ERROR [22P02] ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "";


I would advice to read the chapter Constants in the manual. It's a brief and informative read.
The cause for the error message is that '' is an empty string that has no representation in a numeric type like integer.

@a_horse_with_no_name: To be precise, '0' is a string constant to PostgreSQL that can be cast to integer just as well as it can be cast to text, only text is the default for string constants. Consider this demo:

INSERT INTO t VALUES ('2');        -- single row inserts to make sure ..
INSERT INTO t VALUES ('3'::int);   -- .. type is not coerced to type
INSERT INTO t VALUES (4::bigint);  -- .. of first row by VALUES expression.
INSERT INTO t VALUES (5::numeric);

UPDATE t SET i = '0' WHERE i = '6';

SQL Fiddle.

Wine Too
Author by

Wine Too

Updated on April 01, 2020


  • Wine Too
    Wine Too about 4 years

    Never seen such error:

    ERROR [22P02] ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""; Error while executing the query

    Creating table:

        Public Function PrimkCreate(ByVal myPrimkTable As String, ByVal nCon As OdbcConnection) As Integer
        Dim ans As Integer
        Dim cCommand As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + myPrimkTable + "(" & _
                "prm_id int NOT NULL, " & _
                "pkni text, " & _
                "pdatum text, " & _
                "pdatumnaplate text, " & _
                "pdanaodgode int, " & _
                "puldok text, " & _
                "puldokbroj text, " & _
                "pdatumk text, " & _
                "pvrijemek text, " & _
                "pdobid int, " & _
                "pdoboib text, " & _
                "pnabc double precision, " & _
                "purab double precision, " & _
                "ppdv double precision, " & _
                "ppnak double precision, " & _
                "pprodc double precision, " & _
                "pvrstaprimke int, " & _
                "pzapisniktekst text, " & _
                "prez text, " & _
                "CONSTRAINT " & myPrimkTable & "_pkey PRIMARY KEY(prm_id))", nCon)
        ans = cCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
        Return ans
    End Function

    Update code:

        Public Function update_LPrimk(ByRef primk As Integer, ByVal mCon As OdbcConnection) As Integer
        Dim retval As Integer
        Dim uCmd As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("UPDATE " & myPrimkTable & " SET " & _
                    "prm_id=" & primk & ", " & _
                    "pkni='" & prm.pKni & "', " & _
                    "pdatum='" & prm.pDatum & "', " & _
                    "pdatumnaplate='" & prm.pDatumNaplate & "', " & _
                    "pdanaodgode=" & prm.pDanaodgode & ", " & _
                    "puldok='" & prm.pUlDok & "', " & _
                    "puldokbroj='" & prm.pUlDokBroj & "', " & _
                    "pdatumk='" & prm.pDatumk & "', " & _
                    "pvrijemek='" & prm.pVrijemek & "', " & _
                    "pdobid='" & prm.pDobID & "', " & _
                    "pdoboib='" & prm.pDobOib & "', " & _
                    "pnabc='" & Replace(prm.pNabc.ToString, ",", ".") & "', " & _
                    "purab='" & Replace(prm.pURab.ToString, ",", ".") & "', " & _
                    "ppdv='" & Replace(prm.pPdv.ToString, ",", ".") & "', " & _
                    "ppnak='" & Replace(prm.pPnak.ToString, ",", ".") & "', " & _
                    "pprodc='" & Replace(prm.pProdc.ToString, ",", ".") & "', " & _
                    "pvrstaprimke=" & prm.pVrstaPrimke & ", " & _
                    "pzapisniktekst='" & prm.pZapisnikTekst & "', " & _
                    "prez='" & prm.pRez & "' " & _
                    "WHERE prm_id=" + primk.ToString, mCon)
        retval = uCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
        Return retval
    End Function

    Query looks exactly like this:

    UPDATE primke SET prm_id=1, pkni='U', pdatum='07.01.2013', pdatumnaplate='10.01.2013',
    pdanaodgode=3, puldok='ghkzug gugug', puldokbroj='jkhk', pdatumk='', pvrijemek='', 
    pdobid='', pdoboib='', pnabc='0', purab='0', ppdv='0', ppnak='0', pprodc='0', 
    pvrstaprimke=0, pzapisniktekst='', prez='' WHERE prm_id=1

    I have many tables where I run similar commands but have never seen such an error.
    What might be the problem?

  • a_horse_with_no_name
    a_horse_with_no_name over 11 years
    The SQL standard calls 'foobar' a character string literal :) I tend to avoid the name "string" in combination with SQL as it is not a regular datatype. And I strongly advice against using implicit datatype converstion. That is simply calling for trouble. Better to always use the proper literal (constant) syntax.
  • a_horse_with_no_name
    a_horse_with_no_name over 11 years
    I'm actually surprised that i = '0' works. I thought those implicit casts had been removed with 8.3
  • Erwin Brandstetter
    Erwin Brandstetter over 11 years
    @a_horse_with_no_name: I think what has been removed with 8.3 is automatic coercion of a numeric constant to a character type. (0 -> '0'::text). But a generic string constant ('0') can be coerced to any type.
  • Erwin Brandstetter
    Erwin Brandstetter over 11 years
    @a_horse_with_no_name: I think "string" is just the right term for a string constant like '0', because "string" is not a regular data type - since the literal has not been cast to any data type yet.
  • a_horse_with_no_name
    a_horse_with_no_name over 11 years
    OK, I see. But I still think it's bad practise to use the wrong literal "type" and rely on implicit data type conversion.
  • Wine Too
    Wine Too over 11 years
    Thank you Ervin for a "brief casting course". Yes, I all time use doubles as strings and back with PostgreSQL where '0' is often input. I noted that PG won't take decimal coma which forces my locale on windows and linux too. Changing locale often on the fly don't seem's lucky solution anyway.
  • Erwin Brandstetter
    Erwin Brandstetter over 11 years
    @a_horse_with_no_name: Well, I agree. If you can be more specific, you should be. But it's helpful at times to have string constants (literals) that can be cast to any type.
  • Erwin Brandstetter
    Erwin Brandstetter over 11 years
    @user973238: You can use the function to_number() to convert a string to a numeric type, independent of locale.
  • Wine Too
    Wine Too over 11 years
    Didn't know that, thanks. So I can save much of my "replace work" :)