PXE Boot Server Installation Steps in Ubuntu Server VM


PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment, pronounced pixie)‬

See Wikipedia: PXE

How it works?

This is my understanding!


  1. Client machine is powered on. BIOS scans for devices. Then it follows by trying to load boot-loader from required device as listed in Boot Order/Sequence. It loads PXE from network card ROM.
  2. PXE (client side) broadcast a request for an IP. DHCP server reply with the required information: IP, Next Server IP (TFTP server IP), pxelinux.0 (PXE bootstrap loader file name), ...etc


  3. PXE (client side) requests pxelinux.0 file from TFTP server, loads it to RAM then passes control to pxelinux.0.

    pxelinux.0 gets boot configuration file from TFTP server with name as:
    (if it doesn't exist it tries with the next)

    • UUID
    • MAC
    • IP in Capital Hex
    • A portion of the IP
    • Drops to default file


  4. Either user choice or default menu entry. pxelinux.0 requests the corresponding kernel and RAMDisk from the TFTP server and loads them to RAM.

    Then passes boot parameters and control to the loaded kernel.


  5. Kernel loads the remaining parts from TFTP server or any other protocol server depending its features/properties.

    Parted_Magic_1.png Parted_Magic_2.png

Server Setup

There are many ways to setup PXE server, this is one of them.

These instructions were tested on Ubuntu 9.10 & Ubuntu 10.04 on a real machine. They should be still valid with only few changes may be. (Updated & Tested for Ubuntu 14.04 on VirtualBox , check edit revisions for old releases)

My target was PartedMagic 4.5, it should be similar to Ubuntu or any Linux distribution.

  1. Install DHCP & TFTP packages

        sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server openbsd-inetd lftp tftpd-hpa syslinux
  2. DHCP Setup

    • Edit /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server, Ethernet interface for DHCP service

    • Edit /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf‬ or /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf it does exist, DHCP service configuration

      PXE specific configurations: filename & next-server

      default-lease-time 600;
      max-lease-time 7200;
      subnet netmask {
          option subnet-mask;
          option routers;
          option broadcast-address;
          filename "pxelinux.0";
    • Setup a static IP for eth0, in my case using network manager for Desktop edition or /etc/network/interfaces for Server edition.

      auto eth0
      iface eth0 inet static

      Reinitialize the network interface:

      sudo ifdown eth0
      sudo ifup eth0
    • Re-start service

      sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart

      Check status

      netstat -lu


      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
      udp        0      0 *:bootpc                *:*                                
  3. TFTP Setup

    • Edit ‪/etc/inetd.conf, remove #<off># from the beginning of tftp line or add if it not there under #:BOOT: comment. (Skip this with systemd, 15.10 and later)

      tftp    dgram   udp wait    root    /usr/sbin/in.tftpd  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot
    • Enable boot service for inetd

      sudo update-inetd --enable BOOT
    • Start service

      sudo service openbsd-inetd restart
      sudo service tftpd-hpa restart

      Check status

      netstat -lu


      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State 
      udp        0      0 *:tftp                  *:*                          
  4. PXE boot files setup

    • Unzip pmagic-pxe-4.5.zip. If pxelinux.0 is not there, get it from sysliux-common package installed at /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0, Syslinux Project or Ubuntu Netboot Image.

      Put them in similar structure.

       |-- pxelinux.0
       |-- pxelinux.cfg/
       |   `-- default
       `-- pmagic/
           |-- bzimage
           `-- initramfs
    • Edit /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default, if needed example paths: pmagic/bzimage & pmagic/initramfs

      DEFAULT partmagic 
      LABEL partmagic 
          MENU LABEL PartMagic 4.5 
          KERNEL pmagic/bzimage 
          APPEND initrd=pmagic/initramfs edd=off noapic load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 rw vga=791 sleep=10 loglevel=0 keymap=us livemedia
    • Setup correct permissions

      sudo find /var/lib/tftpboot -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
      sudo find /var/lib/tftpboot -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

Client Setup

Change BIOS boot order for one time using F9 or F12, for permanent setup from BIOS configuration DEL,F2 or F12. (Depending on machine brand)

Move to the top: [PXE | NIC | LAN | Ethernet | Network].


  • inetutils-inetd or xinetd can be used instead of openbsd-inetd, some inetd steps are different.

  • TFTP root directory could be change from /etc/default/tftpd-hpa. Remember to update ‪/etc/inetd.conf too.

