python - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lock'


Instead of thread.lock use thread.LockType:

>>> import threading, thread
>>> mylock = threading.Lock()
>>> type(mylock)
<type 'thread.lock'>
>>> thread.LockType
<type 'thread.lock'>
>>> type(mylock) is thread.LockType

But it is preferable to use isinstance():

>>> isinstance(mylock, thread.LockType)
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • BeeLabeille
    BeeLabeille almost 2 years

    As part of my unit testing procedure i'm evaluating the type of a variable which has been returned from a certain method. The method returns a variable of type 'thread.lock' and I would like to test for this in the same way I test for variables of type 'str' or 'int' etc

    This is the example carried out in the python 2.7.6 shell

    >>> import threading, thread
    >>> mylock = threading.Lock()
    >>> type(mylock)
    <type 'thread.lock'>
    >>> type(mylock) is thread.lock
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
        type(mylock) is thread.lock
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lock'

    I expected it to return True as shown in the second example

    >>> myint = 4
    >>> type(myint)
    <type 'int'>
    >>> type(myint) is int

    Please any solutions on how to get around this will be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • BeeLabeille
    BeeLabeille about 9 years
    Thanks a lot Hugo Sousa. This solution works as well but I'll pick the answer given by @mhawke because yours came second. Cheers!
  • Diogo
    Diogo about 5 years
    Low-level thread API on Python 3.X is called _thread. So you can do import _thread and check type( _thread.LockType ) instead.