Problem with setting static IP on Ubuntu Server 14.04


Solution 1

When I needed to set a static IP address for my ubuntu pc, I did it from the router rather than trying to set it from the pc.

The router then sets the IP address given in the router table for the device on each power up.

Solution 2

You didn't give an instance of what you actually have in your interfaces file to make it easy for us to see where you're going wrong. But if you're going to use a manual configuration you'll have to specify other important components which would normally be provided by your dhcp server.

This is an example of a working /etc/network/interfaces configuration:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
  dns-search # ths is the doman sufix that you want added to a one word hostname

There are other configurations that you can set. However, these are the most needed that are provided by your dhcp server

You can probably get these items by running ifconfig when using the dhcp server, or from your isp/network provider


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user283469
    user283469 almost 2 years

    I have a problem setting the static IP on my Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS.

    When I:

    1. run sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces, then
    2. change dhcp to static, then
    3. I type address,netmask,network,gateway,dns-nameservers, then
    4. I try to ping a reliable website (e.g.

    I get an error in response like unknown host and sometimes destination unreachable.

    I also tried to connect through PuTTY, but that's only a local IP. What I actually need is a real IP (like this, so that I can connect through PuTTY (which I have on my laptop) and connect to port 22 on my desktop server which is open, but I am constantly getting an error like "Connection timed out" or "Connection refused".

    How can I resolve this problem?

    • cioby23
      cioby23 about 10 years
      Can you post the content of the /etc/network/interfaces file ? Also can you try to ping and post output ?
    • user283469
      user283469 about 10 years
      ok, so the output od /etc/network/interfaces file is address netmask gateway dns-nameservers so than i do sudo service networking restart and i get message stop:Job failed while stoping start:Job is already running : networking
    • cioby23
      cioby23 about 10 years
      ok if you ping or ping from your machine do you get any reply ?
    • cioby23
      cioby23 about 10 years
      I need more information so I can help. Is a router device in your LAN that connects you to the Internet? What type of connection do you have PPPoE, DSL, direct ? If you machine physical or virtual ?
    • user283469
      user283469 about 10 years
      i setup server on virtual machine .... is the address of router...just give me your e-mail and we can disscuss futher more and i can give you access to my local so you can help me configure that...Is that ok?
    • cioby23
      cioby23 about 10 years
      I do not know if it's ok to post an email address here.
    • user283469
      user283469 about 10 years
      can i write on your blog site and ask you question and post my e-mail so we can communicate?
    • cioby23
      cioby23 about 10 years
      If you are using a VM in VirtualBox for example go to Settings -> Network and make sure in the Attached to box you have selected Bridged adapter and the name of the interface is correct (e.g. eth0) as the one you use for your main PC to get to the Internet
    • cioby23
      cioby23 about 10 years
      yes you can write to me
    • user283469
      user283469 about 10 years
      i send a e-mail to you on your blog site...please check and inform me ...
    • wruckie
      wruckie about 8 years
      @user283469 Having the same trouble. Can you post more about how this situation turned out?
  • user283469
    user283469 about 10 years
    ok .. so when i do service networking restart i got this stop:Job failed while stoping start:Job is already running : networking Am i doing the right thing?
  • user283469
    user283469 about 10 years
    do i need to do service networking restart command or can i try /etc/init.d/networking restart ? I set my static ip like you described but with other parameters...
  • Abdul Kadir
    Abdul Kadir about 10 years
    Reboot your system and remove all entry from /etc/network/interfaces and Set manual ip address from terminal. sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask sudo route add default gw eth0 sudo vim /etc/resolve.conf nameserver nameserver try it.
  • user283469
    user283469 about 10 years
    i have done like you told me and now i get error trying to ping -> connect : Network is unreachable.
  • Abdul Kadir
    Abdul Kadir about 10 years
    Now go through this [link]‌​n.html this is the official site of Ubuntu
  • dyomas
    dyomas over 7 years
    Your router assigns dynamic IP thru DHCP, but a question is about static IP
  • 24601
    24601 over 7 years
    @dyomas That is exactly so but it is usually possible to reserve a static IP address for a specifically identified device in the DHCP table which correctly answers the op's question.