  • Many distribution support loading RAMDisk through many protocols: SSH(SFTP), SMB, NFS ... Example Ubuntu support NFS.

  • Some old network cards do not support PXE, iPXE (Ex. gPXE or Etherboot) can be used, either on floppy disk, USB drive, Harddisk (/boot partition) or even flash it to ROM (only few NIC supported). GRUB2 has module to support booting using PXE.

    See also Wikipedia: gPXE and ROM-O-matic.

  • Ubuntu Netboot Image from cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ provides installing Ubuntu from network and it will ask to download all required packages from the official mirror or a local one if you have one.

    Most users are looking for booting live image through PXE. This question was only to setup a PXE server. See Ubuntu Wiki: Installation - LocalNet

    Ubuntu NetBoot - Official archive mirror Ubuntu NetBoot - Custom/Local archive mirror

  • PXE Menu can be customized, best template to learn from is Ubuntu NetBoot. See Pxeboot Multiple image


  • memdisk can be used to load directly the ISO or floppy disk images through PXE. syslinux-common package has a copy. Client should have enough RAM to hold the image plus a portion for running the loaded OS.

    Configuration example:

    |-- FDSTD.144
    |-- memdisk
    |-- pxelinux.0
    |-- slitaz-cooking.iso
    |-- pxelinux.cfg
    |   `-- default
    `-- pmagic/
        |-- bzimage
        `-- initramfs


    DEFAULT partmagic
    LABEL partmagic
        MENU LABEL PartMagic 4.5
        KERNEL pmagic/bzimage
        APPEND initrd=pmagic/initramfs edd=off noapic load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 rw vga=791 sleep=10 loglevel=0 keymap=us livemedia
    LABEL slitaz
        MENU LABEL ^Slitaz.iso
        TEXT HELP
    Testing boot from iso.
        KERNEL memdisk
        APPEND initrd=slitaz-cooking.iso
    LABEL freedos_std
        TEXT HELP
    Testing boot from Floppy IMG.
        KERNEL memdisk
        APPEND initrd=FDSTD.144
  • PartedMagic packages were dropped from the official site after original developer decided to make it commercial, some releases could be found through torrent network. My answer here is a resume of first PXE setup that worked for me. Ubuntu Netboot Image should work with same instructions.


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Author by


Openstack Admin &amp; Linux System Admin

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Beginner
    Beginner over 1 year

    How can I install Ubuntu virtual machine using PXE boot server?

    I need the all the configurations details and what to change in the configurations files.

  • Beginner
    Beginner about 10 years
    Friends, Actually i am working on Pxeboot. I installed these packages in one virtual machine(Oracle Virtualbox), apt-get install nfs-kernel-server apt-get install tftpd-hpa inetutils-inetd apt-get install syslinux apt-get install isc-dhcp-server I edit the dhcpd.conf file and got the dhcp server running
  • Danduk82
    Danduk82 about 10 years
    @Sneetsher : Hi, I am using tftpd-hda, configured with default values. A netstat -lu | grep tftp shows it in listening mode. The /tftpboot folder is 777, however if I try to tftp> get pxelinux.0 it from the client I get always a tftp: pxelinux.0: Permission denied error. Do you have an idea to debug it? Thanks in advance.
  • user.dz
    user.dz about 10 years
    @Danduk82, /var/lib/tftpboot/ with 755 (default) should be ok. Check if pxelinux.0 have 644 or run sudo chmod -R +r /var/lib/tftpboot/ to make all its contents readable.
  • user.dz
    user.dz about 10 years
    @raju, I didn't get what you are pointing to. Did you find any specific problem the setup?
  • Danduk82
    Danduk82 about 10 years
    Hi, actually I have solved the problem: In fact I (stupidely) forgot to restart the DHCP service after adding filename "pxelinux.0"; ... no comment ;P ... thanks for your answer and for this great (and complete) answer. Cheers
  • Matthieu
    Matthieu about 7 years
    Where do you find the pmagic-pxe-xxx.zip?
  • user.dz
    user.dz about 7 years
    @Matthieu, You may find some releases through torrent network, the packages were dropped from the official site after original developer decided to make it commercial. Also you may use cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot if you are looking just to test or setup PXE for first time.
  • Matthieu
    Matthieu about 7 years
    @user.dz thanks, I saw you had to buy it, I thought there was a free alternative in the apt. Now I can boot on PXE.