popover on hover not working on second page of datatable


You need to reinitialize the popovers each time the dataTable is redrawn. $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover() will only initialize those popovers visible at the time the code is executed, not the popovers in for example page #2. Execute popover() in the drawCallback() callback instead :

  drawCallback: function() {
Akshay Ambekar
Author by

Akshay Ambekar

Updated on July 03, 2022


  • Akshay Ambekar
    Akshay Ambekar about 2 years

    I added content of one column dynamically...

     for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
       data.referred_by='<a href="#" data-toggle="popover" class="" title="'+temp[i].referred_by+'"data-trigger="hover" data-content="Total Referrals :'+temp[i].as_count+'">'+temp[i].referred_by+'</a>'

    and Following code is of creating datatable

      'paging':   true,  // Table pagination
      'ordering': true,  // Column ordering 
      'info':     true,  // Bottom left status text
      "aaData" : data,
      aoColumns: [
        { mData: 'index' },
        { mData: 'patient_name' },
        { mData: 'age' },
        { mData: 'gender' },
        { mData: 'mobile_no' },
        { mData: 'email_id' },
        { mData: 'request_status' },
        { mData: 'referred_by' },
        { mData: 'ref_to_img'},
        { mData: 'ref_by_img'}

    and in ready function I added


    but in datatable only on first page popover on hover is working... and on second page onwards its not working.... is there any solution for this?

    • sqsinger
      sqsinger over 8 years
      Could you include your HTML? Further context might help. Consider setting up a demo with jsfiddle.net
  • Wahyu Kodar
    Wahyu Kodar almost 6 years
    not work for drawCallback: function() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad almost 6 years
    @WahyuKodar $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() will certainly work if you have data-toggle="tooltip" included in your tooltip elements.