PHP Fatal error allowed memory size exhausted


Solution 1

Your code looks fine. Check if some function is getting called repeatedly.

You could use

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');

as a temporary solution. or just increase the memory_limit

Chceck you php.ini file. If it is in the below form,


Change that in the form of MB


You can also do it in your code like

ini_set('memory_limit', '8192M'); 

Solution 2

Put this line on your codeigniter's index.php. So it will be affected for whole project.

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');

Note: This is just a quick fix. This bug has not been resolved in php itself.

Solution 3

If anybody else has this problem:

Make sure your memory size in php.ini has an M after the number.

I had 512 in there....when I changed it to 512M more problem.


Haider Ali
Author by

Haider Ali

Attending school. Interested in coding. Interested in math but i suck at it.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Haider Ali
    Haider Ali almost 2 years

    I'm writing a codeigniter application, upon doing a query i get hit with the following fatal error.

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /var/www/html/cryd/_zcore/core/Loader.php on line 262

    I could increase the allowed memory size, but it seems that the issue could be much more graver, that if it is a memory leak, i'd just be giving php more memory to play around with. The query is not even that intensive, it just returns one row of data.

    Here is my controller

    defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
    class Invest_webhook extends CI_Controller {
        private $web_msg = null;
        private $proceed = 1;
        private $data = null;
        private $receive = null;
        private $complete = 0;
        private $member = null;
        private function loadPage($page,$data=null){
            $data = array_merge($data,$this->lang->language);
        public function webhook(){
            echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
            //$update = file_get_contents("php://input");
            //$update = json_decode($update,true);
            $update = array(
                'notification_id' => '57233292b6a3d133e9c83822',
                'delivery_attempt' => 1,
                'type' => 'address',
                'data' => Array(
                    'network' => "BTCTEST",
                    'address' => '2N1jfZt8Uc721FAWNjdVpQZjfTxeG271RKy',
                    'balance_change' => 1.00000000,
                    'amount_sent' => 0.00000000,
                    'amount_received' => 1.00000000,
                    'txid' => '',
                    'confirmations' => 4,
                    'is_green' => false
                'created_at' => 1497176944
            $data = $this->get_investment_data($update['data']['address']);
                die('This address does not exist');
            $this->data = $data[0];
            $this->member = $this->get_member_data($this->data['tid']);
            //Start the process to verify transaction and credit investment
            //$parameter = $this->web_msg;
            //include APPPATH."libraries/telegrambotv2.php";
            //$bot = new Telegram('331263599:AAEpHNAdyN1X5TenBk_QkJdt7xfwzDI6YeQ','bot');
            echo $this->web_msg."<br/>";        
        private function verify_investment(){
            include APPPATH."/libraries/BlockIo.php";
            $block = new BlockIo($this->config->item('api_token'),$this->config->item('api_secret'));
            $address = ($this->data['address']);
            $receive = $block->get_address_balance(array('addresses' => $address));
            $receive = $receive->data->available_balance;
            $expect = $this->data['inv'];
            echo '<br/>'.$receive."<br/>".$expect."<br/>";
            if($receive == $expect){
                $this->receive = $receive;
                return true;
            $this->proceed = 0;
            $this->web_msg = 'inv_mismatch';
            return false;
        private function get_member_data($tid){
            return $this->get_member_data($tid);
        private function update_investment(){
            $einv = $this->member['inv'];
            $new_inv = $einv + $this->receive;
            $this->member['inv'] = $new_inv;
            $this->member['last_inv'] = 'NOW()';
            $this->data['confirmed'] = 1;
                $this->web_msg = 'inv_complete';
                $this->complete = 1;
                return true;
            } else {
                $this->proceed = 0;
                $this->web_msg = 'inv_unx_err';
                return false;
        private function get_investment_data($address){
            return $this->invest->investment_data($address);
        private function log($text){
            $file = fopen(APPPATH."/logs/investments/log.log",'a');

    and here is my model

    defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
    class Invest_model extends CI_Model {
        public function __construct(){
        public function investment_data($address){
            $f = $this->db->get('investments');
            return $f->result_array();
        public function current_investment($tid){
            $f = $this->db->get('users');
            $f = $f->row_array();
            return $f;
        public function get_member_data($tid){
            echo "<hr/>";
            echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
            echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
            $f = $this->db->get('users');
            echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
            return $f->row_array();
        public function update_investment($inv,$member){
            if($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE){
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;

    I am not as to where i can optimize this further, its pretty simple and straight forward, if its a problem in my logical appraoch, hopefully a better mind than mine will be able to spot and guide me further.

    Thanks in advance.