Python: skip comment lines marked with # in csv.DictReader


Solution 1

Actually this works nicely with filter:

import csv
fp = open('samples.csv')
rdr = csv.DictReader(filter(lambda row: row[0]!='#', fp))
for row in rdr:

Solution 2

Good question. Python's CSV library lacks basic support for comments (not uncommon at the top of CSV files). While Dan Stowell's solution works for the specific case of the OP, it is limited in that # must appear as the first symbol. A more generic solution would be:

def decomment(csvfile):
    for row in csvfile:
        raw = row.split('#')[0].strip()
        if raw: yield raw

with open('dummy.csv') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(decomment(csvfile))
    for row in reader:

As an example, the following dummy.csv file:

# comment
 # comment
a,b,c # comment
# comment


['a', 'b', 'c']
['1', '2', '3']
['10', '20', '30']

Of course, this works just as well with csv.DictReader().

Solution 3

Another way to read a CSV file is using pandas

Here's a sample code:

df = pd.read_csv('test.csv',
                 sep=',',     # field separator
                 comment='#', # comment
                 index_col=0, # number or label of index column
df.fillna('no value', inplace=True) # replace NaN with 'no value'

For this csv file:

#This is a comment

we will get this output:

       b   c     d   e
1    NaN  16   NaN  55
8   77.0  77   NaN  16
13  19.0  25  28.0  82
           b   c         d   e
1   no value  16  no value  55
8         77  77  no value  16
13        19  25        28  82

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Dan Stowell
Author by

Dan Stowell

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Dan Stowell
    Dan Stowell almost 2 years

    Processing CSV files with csv.DictReader is great - but I have CSV files with comment lines (indicated by a hash at the start of a line), for example:

    # step size=1.61853
    # adaptation finished

    The csv module doesn't include any way to skip such lines.

    I could easily do something hacky, but I imagine there's a nice way to wrap a csv.DictReader around some other iterator object, which preprocesses to discard the lines.

  • Duncan
    Duncan over 11 years
    That will read the whole file into memory. If it isn't too large then no problem, otherwise you might want to use a generator expression or itertools.ifilter().
  • Andy Mikhaylenko
    Andy Mikhaylenko over 10 years
    ...or a generator expression: csv.DictReader(row for row in fp if not row.startswith('#'))
  • The Aelfinn
    The Aelfinn about 6 years
    @Duncan no need for itertools in Python3.6, as filter() will return an iterator by default, therefore the file will not be loaded into memory.
  • Lacek
    Lacek almost 5 years
    pandas is indeed a powerful library, yet it is a dependency that require setup and learning to use. Moreover, the author had already stated in the question that he simply wanted to use the built-in csv.DictReader module and relevant answers were provided years ago already. I don't understand why you add this solution as an alternative.
  • Granny Aching
    Granny Aching almost 5 years
    The author of the question might not need pandas. But the purpose of this forum is more than just help each question's author with their specific problem.
  • Thibault Reuille
    Thibault Reuille about 4 years
    I believe you meant "yield row" not "yield raw" in the decomment() function. A CSV file can contain # characters in a string and it is perfectly valid.
  • sigvaldm
    sigvaldm about 4 years
    @ThibaultReuille: It is true that many CSV files can contain # in strings, although the CSV format is not well standardized. I meant yield raw. My suggestion would not deal with # in strings in any case.
  • sigvaldm
    sigvaldm about 4 years
    @ThibaultReuille: What you're pointing at is exactly why it is inadvisable to manually type a lot of code for something a library can do for you; you probably won't get all the details right the first time (for instance, you could also have newlines in strings), and it will take away time from the task you're actually solving. I consider my solution a quick fix for something that ought to have been in csv. If it would need considerable expansion to work for you, perhaps you should consider another csv library, for instance the one in pandas. Hope that helps.
  • sigvaldm
    sigvaldm about 4 years
    This will not work when comments follow at the end of rows, e.g., a,b,c # comment.
  • Micheal J. Roberts
    Micheal J. Roberts over 3 years
    @GrannyAching What exactly does .sort_index() achieve here? :)
  • Ulf Gjerdingen
    Ulf Gjerdingen over 2 years
    pretty sure @Andy Mikhaylenko's generator expression worked really well but it doesn't any more. what up? (Python 3.7.5)