Principal component analysis in Python


Solution 1

You might have a look at MDP.

I have not had the chance to test it myself, but I've bookmarked it exactly for the PCA functionality.

Solution 2

Months later, here's a small class PCA, and a picture:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" a small class for Principal Component Analysis
    p = PCA( A, fraction=0.90 )
    A: an array of e.g. 1000 observations x 20 variables, 1000 rows x 20 columns
    fraction: use principal components that account for e.g.
        90 % of the total variance

    p.U, p.d, p.Vt: from numpy.linalg.svd, A = U . d . Vt
    p.dinv: 1/d or 0, see NR
    p.eigen: the eigenvalues of A*A, in decreasing order (p.d**2).
        eigen[j] / eigen.sum() is variable j's fraction of the total variance;
        look at the first few eigen[] to see how many PCs get to 90 %, 95 % ...
    p.npc: number of principal components,
        e.g. 2 if the top 2 eigenvalues are >= `fraction` of the total.
        It's ok to change this; methods use the current value.

    The methods of class PCA transform vectors or arrays of e.g.
    20 variables, 2 principal components and 1000 observations,
    using partial matrices U' d' Vt', parts of the full U d Vt:
    A ~ U' . d' . Vt' where e.g.
        U' is 1000 x 2
        d' is diag([ d0, d1 ]), the 2 largest singular values
        Vt' is 2 x 20.  Dropping the primes,

    d . Vt      2 principal vars = p.vars_pc( 20 vars )
    U           1000 obs = p.pc_obs( 2 principal vars )
    U . d . Vt  1000 obs, p.obs( 20 vars ) = pc_obs( vars_pc( vars ))
        fast approximate A . vars, using the `npc` principal components

    Ut              2 pcs = p.obs_pc( 1000 obs )
    V . dinv        20 vars = p.pc_vars( 2 principal vars )
    V . dinv . Ut   20 vars, p.vars( 1000 obs ) = pc_vars( obs_pc( obs )),
        fast approximate Ainverse . obs: vars that give ~ those obs.

    PCA does not center or scale A; you usually want to first
        A -= A.mean(A, axis=0)
        A /= A.std(A, axis=0)
    with the little class Center or the like, below.

See also:
    Press et al., Numerical Recipes (2 or 3 ed), SVD
    PCA micro-tutorial
    iris-pca .py .png


from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
dot =
    # import bz.numpyutil as nu
    # dot = nu.pdot

__version__ = "2010-04-14 apr"
__author_email__ = "denis-bz-py at t-online dot de"

class PCA:
    def __init__( self, A, fraction=0.90 ):
        assert 0 <= fraction <= 1
            # A = U . diag(d) . Vt, O( m n^2 ), lapack_lite --
        self.U, self.d, self.Vt = np.linalg.svd( A, full_matrices=False )
        assert np.all( self.d[:-1] >= self.d[1:] )  # sorted
        self.eigen = self.d**2
        self.sumvariance = np.cumsum(self.eigen)
        self.sumvariance /= self.sumvariance[-1]
        self.npc = np.searchsorted( self.sumvariance, fraction ) + 1
        self.dinv = np.array([ 1/d if d > self.d[0] * 1e-6  else 0
                                for d in self.d ])

    def pc( self ):
        """ e.g. 1000 x 2 U[:, :npc] * d[:npc], to plot etc. """
        n = self.npc
        return self.U[:, :n] * self.d[:n]

    # These 1-line methods may not be worth the bother;
    # then use U d Vt directly --

    def vars_pc( self, x ):
        n = self.npc
        return self.d[:n] * dot( self.Vt[:n], x.T ).T  # 20 vars -> 2 principal

    def pc_vars( self, p ):
        n = self.npc
        return dot( self.Vt[:n].T, (self.dinv[:n] * p).T ) .T  # 2 PC -> 20 vars

    def pc_obs( self, p ):
        n = self.npc
        return dot( self.U[:, :n], p.T )  # 2 principal -> 1000 obs

    def obs_pc( self, obs ):
        n = self.npc
        return dot( self.U[:, :n].T, obs ) .T  # 1000 obs -> 2 principal

    def obs( self, x ):
        return self.pc_obs( self.vars_pc(x) )  # 20 vars -> 2 principal -> 1000 obs

    def vars( self, obs ):
        return self.pc_vars( self.obs_pc(obs) )  # 1000 obs -> 2 principal -> 20 vars

class Center:
    """ A -= A.mean() /= A.std(), inplace -- use A.copy() if need be
        uncenter(x) == original A . x
        # mttiw
    def __init__( self, A, axis=0, scale=True, verbose=1 ):
        self.mean = A.mean(axis=axis)
        if verbose:
            print "Center -= A.mean:", self.mean
        A -= self.mean
        if scale:
            std = A.std(axis=axis)
            self.std = np.where( std, std, 1. )
            if verbose:
                print "Center /= A.std:", self.std
            A /= self.std
            self.std = np.ones( A.shape[-1] )
        self.A = A

    def uncenter( self, x ):
        return self.A, x * self.std ) + x, self.mean )

