PrimeNG <p-calendar> error date.getMonth is not a function


It can't convert to Date from JSON automatically, you have to assign it yourself. = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
if ( {
        .subscribe(service => this.entry = { entryDate: new Date(service.entryDate) });

Your variable entryDate is never assigned or used. You can remove it unless you want to have a reference to p-calendar component and have access to its' properties and methods. In that case you have to decorate it with an attribute like:

entryDate: Calendar;

Note that the type is Calendar, not Date. It's a primeng type and should be imported from primeng

Rob DePietro
Author by

Rob DePietro

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Rob DePietro
    Rob DePietro almost 2 years

    I am getting the error

    core.es5.js:1020 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: date.getMonth is not a function

    TypeError: date.getMonth is not a function

    I get this error whenever I try to use 2 way data binding when I recevie my JSON object from my backend. My backend data type is a Date but it will not show backup in the p-calendar input. Please help!

    { "applicationId": 1, "entryDate": 1524665731000, "ongoingDescription": "<p>Ongoing entry should end in (5081421)</p>", "activeFlag": "Y" }


    <div class="form-group">
      <label>Date of the Ongoing Incident</label>
      <p-calendar required [(ngModel)]="entry.entryDate" name="entryDate" #entryDate="ngModel" [showIcon]="true" [showTime]="true" dateFormat="mm/dd/y 'EST'" hourFormat="24"></p-calendar>
      <div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="entryDate.touched && !entryDate.valid" >The date and time of the incident are required</div>


     entryDate: Date;
     entry = {
    constructor(private service: OngoingService, private route: ActivatedRoute, 
    private router: Router, private location: Location) { = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
    if ( this.service.get( => 
    this.entry = service);
    ngOnInit() {
    ngAfterContentInit() {
    ngAfterViewInit() {

    Any information will help

    I tried to also assign the entryDate = new Date(); and entryDate = new Date(this.entryDate);

  • Rob DePietro
    Rob DePietro about 6 years
    This was a huge help. I appreciate the explanation!
  • Extreme
    Extreme almost 5 years
    ah.. I should have seen this post earlier. This is exactly what I needed.