Python del on classes


The problem is that classes contain circular references back to themselves - so when they are deleted they are not easily collected - thus the __del__ method odf the metaclass is not called.

I could trigger it being called using Pypy's Python implementation, but not using cpython - either 2.6 or 3.2. And even to trigger that, I had to manually invoke the garbage collector - The Python environment at program exit is known to be full of inconsitencies, and the chances of the __del__ method being called while enough internal information on the class would exist to allow a sae shut down would be very slim.

Here is my Pypy session where I did trigger the call to the class' __del__

 ~]$ pypy                                                                                       
Python 2.5.2 (78826, Nov 29 2010, 00:18:05)                                                                       
[PyPy 1.4.0] on linux2                                                                                            
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.                                            
And now for something completely different: ``sorry, I'll teach the cactus how                                    
to swim later''                                                                                                   
>>>> import gc
>>>> class Meta(type):         
....    def __del__(cls):                          
....       print ("Arghh!!")                                              
>>>> class A(object):                                                                     
....   __metaclass__ = Meta                                                                                     
>>>> del A                                                                                                        
>>>> gc.collect()                                                                                                 
Author by


I am a Python, Java and C/C++ software developer. And that's all folks!

Updated on July 10, 2022


  • pajton
    pajton almost 2 years

    Lets assume we have a class in python:

    class A(object):
        def __del__(self):
            print "Del!"

    __del__ is called upon deleting/garbage collection of any A instance.

    Is is possible to do the same for a class? I would like to have some method called when the class itself is garbage collected, which I assume is being done at the script exit.

    Thanks in advance for any pointers!

    Edit: Just as I have expected, everyone is trying to drive me away from using this technique (I would probably make such a comment myself:)), though the question still stands: is it possible?

    I want to the the following: I have a class with a static member that needs to be cleaned.

    class A(object):
        class Meta(type):
            def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
                attrs['conn'] = sqlite3.connect( DB_FILE )
                return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
        __metaclass__ = Meta

    I would like A.conn.close() to be called, but just before the program closes - i.e. when I know that no more instances of A will be ever created. I know I can do this with atexit, but this just seems very ugly.

  • FunkySayu
    FunkySayu over 8 years
    And now for something completely different: "sorry, I'll teach the cactus how to swim later" It made my day. Thank you.