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

    csv = "iris4.csv"  # wikipedia Iris_flower_data_set
        # 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2  # ,Iris-setosa ...
    N = 1000
    K = 20
    fraction = .90
    seed = 1
    exec "\n".join( sys.argv[1:] )  # N= ...
    np.set_printoptions( 1, threshold=100, suppress=True )  # .1f
        A = np.genfromtxt( csv, delimiter="," )
        N, K = A.shape
    except IOError:
        A = np.random.normal( size=(N, K) )  # gen correlated ?

    print "csv: %s  N: %d  K: %d  fraction: %.2g" % (csv, N, K, fraction)
    print "A:", A

    print "PCA ..." ,
    p = PCA( A, fraction=fraction )
    print "npc:", p.npc
    print "% variance:", p.sumvariance * 100

    print "Vt[0], weights that give PC 0:", p.Vt[0]
    print "A . Vt[0]:", dot( A, p.Vt[0] )
    print "pc:", p.pc()

    print "\nobs <-> pc <-> x: with fraction=1, diffs should be ~ 0"
    x = np.ones(K)
    # x = np.ones(( 3, K ))
    print "x:", x
    pc = p.vars_pc(x)  # d' Vt' x
    print "vars_pc(x):", pc
    print "back to ~ x:", p.pc_vars(pc)

    Ax = dot( A, x.T )
    pcx = p.obs(x)  # U' d' Vt' x
    print "Ax:", Ax
    print "A'x:", pcx
    print "max |Ax - A'x|: %.2g" % np.linalg.norm( Ax - pcx, np.inf )

    b = Ax  # ~ back to original x, Ainv A x
    back = p.vars(b)
    print "~ back again:", back
    print "max |back - x|: %.2g" % np.linalg.norm( back - x, np.inf )

# end

enter image description here

Solution 3

PCA using numpy.linalg.svd is super easy. Here's a simple demo:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import lena

# the underlying signal is a sinusoidally modulated image
img = lena()
t = np.arange(100)
time = np.sin(0.1*t)
real = time[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * img[np.newaxis,...]

# we add some noise
noisy = real + np.random.randn(*real.shape)*255

# (observations, features) matrix
M = noisy.reshape(noisy.shape[0],-1)

# singular value decomposition factorises your data matrix such that:
#   M = U*S*V.T     (where '*' is matrix multiplication)
# * U and V are the singular matrices, containing orthogonal vectors of
#   unit length in their rows and columns respectively.
# * S is a diagonal matrix containing the singular values of M - these 
#   values squared divided by the number of observations will give the 
#   variance explained by each PC.
# * if M is considered to be an (observations, features) matrix, the PCs
#   themselves would correspond to the rows of S^(1/2)*V.T. if M is 
#   (features, observations) then the PCs would be the columns of
#   U*S^(1/2).
# * since U and V both contain orthonormal vectors, U*V.T is equivalent 
#   to a whitened version of M.

U, s, Vt = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=False)
V = Vt.T

# PCs are already sorted by descending order 
# of the singular values (i.e. by the
# proportion of total variance they explain)

# if we use all of the PCs we can reconstruct the noisy signal perfectly
S = np.diag(s)
Mhat =,, V.T))
print "Using all PCs, MSE = %.6G" %(np.mean((M - Mhat)**2))

# if we use only the first 20 PCs the reconstruction is less accurate
Mhat2 =[:, :20],[:20, :20], V[:,:20].T))
print "Using first 20 PCs, MSE = %.6G" %(np.mean((M - Mhat2)**2))

fig, [ax1, ax2, ax3] = plt.subplots(1, 3)
ax1.set_title('true image')
ax2.set_title('mean of noisy images')
ax3.imshow((s[0]**(1./2) * V[:,0]).reshape(img.shape))
ax3.set_title('first spatial PC')

Solution 4

You can use sklearn:

import sklearn.decomposition as deco
import numpy as np

x = (x - np.mean(x, 0)) / np.std(x, 0) # You need to normalize your data first
pca = deco.PCA(n_components) # n_components is the components number after reduction
x_r =
print ('explained variance (first %d components): %.2f'%(n_components, sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)))

Solution 5

matplotlib.mlab has a PCA implementation.


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Updated on July 08, 2022


    VIGNESH almost 2 years

    I'd like to use principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction. Does numpy or scipy already have it, or do I have to roll my own using numpy.linalg.eigh?

    I don't just want to use singular value decomposition (SVD) because my input data are quite high-dimensional (~460 dimensions), so I think SVD will be slower than computing the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix.

    I was hoping to find a premade, debugged implementation that already makes the right decisions for when to use which method, and which maybe does other optimizations that I don't know about.

