ticks
        Insert to List at the front...  Time used:   5211897 ticks
    RemoveAt from List at the front...  Time used:   5198380 ticks
             Add to List at the end...  Time used:      5691 ticks
      RemoveAt from List at the end...  Time used:      3484 ticks
             AddFirst to LinkedList...  Time used:     14057 ticks
        RemoveFirst from LinkedList...  Time used:      5132 ticks
              AddLast to LinkedList...  Time used:      9294 ticks
         RemoveLast from LinkedList...  Time used:      4414 ticks


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace Benchmarking
        static class Collections
            public static void run()
                Random rand = new Random();
                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
                Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
                List<int> list1 = new List<int>();
                List<int> list2 = new List<int>();
                LinkedList<int> linkedlist1 = new LinkedList<int>();
                LinkedList<int> linkedlist2 = new LinkedList<int>();
                int dummy;
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "Pushing to Stack...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "Poping from Stack...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    dummy = stack.Pop();
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks\n", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "Enqueue to Queue...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "Dequeue from Queue...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    dummy = queue.Dequeue();
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks\n", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "Insert to List at the front...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    list1.Insert(0, rand.Next());
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "RemoveAt from List at the front...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    dummy = list1[0];
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks\n", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "Add to List at the end...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "RemoveAt from List at the end...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    dummy = list2[list2.Count - 1];
                    list2.RemoveAt(list2.Count - 1);
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks\n", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "AddFirst to LinkedList...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "RemoveFirst from LinkedList...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    dummy = linkedlist1.First.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks\n", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "AddLast to LinkedList...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks", sw.ElapsedTicks);
                Console.Write("{0,40}", "RemoveLast from LinkedList...");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    dummy = linkedlist2.Last.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("  Time used: {0,9} ticks\n", sw.ElapsedTicks);

    The differences are so dramatic!

    As you can see, the performance of Stack<T> and Queue<T> are fast and comparable, that's expected.

    For List<T>, using the front and the end has so much differences! And to my surprise, performance of adding/removing from the end is actually comparable to the performance of Stack<T>.

    For LinkedList<T>, manipulating with the front is fast (-er than List<T>), but for the end, it is incredibly slow for removing manipulating with the end is too.

    So... can any experts account on:

    1. the similarity in performance of using Stack<T> and the end of List<T>,
    2. the differences in using the front and the end of List<T>, and
    3. the reason that using the end of LinkedList<T> is so slow (not applicable as that is a coding error due to the use of Linq's Last(), thanks to CodesInChaos)?

    I think I know why List<T> doesn't handle the front so well... because List<T>needs to move the whole list back and fro when doing that. Correct me if I am wrong.

    P.S. My System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency is 2435947, and the program is targeted to .NET 4 Client Profile and compiled with C# 4.0, on Windows 7 Visual Studio 2010.