"bin/rails: No such file or directory" w/ Ruby 2 & Rails 4 on Heroku


Solution 1

After struggling with this for a bit, I noticed that my Rails 4 project had a /bin directory, unlike some older Rails 3 projects I had cloned. /bin contains 3 files, bundle, rails, and rake, but these weren't making it to Heroku because I had bin in my global .gitignore file.

This is a pretty common ignore rule if you work with Git and other languages (Java, etc.), so to fix this:

  1. Remove bin from ~/.gitignore
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Commit your changes with git add . and git commit -m "Add bin back"
  4. Push your changes to Heroku with git push heroku master

Solution 2

I had this problem also since I upgraded to rails 4.0.0

Run this command

rake rails:update:bin

You can go here for more info https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails4

Solution 3

Steps :

  1. bundle config --delete bin # Turn off Bundler's stub generator

  2. rake rails:update:bin # Use the new Rails 4 executables

  3. git add bin or git add bin -f # Add bin/ to source control

  4. git commit -a -m "you commit message"

  5. git push heroku master

  6. heroku open

Solution 4

I had this issue because the permissions on my ~/bin directory were 644 instead of 755. Running rake rails:update:bin locally (on Mac/*nix) and then pushing the changes fixed the problem.

Solution 5

I had the very same problem that you did. The issue lied in the fact that the bin folder was never pushed to the heroku repository.

I looked, I looked, and then I looked again, there was no rule in the .gitignore file for the bin/ folder...

Then, after a lot of pain and anguish, I realized that a couple of months before I had created a global .gitignore that would ignore all bin folders of all my repositories (why lord, why??).

I deleted the global .gitignore, and everything worked fine.

Justin Garrick
Author by

Justin Garrick

Experienced IT executive, architect, and consultant with a unique blend of InfoSec, IT, and risk analysis expertise.

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Justin Garrick
    Justin Garrick almost 2 years

    While following the Rails 4 Beta version of Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial, my app fails to start on Heroku, but runs fine locally with bundle exec rails server. Checking heroku logs -t reveals the following error:

    $ heroku[web.1]: State changed from crashed to starting
    $ heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `bin/rails server 
    -p 33847 -e $RAILS_ENV`
    $ app[web.1]: bash: bin/rails: No such file or directory
    $ heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 127
    $ heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
    $ heroku[web.1]: Error R99 (Platform error) -> Failed to launch the 
    dyno within 10 seconds
    $ heroku[web.1]: Stopping process with SIGKILL

    If I heroku run bash and check the bin directory, I can see that there is not a rails executable:

    ~$ ls bin
    erb  gem  irb  node rdoc  ri  ruby  testrb

    What have I done wrong? I followed the tutorial exactly.