  • dwf
    dwf over 14 years
    You should never use eig() on a covariance matrix when you can simply use svd(). Depending on how many components you plan on using and the size of your data matrix, the numerical error introduced by the former (it does more floating point operations) can become significant. For the same reason you should never explicitly invert a matrix with inv() if what you're really interested in is the inverse times a vector or matrix; you should use solve() instead.
  • denis
    denis over 13 years
    Fyinfo, there's an excellent talk on Robust PCA by C. Caramanis, January 2011.
  • Developer
    Developer over 12 years
    the link for PCA of matplotlib is updated.
  • Aman
    Aman about 12 years
    The matplotlib.mlab implementation of PCA uses SVD.
  • ali_m
    ali_m over 11 years
    Not really a fair comparison, since you still need to compute the covariance matrix. Also it's probably only worth using the sparse linalg stuff for very large matrices, since it seems to be quite slow to construct sparse matrices from dense matrices. for example, eigsh is actually ~4x slower than eigh for nonsparse matrices. The same is true for scipy.sparse.linalg.svds versus numpy.linalg.svd. I would always go with SVD over eigenvalue decomposition for the reasons that @dwf mentioned, and perhaps use sparse version of SVD if the matrices get really huge.
  • Nicolas Barbey
    Nicolas Barbey over 11 years
    You don't need to compute sparse matrices from dense matrices. The algorithms provided in the sparse.linalg module rely only on the matrice vector multiplication operation through the matvec method of the Operator object. For dense matrices, this is just something like matvec=dot(A, x). For the same reason, you don't need to compute the covariance matrix but only to provide the operation dot(A.T, dot(A, x)) for A.
  • ali_m
    ali_m over 11 years
    Ah, now I see that that the relative speed of the sparse vs nonsparse methods depends on the size of the matrix. If I use your example where A is a 1000*1000 matrix then eigsh and svds are faster than eigh and svd by a factor of ~3, but if A is smaller, say 100*100, then eigh and svd are quicker by factors of ~4 and ~1.5 respectively. T would still use sparse SVD over sparse eigenvalue decomposition though.
  • Nicolas Barbey
    Nicolas Barbey over 11 years
    Indeed, I think I am biased toward large matrices. To me large matrices are more like 10⁶ * 10⁶ than 1000 * 1000. In those case, you often can't even store the covariance matrices ...
  • Dolan Antenucci
    Dolan Antenucci about 11 years
    Here's a more detailed description of the its functions and how to use.
  • Dan Stowell
    Dan Stowell over 10 years
    Upvoted because this works nicely for me - I have more than 460 dimensions, and even though sklearn uses SVD and the question requested non-SVD, I think 460 dimensions is likely to be OK.
  • Orvyl
    Orvyl about 10 years
    is this code will output that image(Iris PCA)? If not, can you post an alternative solution in which the out would be that image. IM having some difficulties in converting this code to c++ because I'm new in python :)
  • mrgloom
    mrgloom almost 10 years
    can you describe more in detail this trick when you have more dimensions than data?
  • mrgloom
    mrgloom almost 10 years
    cov matrix is,data,out=covmat), where data must be centered matrix.
  • dwf
    dwf almost 10 years
    Basically you assume that the eigenvectors are linear combinations of the data vectors. See Sirovich (1987). "Turbulence and the dynamics of coherent structures."
  • Marc Garcia
    Marc Garcia over 9 years
    MDP hasn't been maintained since 2012, doesn't look like the best solution.
  • Alex A.
    Alex A. over 9 years
    I realize I'm a little late here, but the OP specifically requested a solution that avoids singular value decomposition.
  • Alex A.
    Alex A. over 9 years
    You should take a look at @dwf's comment on this answer for the dangers of using eig() on a covariance matrix.
  • ali_m
    ali_m over 9 years
    @Alex I realize that, but I'm convinced that SVD is still the right approach. It should be easily fast enough for the OP's needs (my example above, with 262144 dimensions takes only ~7.5 sec on a normal laptop), and it is much more numerically stable than the eigendecomposition method (see dwf's comment below). I also note that the accepted answer uses SVD as well!
  • Alex A.
    Alex A. over 9 years
    I don't disagree that SVD is the way to go, I was just saying that the answer doesn't address the question as the question is stated. It is a good answer, though, nice work.
  • ali_m
    ali_m over 9 years
    @Alex Fair enough. I think this is another variant of the XY problem - the OP said he didn't want an SVD-based solution because he thought SVD will be too slow, probably without having tried it yet. In cases like this I personally think it's more helpful to explain how you would tackle the broader problem, rather than answering the question exactly in its original, narrower form.
  • Noam Peled
    Noam Peled over 8 years
    You might also want to remove columns with a constant value (std=0). For that you should use: remove_cols = np.where(np.all(x == np.mean(x, 0), 0))[0] And then x = np.delete(x, remove_cols, 1)
  • Etienne Bruines
    Etienne Bruines over 8 years
    svd already returns s as sorted in descending order, as far as the documentation goes. (Perhaps this was not the case in 2012, but today it is)
  • Gabriel
    Gabriel over 7 years
    The latest update is from 09.03.2016, but do note that ir is only a bug-fix release: Note that from this release MDP is in maintenance mode. 13 years after its first public release, MDP has reached full maturity and no new features are planned in the future.