PostgreSQL, min, max and count of dates in range


Given this table (like you should have provided):

   id        int PRIMARY KEY
  ,mydatetxt text

  (1, '01.02.2011')
 ,(2, '05.01.2011')
 ,(3, '06.03.2012')
 ,(4, '07.08.2011')
 ,(5, '04.03.2013')
 ,(6, '06.08.2011')
 ,(7, '')             -- empty string
 ,(8, '02.02.2013')
 ,(9, '04.06.2010')
 ,(10, '10.10.2012')
 ,(11, '04.04.2012')
 ,(12, NULL)          -- NULL
 ,(13, '04.03.2013'); -- min date a 2nd time

The query should produce what you describe:

result as minimal date, maximal date, count of dates between and including min and max dates

WITH base AS (
   SELECT to_date(mydatetxt, 'DD.MM.YYYY') AS the_date
   FROM   tbl
   WHERE  mydatetxt <> ''  -- excludes NULL and ''
SELECT min(the_date) AS dmin
      ,max(the_date) AS dmax
      ,count(*) AS ct_incl
      ,(SELECT count(*)
        FROM   base b1
        WHERE  b1.the_date < max(b.the_date)
        AND    b1.the_date > min(b.the_date)
       ) AS ct_excl
FROM   base b

-> SQLfiddle demo

CTEs require Postgres 8.4 or later.
Consider to upgrade to the latest point release of 9.1, which is currently 9.1.9.

Wine Too
Author by

Wine Too

Updated on August 13, 2020


  • Wine Too
    Wine Too over 3 years

    This question is based of two previous here and here.

    I am trying very hard to get those two queries:

    SELECT min(to_date(nullif(mydatetext,''), 'DD.MM.YYYY')) AS dmin,
           max(to_date(nullif(mydatetxt,''), 'DD.MM.YYYY')) AS dmax
    FROM mytable


    SELECT count(*)
    FROM mytable
    to_date(nullif(mydatetxt,''))  'ERROR HERE
    max(to_date(nullif(mydatetxt,''), 'DD.MM.YYYY'))
    min(to_date(nullif(mydatetxt,''), 'DD.MM.YYYY'))

    in single one so I can read result as minimal date, maximal date, count of dates between and including min and max dates. But here are few problems.

    Second query don't work as expected or don't work at all so have to be improved. If those two queries can be writen in single query (?) can I use dmin and dmax variables from first part as variables in second part? Like this:

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM mytable
    to_date(nullif(mydatetxt,''))  'ERROR HERE

    Please help to solve this situation finally.

    Workable code:

    Using cmd As New NpgsqlCommand("SELECT my_id, mydate FROM " & mytable, conn)
    Using dr As NpgsqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
        While dr.Read()
            mydate = CStr(dr(1))
            If IsDate(mydate) Then
                Dim dat As Date = CDate(mydate.Substring(6, 4) & "/" & mydate.Substring(3, 2) & "/" & mydate.Substring(0, 2))
                If dat < mindate Or mindate = Nothing Then
                    mindate = dat
                End If
                If dat > maxddate Or maxdate = Nothing Then
                    maxdate = dat
                End If
                count += 1
            End If
        End While
    End Using
    End Using

    SOLUTION: And this is finally very fast, improved version which Ervin kindly give:

            Using cmd As New NpgsqlCommand( _
                 "WITH base AS (" & _
                 "  SELECT TO_DATE(datum, 'DD.MM.YYYY') AS the_date " & _
                 "  FROM " & myKalkTable & " " & _
                 "  WHERE datum <> '') " & _
                 "  SELECT MIN(the_date) AS dmin, " & _
                 "         MAX(the_date) AS dmax, " & _
                 "         COUNT(*) AS ct_incl, " & _
                 "  (SELECT COUNT(*) " & _
                 "         FROM base b1 " & _
                 "         WHERE(b1.the_date < max(b.the_date)) " & _
                 "         AND b1.the_date > min(b.the_date)) " & _
                 "         AS ct_excl " & _
                 "         FROM base b", conn)
                Using dr As NpgsqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
                    While dr.Read()
                        mindate = CType(CDate(CStr(dr(0))), Date)
                        maxdate = CType(CDate(CStr(dr(1))), Date)
                        count = CInt(dr(2))
                    End While
                End Using
            End Using
  • Wine Too
    Wine Too over 10 years
    OK Ervin, thanks. I will need some time to study (what is CTEs?) and apply this solution to NET syntax then I will refer on results.
  • Wine Too
    Wine Too over 10 years
    @Ervin, I can't get it working so fast because I have got some errors. Please, look tomorrow at this post when I fix issues.
  • Wine Too
    Wine Too over 10 years
    Actually, it works now, there are some more braces then needed :) around table name. But this is really huge query! Work's very fast! Thank you.