Printing in booklet format


Solution 1

I installed Boomaga from Ubuntu 16.04's repository. It solves all the problems, and dependencies from Acrobat Reader (now unsupported in GNU/Linux). It works with any installed printer.

It works very well and opens quickly with perfect render.

sudo apt install boomaga

What boomaga looks like

Solution 2

Use pdfbook from texlive-extra-utils

  1. Install texlive-extra-utils:
    sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils
  2. Then run pdfbook:
    pdfbook [pdf file]

This will output a pdf file that is in the form of a booklet.


Solution 3

I found a solution. I installed PDF XChange Viewer for Windows (running through Wine). It has booklet format printing option that works well.

Another option native to Ubuntu is to install Adobe Reader for Linux. It has booklet format printing as well. Install Acrobat Reader on Ubuntu booklet menu for acrobat


An even better option that I just found out about is a package called bookletimposer.

Solution 4


pdfjam seems the best option:

pdfjam --landscape --signature 40 /path/to/your/document.pdf

What we want is one or more signatures/booklets (a bunch of sheets folded in half).


pdfbook is one option which was, however, not quite satisfying since it is only able to create one booklet. In order to create multiple booklets its "brother" pdfjam helps us out here:

pdfjam --landscape --signature 40 /path/to/your/document.pdf

Creates a document mirrored along the long edge and creates 40 signatures.

Note: For --signature n: n must be a multiple of 4

There's also pdfbook2. Unlike pdfjam it shows the --signature option in the manpage. However it seems to be very slow or not working compared to pdfjam

Solution 5

The best solution I found is at (linked as "this page" in original question).

Installation command given is

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils pdfjam texlive-extra-utils

which should take care of dependencies.

This is an easy step-by-step guide, including a nifty right-click for Nautilus (which is easily done in Thunar as well).

I still wonder why this function isn't included in CUPS or the general print dialogue.

EDIT oct '19: As of now I recommend the answer above, - install Boomaga


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Author by


Ubuntu user since 2007.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • thorstorm
    thorstorm almost 2 years

    In the past I had a printer that had the booklet format option that would print the document two pages at a time ordered in a way that folding the whole printout would produce a booklet, half the size of the paper which could be stapled in the middle.

    My current printer does not support this feature. I would like to use some utility or script to convert an A4 pdf to an A5 booklet one.

    I found this page but I'm getting an error : pdfjam ERROR: can't find pdflatex!

    How do I get past this issue? Does anybody know of any other solution?

    I'm on Ubuntu 12.10 AMD64

    • con-f-use
      con-f-use over 11 years
      If pdflatex can't be found, you should install it... sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base. The Acrobat Reader has a software booklet option, but your printer should support duplex printing for that.
    • thorstorm
      thorstorm over 11 years
      I installed adobe reader and that solved the problem but it was not so simple on Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit.
    • krlmlr
      krlmlr over 11 years
      Calling apt-file search pdfpages.sty shows that you need to install texlive-latex-recommended, too.
  • thorstorm
    thorstorm over 11 years
    The booklet function was a feature of my previous printer's driver. The driver of the printer I have now doesn't have that feature.
  • krlmlr
    krlmlr over 11 years
    Better call it a "workaround"...
  • krlmlr
    krlmlr over 11 years
    Exists, too: psbook or pdfbook do this for you. See this related post:
  • Steven Roose
    Steven Roose over 9 years
    The bookletimposer does strange things for me. It copies some of the images from one page to the page next to it, over the text.
  • Richa Ankit
    Richa Ankit almost 9 years
    bookletimposer is in Debian and Ubuntu. apt install bookletimposer -> et voila.
  • Peterino
    Peterino over 8 years
    The order specified in the print dialog seems to be ignored on 14.04.3 LTS. The pages are printed in the numeric order, no matter in what order you specify them. Tested with a Samsung CLX-3175N printer.
  • Bhikkhu Subhuti
    Bhikkhu Subhuti almost 8 years
    As per the dependencies for acrobat reader. Follow the instructions for this answer. . I can confirm that it works after you do the apt command. I had problems with boomaga giving me extra large margins (2.5 inches) on the inside left page... Otherwise, it is a really great program.
  • Dɑvïd
    Dɑvïd over 7 years
    Took a bit of experimenting with settings to get booklet print correct (n.b., configure printer to "Printer has duplexer", and set all margins to "0" in my case), but then it worked a treat. I followed the Ubuntu installation instructions on Github. (I'm on 16.04 LTS.)
  • Dɑvïd
    Dɑvïd almost 7 years
    16pp = 16,1,2,15,14,3,4,13,12,5,6,11,10,7,8,9 ;)
  • user
    user over 5 years
    This worked really well for me, along with using the "long edge" duplex printing option and printing one page per side. (Which, in my specific case, resulted in each A4 printed page holding a total of four A5 pages; two on the front, two on the back.) The only downside is that the resulting booklet was too thick for my stapler, but I can't blame the software tools for that!
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples over 5 years
    Use pdfbook --short-edge mypdf.pdf for "short-edge" printing instead of the default "long edge".
  • Gabriel Staples
    Gabriel Staples over 5 years
    Even better for my use case: use pdfnup. Details, example, & install command here:
  • Carlos Pinzón
    Carlos Pinzón over 3 years
    Is it possible to make the binding over the short edge?
  • Carlos Pinzón
    Carlos Pinzón over 3 years
    +1 for bookletimposer
  • holzkohlengrill
    holzkohlengrill over 3 years
    pdfbook is part of pdfjam so a short-edge option should exist. See also here:
  • Carlos Pinzón
    Carlos Pinzón over 3 years
    Didn't find any. I ended up using bookletimposer.
  • Astrid_Redfern
    Astrid_Redfern over 3 years
    @GabrielStaples Do you know of any pdfbook option that would add page numbers?
  • Astrid_Redfern
    Astrid_Redfern over 3 years
    I found an option that would add page numbers, but some of them were upside down: pdfbook --short-edge NameOfDocument.pdf --pagecommand '' - note those are two apostrophes, not a quotation mark.
  • Forty-Two
    Forty-Two almost 3 years
    Your software is beautiful. I wish that this had been a solution for me but it did not print double sided on my brother printer. I ended up going with the windows pdfxchange viewer which worked. I tried printing to a file with your software but the file got cut off on the edges. Otherwise whenever it becomes stable it will be an awesome solution for Linux users. Thank you .
  • netbat
    netbat about 2 years
    +1 for bookletimposer