Pressing Ctrl + A in Selenium WebDriver


Solution 1

One more solution (in Java, because you didn't tell us your language - but it works the same way in all languages with Keys class):

String selectAll = Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a");

You can use this to select the whole text in an <input>, or on the whole page (just find the html element and send this to it).

For using Selenium Ruby bindings:

There's no chord() method in the Keys class in Ruby bindings. Therefore, as suggested by Hari Reddy, you'll have to use Selenium Advanced user interactions API, see ActionBuilder:


Solution 2

To click Ctrl+A, you can do it with Actions

  Actions action = new Actions(); 

\u0061 represents the character 'a'

\u0041 represents the character 'A'

To press other characters refer the unicode character table -

Solution 3

In Selenium for C#, sending Keys.Control simply toggles the Control key's state: if it's up, then it becomes down; if it's down, then it becomes up. So to simulate pressing Control+A, send Keys.Control twice, once before sending "a" and then after.

For example, if we is an input IWebElement, the following statement will select all of its contents:

we.SendKeys(Keys.Control + "a" + Keys.Control);

Solution 4

You could try this:

driver.findElement(By.xpath(id("anything")).sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "a");

Solution 5

For Python:

Author by


Loves to Code. Loves to learn new technology and frameworks. Likes Web development the most.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • AJJ
    AJJ almost 2 years

    Is there a way to press the Ctrl + A keys using Selenium WebDriver?

    I checked the Selenium libraries and found that Selenium allows key press of special and function keys only.

  • AJJ
    AJJ almost 12 years
    i missed to tell by language. I use ruby with selenium
  • AJJ
    AJJ almost 12 years
    Thanks. But this does not work for me. Still i could not copy all the texts in the editor. i am using selenium 2.20 on firefox 3.6 or firefox 11.
  • Adrien Schuler
    Adrien Schuler over 11 years
    Worked for me with the selenium-webdriver ruby gem, using the firefox driver but this isn't working with the chrome driver.
  • Chexpir
    Chexpir about 9 years
    Don't forget to have keyUp of the CONTROL Key or you will have weird errors in future tests.
  • C.J.
    C.J. about 8 years
    Same for me. Works in firefox but not chrome.
  • L_7337
    L_7337 about 8 years
    Thank you. I've been looking for this.
  • SüniÚr
    SüniÚr over 7 years
    rb means robot? and where you initialize rb ? :)
  • Ripon Al Wasim
    Ripon Al Wasim over 7 years
    @Csanesz: Yes, rb is the instance of Robot
  • Ripon Al Wasim
    Ripon Al Wasim over 7 years
    You can initialize Robot as: Robot rb = new Robot();
  • mrfreester
    mrfreester over 7 years
    I believe in ruby you can just do send_keys(:control, "a")
  • ntk4
    ntk4 almost 7 years
    Thanks, this helped me for my python application, using driver.send_keys(Keys.TAB)
  • Jalles10
    Jalles10 over 6 years
    Great. By using your comment, In R lang using the Rselenium I get the result of Control+A too. In this case I had to type: page$sendKeysToActiveElement(list(key = 'control',"a", key = 'control'))
  • Suraj Rao
    Suraj Rao over 5 years
    Thank you for this code snippet, which might provide some limited, immediate help. A proper explanation would greatly improve its long-term value by showing why this is a good solution to the problem, and would make it more useful to future readers with other, similar questions. Please edit your answer to add some explanation, including the assumptions you've made.
  • Francesco Boi
    Francesco Boi over 5 years
    Generally it is better to add some text in your answer to explain better to the person who asked the question: it is not guarantee he understands directly from the code.
  • mihkov
    mihkov over 4 years
    This not working for me, WebDriver, Version= C# VS 2019 (I think the VS version doesn't matter)
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 3 years
    That is true in a 1980s terminal, but does it also work here?
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 3 years
    A more complete answer should include keyUp. As the OP has not left the building, that should be possible (also verifying that it actually works). You can edit your answer.
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 3 years
    It also works in Python and for several keys (though the identifiers for the keys are in uppercase and the name of the function from Python is in snake case - send_keys). E.g. for Shift + Alt + Y: send_keys(Keys.SHIFT + Keys.ALT + "y" + Keys.SHIFT + Keys.ALT)
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 3 years
    Isn't use of keyDown() required (not a rhetorical question)?